
Similarly Unscrupulous

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xu Xianghu, Gu Yuehan, and Yueze felt like crying.

Xu Xianghu was so close to doing a handkerchief dance. "Sob sob sob sob… Boss, you can't leave us behind…"

His voice was cold, pitiful, depressing, tear-jerking, and made everyone who heard it feel his pain.

Si Yiyan couldn't be bothered with how "sentimental" the voice calling out behind him sounded. For him, it was all sunny and positive for him right now, so much so that even he didn't realize how light his footsteps were.

He arrived at the living room devoid of Wen Xinya.

Si Yiyan made his way to the kitchen habitually. Indeed, he saw the person that he was missing, clad in an apron and washing her hands in preparation to make tonic soup for him.

Emotions overwhelmed him as he couldn't help but sneak up on her and hug her from behind. "What are you going to make?"

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