
Reborn as a Cursed Spirit

Hajime Inei, a writer as well as a coward, had been reborn into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. There was just one problem, he was now a cursed spirit. Determined to stay alive, he shuts himself in his domain, passing the time by reading manga and watching anime. Unfortunately, that didn't go as expected. ------- Also, if you haven't watched the Jujutsu Kaisen anime or manga, I suggest you do so. After the School Festival arc it will go in a different direction, so anime watchers don't have to be too worried about getting spoiled. ------- Cover is not mine. All rights go the original owner. If you want me to take it down, just tell me.

BooboboBoa · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Copy Paste Memories

As Inei expected, Yuuji woke up just an hour later.

"Inei-kun, keep quiet about Yuuji's revival, please~" Gojou clapped his hands together and asked.

"Sure thing, as long as you let me do one thing to Yuuji"

"Hmmm, as long as you don't hurt him, sure."

Quickly, Inei lightly tapped Yuuji's glabella with his index claw, creating a small flash of light.

"Alright, I'm done."

When one makes a vow concerning the mind, it takes a little time to come into effect. When Inei activated his mind powers, the memory was still in the process of being sealed, thus he copied it and stored it in his mind before it could be completely sealed. He now had two options: give the memory to Yuuji immediately, or tell Gojou before pasting it back into his brain later.

After mulling over it, he decided that the second option was best. It would allow him to curry favor with Gojou and it would result in Yuuji's character development during the Mahito arc.

"Is that it?"


"Alright then, go to Megumi and Nobara to meet the second years."





"Are you a panda?"

"Panda is not a panda"

'Ah, he said it! He said the thing!'

"I'm a cursed spirit, but am also not one"

"Ahh, a fellow brother"

"Come here ma brotha"

Nobara who was watching the two 'bond' whips out a rubber mallet and smacks Inei.

"Be respectful, idiot!"

Although she was restrained when she first saw Inei, after she heard he was less than 4 months old, she started to become more casual with him. Inei, who had spent 4 months underground with no human interaction other than anime and manga, had welcomed this with open arms.

"Tuna, tuna"

"Alright, lets go," Maki said.

Inei followed her with stars in his eyes. Maki had always been one of his favorite characters. Without any cursed energy, she could easily exorcise Grade-2 curses. He also admired that she had left the discriminatory Zenin family so that she didn't have to be under them.

In addition, it was said that apart from Yuuji, Maki was one of the most physically strong jujutsu sorcerers. Inei wanted to see how strong he was in comparison, and find ways to improve.

Although he could easily defeat Grade-1 cursed spirits, that was only with his nighttime mode boosting his physical prowess and cursed energy. If you compared the stats, Inei would be 50 percent weaker than his base form in the daylight. In the absence of light, he would be 3-4 times stronger.


"Inei, how do you usually fight," Maki asked.

"In a frontal battle, I confuse the opponents senses before attacking with my claws. Against large groups of enemies, I twist their visions so that they attack their allies," Inei said while flexing his claws.

"Hmm, my claws are still better," Panda said as he showed off his.

"Eeeh? My claws are longer and sharper. Humph, your claws have nothing on these bad boys."

"Ha! Since they are longer, they must break more easily! Mine are much more reliable"


Panda was always the most inhuman one, so when Inei came, it felt like he had someone to compete traits with.

Inei, on the other hand, had already accepted his new body. It wasn't like he could change it, so why bother yearning for human attributes.


It had been a couple of weeks since he first met the second years, but Inei had found several ways to get stronger. The others had interesting ideas on how he could use and train his abilities. He had also thought of ways of training the abilities that he didn't reveal.

Toudou and Mai had dropped by to taunt the group sometime earlier in the week, but Inei had gone out to eat. He had been saddened, as he wanted to see Toudou in action, but seeing Megumi beaten up did cheer him up.

Currently, he was in his room, meditating. He remembered from the manga that channeling cursed energy from the navel out is inefficient at higher levels. But that was only for humans. He didn't know how other cursed spirits channeled cursed energy, but it had always been a bit difficult for him. He had tried doing the exercise that Gojou made Yuuji do, but it didn't do much. It actually did the opposite, as it alerted Gojou to his presence.

He did remember what Toudou told Yuuji during the School Festival arc, "We exist in this world with our entire mind, body, and soul as one whole", but he didn't know what that meant. Honestly, when he first read this part, it felt like the kind of bullsh*t one would hear from a scam lama. He couldn't understand what this meant.

So, on his last legs, Inei started to meditate. Maybe calming down and focusing could result in a breakthrough.

Today, however, he felt something strange around him. As he focused on them, he felt his surrounding twist and twirl around him before disappearing, leaving him floating, surrounded by emptiness.

He opened his eyes and immediately felt a myriad of sensations, as if he had several new hands.

'Meditating worked?'

He tried moving his 'hands' and several orbs of darkness came out of the shadows and floated in front of him.

As he tried to manipulate them, one of the orbs elongated before forming the rough outline of a sword and hardening.

Smirking as he grabbed the sword, he smirked.

"Heh, this is pretty cool"

Short chapter today.

I was actually wondering why people didn't like Boruto. People say that it was because of the nerfing that the author did to his character and the plot holes, but that doesn't make much sense to me. After all, Naruto is full of plot holes and inconsistent power levels.

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