
Reborn as a devil fruit

Our dear young Mc like many others managed to get three wishes with the chance to go to another universe. However, he might have made a slight mistake in his wordings when he made his wishes, bringing him to a situation he clearly did not predict... P.S. I own nothing besides Mc and some stupid jokes I make. and yes, the jokes are necessary. I have no control over them . P.S.4 As I am a noob author, I would appreciate the feedback from you guys, and do tell me my mistakes. P.S.5 already warned you about the stupid jokes. yes, it starts from here. brace yourself!

Baldysalino · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Learning how to be a marine at Hogwarts 101

"WAKE UP PRIVATE HOGRID!" I was awoken by a loud shout, jumping up like a startled bird looking around to see what the hell was going on.

On top of my head was an angry face staring coldly into my eyes, he had black greasy hair and dark eyes. His lips were pressed together in a practiced manner, you could tell looking at his face that he was quite used to this angry expression. On his shoulders he had a white coat hanging, and underneath he had a black suit in contrast to his coat.

"I do not see what fleet admiral Dumblechair saw in you, Mr. Hogrid when he accepted you into the marine. Your performance so far has been nothing but a disappointment," he said while looking at my face with a disapproving frown forming on top of his eyes.

'THE HECK YOU MEAN?! AND WHERE THE HELL AM I?! AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!' I wanted to shout, but words were not coming out of my mouth.

"Sorry about that, Rear admiral Snaque." a deep voice came out of somewhere close to me, I looked around to see who said that, and to my surprise, it was me who said that!

Now wide awake from the previous slumber, I started to realize that I am not in my usual body. I was much taller and bigger than before, with unkempt hair and a small beard. I was wearing pink pajamas from top to bottom, which looked quite weird with my new caveman appearance.

On the bed I was on, a body pillow with a picture of an anime character could be seen showing that the body's original owner, Hogrid, was a man of culture.

"Get yourself together asap, and line up with the rest of the cadets. Do. not. Be. late. Am I making myself clear?" said Snaque with a condescending tone.

"Aye Sir!" answered Hogrid, bringing his hand up to salute him. Once again, I had no control whatsoever over this body.

As Hogrid started to move around hurriedly to clean up his surroundings, I had a chance to think about what was going on.

The last thing I remembered was being eaten by a Giant and dying. Did I get reincarnated again? But given that people around me are still part of the marine, I assume I am still in one piece, or at least an alternate version of it.

But how did it happen and why, I don't know. As Hogrid finally finished tidying things up, he bent down under his bed and dragged a suitcase out.

He opened it in a rush and I could see that in it he had a few sets of marine clothing. He hurriedly picked a set out and WAOH! Chill there mate! Now that's a snake I didn't want to see! They say morning wood, more like morning oak tree for this guy.

After the strip show finished, he finally got out to meet with the other cadets leaving me with mental scars. I wonder if they sell bleach around here? Need some strong stuff to clean the unholy fuckery I just saw.

"ALL IN LINE!" shouted a relatively old woman the moment Hogrid joined the line. One of the cadets next to me said "damn, Vice admiral Mcgoneball looks extra fine today. "

Hogrid grumbled "I will never get used to your weird taste in women Luckheart. '' while he shook his head in disappointment.

"I mean just look at her! She makes you go rawr, you get me?"

"No, and get awa' from me. I don' wanna catch yar weird habits!"

"Tsk, fine. Go stick with your pets then! I shall go to court beauties while you are stuck with that damn lizard."

"Oy! Harry is a good boy, he just lost his parents to a bloody pirate. they-"

Their conversation got cut off by Vice admiral Mcgoneball looking at them coldly and saying "Cadet Hogrid and Luckheart! Do you wish to continue the rest of your conversation while cleaning the toilets? If not, some silence would be appreciated."

Hogrid and Luckheart immediately closed and zipped their mouths without saying anything. The rest of the marine cadets snickered, knowing that they had the famous food of their chef, chipotle, the night before with extra beans and hot sauce so no one wanted to go clean the toilets.

During their conversation, I had gotten distracted, wondering why am I having this weird sense of familiarity all this time. I mean, there is just something so nostalgic about all these events…

Ah! That guy who ate me, didn't he also have a lizard pet named Harry? So strange, I got reincarnated with another guy who is also a giant and has a pet named Harry, with the same hairstyle and is also a marine…




This is the same guy, isn't he?

I am stupid, aren't I?

(A/N: ya bet.)

Though surprisingly, he looks younger. I wonder what he did to achieve that? Must be some damn good makeup products I say.

(A/N: sigh, *smacks forehead*)

Mcgoneball finally took her attention away from the pair of idiots and continued on "Pirates have started to move more actively in new world. It is suspected that a war will start brewing soon and they are gathering their forces for battle. Fleet admiral Dumblechair has commissioned you to investigate their activities. Those who bring good intelligence will be handsomely rewarded with merits."

The cadets became excited with this news and started shouting happily. This was a great chance for nobodies like them to go up in the hierarchy of ranks since they didn't have the support of world nobles.

"SILENCE! As I said, you will set sail tomorrow at dawn under the leadership of Commodore Flitdick. Dismissed! " The cadets saluted at her one last time and started to turn around and leave. Excitement was apparent in their eyes.

"I can finally make Fleet admiral proud and prove it wasn' a wrong thing to bring me to the marines! I'll show'm!" Hogrid said with determination.

"Hah! Fat chance, it shall be I Jilldory Luckheart who will achieve greatness! With this, Mademoiselle Mcgoneball will finally be mine!"

As all the cadets started saying their dreams and goals with this reward, at another location not so far away, a conversation was taking place.

"Are you sure about this Fleet admiral?! We will be sending all these cadets as a means of sacrifice to stop his forces only for a day or so?!"

"It is a matter of necessity, Snaque. It pains my heart to do so as well, but it is what we must do for the greater good." the man sitting in the chair replied calmly.

"Greater good of who? The world government who is sitting on their asses ordering us around like dogs?! I-"

"SILENCE! Do not go any further than this. Against the forces of Dark lord pirates, we cannot win without any sacrifices. Do you understand, Rear admiral Snaque?" he said firmly.

"As you wish, Fleet admiral Dumblechair." Snaque replied with a bitter face and left the office with his coat dangling around in a cool motion.

The man sitting on the chair, Dumblechair, sighed and leaned back against the chair while looking longingly at the ceiling.

"Just when did I go wrong with you my dear boy. You were so young and talented, you were supposed to destroy the pirates, not join them! Now, we must arrest you, the world's most heinous criminal. You even went to the extent of changing your name, as if to cut all ties with us. No matter." he paused for a second, and his eyes started to harden, getting cold. His bloodlust filled the whole room.

"As you have gone against my will, your end shall come soon, Vol D. mort!" Dumblechair said calmly.



Hehe. see what I did there with no nose baldy pedo's name there?

Anyways, that was all for this chapter folks! If you are worried it will continue getting mixed with the world of harry potter, don't this is only for a few chapters.

As usual, I would appreciate your comments about the story and tell me if you liked this chapter. If I get positive feedback from this, I might do this type of thing again in the future.

Happy new year everyone!