
What am I.... to a GOD


I was nothing.

What stood before me was everything, all alternate timelines, and even alternate realities. Several images filled my head as I was being shown this... this anomaly. World's where galan of Taa died due to cosmic radiation, before he could fly into the sentience of the universe and become the god like being known as Galactus.

World's where, the Celestials had decided to not tamper with human evolution and instead, reset the Earth meaning that powerful beings such as Owen Reece and the Sentry never came to be along with many other heroes. And then I saw...

Pure destruction

I now saw, entire universes being obliterated. Not in a big explosion, not in a bright flash of light. They were just gone. Entire realities, blinking out of existence as if they were never meant to be, as if their entire universe was erroneous. A single thought raced through my mind, 'Who would be capable of pulling off such feats without a sense of guilt and remorse'.

Like a kid seeing their dads belt about to make impact, I froze in shock daring myself not to take another move or even bother charging up my anti matter. What had caused this sudden change in me? It was like the very building blocks of reality, beckoned me to halt in my footsteps. No not just that it was as if the multiverse it self had commanded me to yield.

''N^*%\|'' I couldn't even recognise my own scream, as I grasped my head, scanning my mind for any break throughs within my mind. Non-existent tears began to run down my armour once again in this chaotic life of mine, I feared my own morality. And then... it stopped.

And then, I saw him. I saw it in all it's glory. He sat there before the creation, and very destruction of entire universes. Pure golden skin. A blue glowing light, so bright that I had to raise up my hands as I began to have trouble seeing. I wanted to turn my head as it was becoming too much to bear.

I continued, to study him. On his head he wore a purple drape that covered his two faces, leaving all but one part of his face exposed he wasn't even staring at me, yet I could still see his 2 glowing eyes watching me. Watching everything. Was this omnipotence? I shouldn't be surprised, after all he was the....

Living Tribunal.

The light emanating from his body, grew brighter and brighter and I myself began to become enveloped in it. I looked up again to see that I was back in space. I looked around to see that the galaxy that had become a casualty in my fight, with the fallen Celestial. All of my previous injuries, had disappeared but that was the least of my worries.

What I had just experienced was far greater than everything I had ever felt. Why had I been shown this? The Living Tribunal, is a singular being, throughout the entire multiverse yet he had appeared to me. Had he realised, that I was an anomaly, an aberration that should have never existed within this universe?

I had no answer. The space around me, began to curl and distort as I called my ship towards me.

????? POV:

Flying through space, so fast that they passed through entire galaxies, within the blink of an eye. They passed through entire stars, and remained unaffected by the gravitational pulls of a black hole. These feats, did not even register within their minds, as they had one function to carry out.

Was to investigate the erasure of galaxy? No. Such things were below these 5 as they had lived for eons. mission, was to investigate what had happened to the matter that should have been displaced and go out into the universe, to form a star or maybe new life as balance should be maintained. With destruction there should always be creation, yet the mass and energy that accompanied the galaxy, was simply gone.

It didn't go anywhere it was just gone. However they, had quickly come to a conclusion. Their host had sent them to exterminate the being that was capable of such destruction.

It was their sacred duty as Celestials, and they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.