
Reborn as a Demonic Creature

A tale of a criminal's demise, For within loss and regret, hope may arise. In life's mysterious journey, redemption may unfold, A soul reborn, its destiny yet untold

oceansmith · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A criminal's Execution

A fragrant scent lingered in the dark, dusty room. It was the smell of a juicy steak, the kind that used to make my mouth water and my stomach rumble.

How long had it been since I had enjoyed a proper meal? I couldn't even remember...

But now, sitting alone at this cold, metal table, I found myself staring down at a plate that was supposed to be my last special meal. The steak was cooked to perfection; the juices seeping out, and the aroma filled the room. Beside it was a glass of icy cola, the bubbles fizzing and the condensation trickling down the sides.

It was a tempting sight, but for me, it held no allure!

I picked up my fork and knife, cutting a small, bite-size piece from the steak. Slowly, I brought it to my lips, hoping to savor the taste and experience some semblance of pleasure.

However, as soon as the meat touched my tongue, it might as well have been tasteless. The vibrant flavors that once danced upon my palate had now become muted, dull, and lifeless. I chewed and chewed, forcing myself to swallow, and washed it down with a gulp of cola.

Putting down my utensils, I just stared down at my plate, my thoughts swirling in a chaotic whirlpool of despair. This was my last meal, the final indulgence before my execution!

But what had brought me to this point? How had I become the criminal whose fate was sealed?

My mind wandered back through the years, reliving each moment, each choice I made, and my destiny that led me down this dark and treacherous path. I had once been a person with clean hands, untouched by any sin. But my circumstances had twisted my path, leading me astray. And following this twisted path, I became a criminal and a murderer.


As I was cursing my destiny and pondering my life choices, the heavy door swung open with a clang, and a muscular man dressed in military attire entered the room. He approached me with a heavy step, his movements precise and controlled. With a slight force, he tightened the restraints around my wrists, linking them together with a chain. Without a word, he gestured for me to follow him towards my execution spot, and I obediently fell into step behind him.

Each step I took now, walking down the dark prison corridor, felt like a burden too heavy to bear. My legs trembled, my heart pounded, and I struggled to catch my breath. I had thought I was ready for this moment, but the truth is, I was not!

The journey to my execution was a surreal one. I felt as though I were floating, detached from the world around me. My mind was consumed by the memories of a life I had once known, a life that now seemed distant and unreal. Each step I took echoed with the weight of my sins, and my soul grew heavier with each passing moment. Finally, we arrived at the execution chamber.

The atmosphere was heavy with tension, with a palpable sense of finality hanging in the air. As I stepped into the open space, a person emerged, their face shrouded in shadows.

They approached me, their eyes devoid of mercy, pushing me towards the awaiting gallows. I was a murderer, about to face the consequences of my actions.

A silence fell…

The oppressive silence weighed heavily on my shoulders, suffocating any lingering hope. Just as the hour drew to a close, the tolling of the bell announced the end of my hour. As the mournful sound echoed through the chamber, I felt the noose tighten around my neck, a cold reminder of my imminent fate.

Unknowingly, a single tear escaped my eye, tracing a path down my cheek. In that fleeting moment, memories of my life and unfulfilled dreams flashed through my mind.

My vision began to blur, and my consciousness seemed to waver, as if it were about to flicker out of extinction. And the last thought I had was regret—regret of dying young and living an unfulfilled life.


Author's Note:

Besides my passion for writing, I am a full-time corporate employee trying to make ends meet. It gets hectic sometimes.

I do not have a proofreader as I cannot afford it. If you find any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or any sentence that do not make sense, please leave a comment in that paragraph, so I can fix it and help readers have the best experience.

All suggestions are welcomed with open arms.
