

Sitting on a bench located at the side of a tall bridge was Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Megumi, and Itadori Yuuji.

"Umm... where exactly is this curse supposed to be?" Nobara, unable to bear the silence, sparked a conversation.

"I don't know. I haven't felt even a trace of the curse" Megumi replied tiredly.

"Really? Are we going to have to start over from the beginning?"

"We can't spend too much time in one place. This is an infamous paranormal area and we are looking at a 100 percent death rate. We can't afford to let more people die." Yuuji said, grimly.

A brief moment of silence passed before a voice called out for Megumi.

Turning their attention to the voice, they identified him as one of Megumi's former classmates.

"My sister wanted to talk to you about Moritoshi's death" Megumi's classmate, a boy with a large black pomade, said

"Eh? What did you want to talk about?"

"My brother told me how you guys were investigating Moritoshi's death and Yasohachi bridge, so I thought it was a coincidence"

"What do you mean?"

"I meant that there is a connection between the two. I...during my second year of junior high...I went to Yasohachi bridge at night with two of my upperclassmen. Oh Megumi, one of them was Tsumiki."

Megumi's pupils shrunk as his arm trembled.

Soon after they left, Megumi whipped out his phone and called Ijichi.

"Ijichi, how is my sister doing right now?"

"Pardon? She hasn't changed much since you last saw her. May I ask why?"

"Nothing, can you come pick up Nobara and Yuuji?"

"I'll be right there"

Soon, Ijichi came and picked them up before leaving.

Now alone, Megumi ran down towards the foot of the bridge. Once there, he took a deep breath before taking a step under the bridge.

"You know, we were following you this entire time, but you didn't notice," A voice came out from behind.

Megumi flinched before sighing and looking back.

There, Yuuji and Nobara were standing, smirking.

"If it makes you feel better, we still have those balls that Inei gave us".

Megumi sighed yet another time before turning around and walking forward.

Immediately, their surroundings changed into that of a rocky cavern. Multiple grade-3 cursed spirits were crawling around. One Grade-1 curse was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Just as the trio was about to engage with it, they felt a faint trepidation of danger from behind. Immediately, all three dodged to the side.

A hunchbacked monster, twice the size of Toudou, had smashed through a cavern wall.

"Are you guys going to play with me?" A drop of blood trickled down from the side of its orifices.

"Megumi, Nobara, leave this guy to me!" Yuuji said while channeling his cursed energy into his fists.

Grunting in agreement, Megumi started to attack the Grade-1 curse, while Nobara started cleaning up the small fries. Suddenly, Nobara was dragged into a hole, which then disappeared after a short while.


Megumi went on to make short work of the curse before he realized something.

"This isn't the one. It isn't nearly strong enough," Megumi thought.

Suddenly, he had an epiphany.

"People started getting cursed around June... the fingers!"

"Jijiji" A tall and white humanoid figure trotted out from the shadows, a wide grin on its face.



"So what did you want?" Maki asked.

"Hit me," Inei replied.


"Does there have to be a reason?"


"I have a secret. Actually, I'm... a... masochist. That's right. I didn't want to have to tell you like this, but you left me no choice."

Without another word, Maki spread out her legs, winded up her fist, before putting her full force into a right hook, hitting Inei right in the jaw. Almost comedically, Inei flew a few dozen meters and fell face first onto the ground.

Dazed for a few seconds before his regeneration kicked in, Inei slowly picked himself off the ground. Maki walked up to him with a smirk on her face.

"Do you want another one? I quite liked the feeling."

"No no, I'm fine. Haha, haha, ha..." Inei said before running away as quickly as humanly possible, or is it as spiritly as possible?

'So getting hit by someone with a Heavenly body doesn't give me a heavenly body. I might have to assimilate someone with it. But where would I find one? I don't think the Zenin clan has many that haven't left'

'Wait! If I remember correctly, there was a lady that could revive the dead. Maybe I could get one that way! Yet another thing to add to the list.'

Inei had realized, the sorcerer community and humans in general would never accept him. He could be a kind and gentle fairy, but that wouldn't change that, at the end of the day, he was a cursed spirit, and they were humans. They could get along, but they weren't the same.

They were cats and he was a dog. At the rate Inei was currently going, they would turn on him after they had their fill, just like how a cat would play with someone right before pouncing on them and gouging their eye out.

So, Inei figured, if they wanted to use him, he would use them. Using his knowledge of the near future, he would take all the opportunities he could possibly acquire and become the strongest.

Of course, he wouldn't kill every person with even a hint of power and assimilate them. He would only attack those who deserve it, unless he has no choice. Inei would never let go of that last remaining shred of humanity he had left.

In this way, he would take the strength of others and steadfastly grow stronger until eventually, no one, not even Gojou Satoru, can match him.


More frequent updates coming soon.