
Chapter 2: Found My wielder immediately I was Reborn.

"W....What the fuck is happening here". I asked myself as I saw a huge gathering of people. I tried to move but I was unable to do so.

" Wait I remember I was reincarnated into another world so..... what now I think I have a system so I should have a status". immediately I think of the status a pop up appears in my mind.


[Name: Diana Cruz]

[Age : 1day]

[Race: Intelligent item]

[Type: Cloak (White)]

[Level: 000/100]

[Rank: 1]

[ Magic rank: 10]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 300/300]

[Physical: 100]

[Mental: 100]

[Spiritual: 100]

[Unique skill: Will of existence]

[Skills: Telekinesis(1), Telepathy(1), Gluttony(1), magic sense(1), appraisal, healing(1)]

[Affinities: Knowledge, Celestials, chaos]

[Titles: Goddess of Runes]

"I got reborn as a cloak okay not what I expected but hey who am I to complain. My abilities seem pretty okay". I look around my current location. I was within a glass case and I was in some sort of museum there were a lot of rich looking people walking around looking at the different items on display and I happen to be one of them.

" I might as well begin practising some of my abilities while I figure out my next move. I'll start with telekinesis ". I scan the area around me until I saw at the far end of the museum like structure a man beating some poor kid most probably slaves.

" So there are slaves in this world as well good good I can fulfill one of my many fantasies, but first let's help them out shall we". Using my telekinetic ability I redirected the stick in the mans hand towards his crouch and it hits right on target making the man flinch before falling to the ground hands tucked between his legs and he losses consciousness, maybe I hit it to hard anyways, I notice a girl with a pair of black cat ears and a long black tail curled up on the floor bleeding from the harsh beating she had to endure.

"She's a cutie I want her". deciding it was wise to kidnap er.... I mean liberate her from her slave traders I proceeded to establish a telepathic connection with the girl.

" Hi there are you alright you look pretty beat up". hearing this the girl flinched and began looking around to find the owner of the voice but failed to do so.

"I'm over here to your right in that glass casing ". the girls eyes finally zero in on my location and her eyes widened in shock, well who wouldn't be when a piece of cloth is talking to you. She hesitates for a bit before limping over to my position.

" You have ruby red eyes damn you're cute as hell". the girl blushed when she heard this. I use my healing on her to heal her wounds.

"T.....Thank you ". the girl manages to say with a rose red face.

" Hey why are you blushing so hard from just a complement ".

" Ah w...well n...no one has ever called me cute before, it's usually 'TRASH', 'HYBRID FREAK', 'BASTARD' or 'CUNT'". On hearing this I was enraged how could such a cute little girl be insulted so baselessly.

'Ah let's see her status shall we'. I thought to myself before using my appraisal skill on her.


[Name: Alicia]

[Age : 12years]

[Race: multi hybrid (+)]

[Level: 5]

[Magic rank: 2]

[HP: 800/800]

[MP: 500/500]

[Physical: 500]

[Mental: 250]

[Spiritual: 100]

[Unique skill: Supreme Body]

[ Skill: Endurance (10), Pain Conversion (6), Absorb(2)]

[Affinities: ~~~]

[Title: Survivor]

" This is good enough for me ". I concentrate on her race section and the pop up changes


{Black Cat(2)}



{Spider kin(unawakened)}

" Kid I'm gonna free you from those slave traders but you have to follow my instructions is that clear". using telekinesis I destroy her slave collar, wasn't going to let such an opportunity go, she's so damn powerful and since they can't see that well I guess I'll take her away.

After giving Alicia some instructions she moves to execute them and it turns out she's really good and picking pockets. she took the wallets of two noble men and puts them into that of a guards pocket and of course when they realised that their wallets were stolen they used tracking magic to trace it to this poor unfortunate guard and they immediately caused a commotion that attracted everyone to them.

" I'm sorry poor guard but you sacrifice will be remembered ". seeing that no one was watching I began my part. I use Telekinesis to remove the front of the glass case then I applied telekinesis to my body and I began to float, I swiftly glided towards the entrance of the museum and I meet up with Alicia.

" You made it I'm glad ". Alicia excitedly runs to me and I rest on her.

' System make this girl my wielder'. I commanded my system and it begins the process as Alicia heads out of the town.

[Process completed]

[Entity 'Alicia' has been appointed as wielder]

" Say Alicia where are we going ". I ask as I see us entering a cave structure.

" well we can't stay there anymore they'd realise soon that you're missing and begin looking for you and.....". she hesitates before going on.

" My parents told me of a secret location in this very cave. they said if I ever decide to explore the world I should come here so I figured it would be best to check it out now since I never got the chance as a slave". she concluded immediately we arrive at a dead end.

" er..... it's a dead end maybe you missed it ".

" No it's here ". Alicia bites her finger until she starts bleeding then she rubs her bloody finger on the wall and it vanishes.

" ah what was that the wall just vanished ". I look at Alicia's face and see that she's gloomy so I kept quite.

" Mrs cloak I just realised I didn't get your name ". Alicia decides to break our awkward moment of silence.

" I'm Diana nice to meet you ".

" same here I'm Alicia ". she finally decides to go into the hidden path after our introduction. she walks in and it closes behind us.

" So Alicia do you have any idea of what could be in here".

" Not really all they told me is that I'll find all I need to survive in the world". After walking for a while we reach the end of the pathway and what stood in front of us was incredible.

" This is so beautiful ". we arrived in some sort of subspace where we stood in a grassy land scape. There were different creatures moving around the subspace and some buildings as well.

{Subspace run detected}

{Passive rune detected}


" That must be an ability of my title looks like I can detect any type of rune used in my surroundings". Alicia heads to one of the buildings with a label lounge.

" Heh Alice keep your guard up we don't know what's in there ". I cautioned Alicia as she heads into the lounge.

" I've got it ". Alicia answers immediately going into fight mode with a stern look on her face.

' Yikes someone remind me not to get on her bad side that look along can cause a someone a heart attack'. I thought to myself seeing her expression although it does make her look cute I'd rather not take my chances.

After searching the entire lounge we came across some sort of control panel. Alicia places her still bloody finger on the panel.

" What now ". I asked seeing nothing happen.

" Welcome to EDEN lady Alicia ". A girlish voice rings out from behind us and as we turn we see a holographic projection of a girl with dark blue hair and eyes, slender body and a petite figure.

" Who are you ". Alicia took the initiative to question the girl as I stare....I mean observe every inch of her body.

" I am the virtual evolutionary response assistant or VERA for short and I am in charge of your training ". the girl VERA says before staring straight at me.

" And it seems I will need to include the training of an intelligent item as well ". VERA smiles as I stare at her in shock, no one should be able to tell I'm an intelligent item from a single glance. I look at Alicia and I see tears dripping down from her face.

" He really did it, Papa really did it ". Alicia unleashes a wave of tears as she remembers her parents, VERA hugs her and I stay quite as I wondered on something very important.

' How the heck is she making contact isn't she a hologram this make no sense ". While I was lost in my thoughts Alicia and VERA get along.

" Diana we should start with our training according to VERA we'll need to train until we reach at least fifty percent perfection before we can leave " . Alicia tells me and we decide to begin our training.

" Well then are you both prepared, this training will break every piece of bone in your body then reform it into the perfect and ideal one I hope you last till the end ".

" WAIT WHAT !!! ". and that's how Alicia and I began our torture training issued to us by VERA.


[A/N: I've finally completed chapter 2 but I won't be able to write for sometime due to my examinations. I apologize for the inconvenience and I promise I'll continue writing once the exam is over. Until next time 'peace'.]