
I was banished?

Juno Pov

















STRENGHT: 8000000

Juno pov

I looked down at the, battlefield many mortals had fallen, millions had perished. Was it enough? No. The anger over loss of my new born planet, still remained in my heart. Or whatever organs celestials have. I looked back up, at the skyfathers, still not making a move. What was there plan?


Odin's pov: The battle, had not been in our favour. How long were we fighting. It felt like this battle, had only been going on for hours maybe days, but I knew in reality years had passed, centuries or thousand upon thousand, of years. But soon, it would be over. Soon our enchantment would be ready, it would allow us to seal the Celestial, into a dimension outside of this universe. Hopefully for the rest of eternity.

Many of our soldiers, had fallen. Was it necessary? Yes. It would be the ultimate price for us to pay in order, for us to keep our position of leading our pantheons. Never mind that, it was time.

Odin: Ready?

Zeus: Yes

Shiva: Yes


Juno pov:

I noticed something, I didn't know what to call it. I sensed them readying their magic energies with their palms, stretched out towards. There was another pick up in energy levels. I looked, up into the sky and saw it. It was an abyss. Not like the kind you'd seen in face. It was true darkness. The ground beneath me, began to erupt with thousands of debris, flowing upwards through the abyss and into the portal.

Then I felt it, it's pull I found myself being lifted upwards. What was this, it didn't apply to the rules of gravity, to the rules of the very universe itself. Before, I could even cling onto something to stop it's pull, it was too late. I was inside it, the last thing I saw were the dammed skyfathers. Still in the same position, but with a hint of superiority in their faces.

Sky fathers pov:


I has been done. The war has been won. We could finally rest free of the Celestial menace. Peace had been restored.

Juno pov:

It was cold, dark. I couldn't stay here. I could still make it out but my chances of escaping were decreasing, as each passing moment, I could feel the seal becoming incredibly stronger and stronger. I pushed my arms into the.... well what ever this thing was, and called upon my cosmic power, and blasted it full force into the breach. Something was wrong, it wasn't destroying the seal it was making it stronger. My energy was being absorbed by the seal. It was too late.

My only chance of escape was gone. I felt the cold embrace of the abyss. Was this, what it felt like to die for a second time? No, I couldn't let this happen after everything that happened. My journey all the way, up to this point. I could not let it go to waste. Then I realised.

I had the power to harness anti matter. Ever since it's awakening, ever since I had placed a portion, inside the infinity stone, I had a connection with it. Even though now faint, I could feel it on the over side.

It still remained in my....

Odin's pov:

The war, had been won. All that remained of the cosmic being was it's scythe where he had left it, It was as tall as mountain you'd see on Earth or Asgard. And there, I could see it the infinity stone it had created. And it was mine for the taking. I grew to my supreme size and approached the celestials weapon, I could feel the power that it was emitting. It was something I had never seen before.

Juno pov:

It was time, I once again lifted my arms into the.... wtf should I call this shit. Anyway, I now harnessed the anti matter and sent it into all directions, maybe I could get a signal? Something that would allow me to return to the universe. Then I found it. Damp, but a sliver of weakened energy used to form the seal. I took this as a chance, and refocused all my energy into the seal. The very space itself, began to crack with a white light that travelled throughout the space.

Was that the entrance to heaven or to hell? (Fuck too much english creative writing)

The light, then hit me and pulled me further and further. It was time. I felt myself being drawn back into the reality. Back to my scythe. Suddenly, I heard what seamed to be an explosion. I opened my eyes and saw that I had clenched my scythe and that my stone, was glowing red. I looked up and saw. Him. Odin, as we locked eyes I could instantly see him grow pale. He tried to let go of the scythe. I wouldn't allow it. I covered my fist in antimatter and punched him in the jaw, with what ever in it's way being erased.

I looked at the skyfathers, this time they had stood from their thrones.

It was time for judgement.

A/N: I wan't to apologize as I feel like this chapter, has not been my best one. I just wanted to upload something, to keep you guys entertained. I hope you understand the troubles of having alot of school work, please forgive me for this ch and have a good night