
Urok's Training-2

Something's different

I can smell it

And it wasn't there before

While I was trying to find new pery for urok, I suddenly caught a scent that isn't suppose to be here something I've never smelled before but my body is acting strangely ever since.

But what is it?

I don't know its like I'm trespassing something that's not suppose to be here as like my mind's telling me to devour it.

I have developed a habit of going after new prey but my body was never so hostile towards it like an urge to only eat but to get rid off.

I asked urok about the scent and he replied he only smell wolves but i've taken down wolves before and this one's different, more dangerous then anything I have felt before and this was just the result of its scent heck I don't even want to find out the actual creature.

I left the area and made a mental mao of the area to never wander there.......yet.

I told urok that he needs to be stronger himself and not just rely on me as I don't want him to always wait for me to come to his aid. I wanted him to fend for himself and for that I needed to find stronger beast for him to take on. But if he fails to defeat them then i'll help him because the pact made us connected in a way and I can sense his emotions to a minor extent and they contain awe, respect and something i've experienced when I was a human but I lost the exact word for it.

We reached an open grassland with tall grass perfect for ambushing. I got my sights on a type of boar almost as big as a bicow with 4 tusks, grazing peacefully.

So I decided to end there peace >:]

We waited for anyone who'll get a little separated from the heard and then we targeted one. As it continued to graze like it had no worries in the world, Urok threw his spear with deadly precision as his "Basic Spearmanship " turned to intermediate granting him greater control over it.

The spear pierced the boar eye ending its life in an instance

[Ding: Servant Urok reached the threshold required to initiate evolution consume 5 intermediate tier creatures to evolve]

Yes finally we're getting somewhere but the problem is that it said Urok needs to consume intermediate tier creatures and we were only hunting the low tiered ones. There's a considerable gap between each tier in terms of strength But most importantly intelligence.

Regular beasts like normal cows dogs were not even given tier but beasts like direwolfs, bicows and giant boar were low tiered. Monsters like trolls, were-beasts and ogres were intermediate tier, while giants, dragons etc where high tier.

Sure creatures can increase their rank through evolution but its usually very time consuming. That's when the tier system ends, sure there are higher tiers but reaching them is only through one's own effort and mostly dragons or giant basilisks reach those level. Even giants that reach those level aren't to be messed with. What's worse a giant who could kill you by stepping on you or a giant who can trow a lightning bolt the size of a mansion at you. As many higher tiered creature are considered gods.

Hey system why can't I feed weaker beasts to urok for his evolution as I need to eat 100 creatures to evolve and there is no mention of any tier?

[Host's different as his specie is something completely different then other specie, its an unique specie only certain individuals posses and those individuals aren't very common]

It went on

[For urok at his current strength, he'll take 1.5 year to evolve naturally but due to the servant pact he can evolve relatively faster through consuming flesh of certain beasts]

Yea i'm not waiting 1.5 year

We're pretty deep into the forest and there should be plenty of high ranked beasts as I myself am a medium tiered creature.

We continued our search until we found something that can only be described as a goblin twice as ugly but 5 times as big.

[Race: Troll ]

[Gender: Male ]

[Strength: Herculean ]

[Endurance: Herculean ]

[Dexterity: Very Low ]

[Mind: Stupid ]

[Traits: Regeneration ]

What stood before us was a greyish giant uglier goblin about 5 meters tall with giant muscles and thick hide.

Certainly fits the description of a troll

Embodiment of "Big and Stupid".

If not only its ridiculously high stats were enough it posses the advanced proper version of my minor regeneration making it virtually unkillable.

Only fire and acid could deal a fatal blow to a troll and I didn't possessed any magic yet.

But even a troll cant regenerate forever because it'll run out of stamina mankind it possible to kill it with a special sort of weaponry as normal metal weapons won't even scratch its hide.

I could just- the troll let out a loud growl sending vibrations and birds could be seen flying out of a nearby tree.

Yea its definitely hungry which is a good thing as it won't have much stamina so its regeneration would be compromised.

That still doesn't reduce its threat as it has claws which can probably one urok so told him to stay back and let me handle it.

As Urok's evolution doesn't state that he needs to kill the beasts himself but just to consume there flesh.

Now on to the fighting part, I cant recklessly attack it as herculean level of strength is one of the highest level a normal intelligent specie like beastkin or elves etc can reach. My presence isn't affecting it at all as maybe its too stupid to realise what he's facing or maybe due to its level of strength just nullified my aura. It probably looks down on me as its nearly twice my size and thinks i'm an easy prey.

Damned bastard is walking towards me casually like I did to the orks, but I stood still and the moment it reached and arm toward me I jumped straight up and landed on its back.

I ravenously began clawing at his neck trying to take off his head, it can probably regenerate but it'll buy me some time to think of something else.

My claws pierced his hide but not deep enough as he reached his lift arm out and managed to grab my left arm.

(It was a battle of left arms XD )

And flung me towards a tree ripping my arm out.

I crashed into the tree's trunk visibly denting it. Black blood oozed out of my body form where my arm should've been but it didn't hurt and the bleeding was lesser and lesser with each passing second but the wound didn't close revealing my putrid flesh underneath.

The troll somehow amused by this had a disgusting smile on his face officially granting him the title of having the ugliest face i've seen so far except mine of course.    :(

The would didn't hurt but losing an arm was a big loss and my minor regeneration couldn't regrow limbs. The troll now brought my dismembered arm towards its mouth ready to consume it.

Maybe I could re attach my arm again and I definitely won't let this overgrown goblin having a face that can only be present if a chimpanzee fucked his own bottom to give birth to it.

(I don't even now if that's possible but hey its a magical world so there's always an possibility)

I readied myself to leap again as a wooden spear flew out from the bush were I ordered urok to hide landing directly in the trolls right eye. Damn right now if could literally kiss that goblin if I had lips and I don't care how ugly he is.

The troll screamed in pain dropping my arm which I immediately sprinted toward a grabbed with my remaining arm. As the troll was disoriented I brought my left arm to its previous place hoping it wold reattach and it did thankfully. Without wasting a second circled behind the troll and jumped on its back again but the wound I made earlier had already healed.

Instead of clawing I used my horrid maw to bit at its nech as my jagged teeth were much effective then my claws.

The troll's hide gave in faster then before creating a visible opening I plunged both my claws into its neck and with my entire strength ripped its head out and threw it on the ground.

Its body still stood and I didn't wanted it to reattach its head and growing a new one can take hours so it was fine for now.

"Urok eat that head quickly" I yelled at urok because the troll's body was wobbling around trying to find its head.

Its dismembered head tried to bite uruk but he manged to avoid it and flipped it upside down to eat the exposed flesh underneath a there hide was too tough for him.

I also started eating the troll's body from the above but the troll still wobbled around and didn't tried to get me off as it seems it lost its abilty to sense me without its head.

I ate faster then it could regenerate and lost the track of time as it was the biggest prey I had so far.

When I gained my senses again a 2 new notification appeared

[Urok evolution (1/5 intermediate creatures consumed)]

[Host's evolution (10/100) creatures consumed]

It seems I was right urok needs to only consume the flesh of different creatures and for me only 90 creatures remain.

Also it appears I get a notification regarding my evolution after every 10 kills.

Urok was seen sleeping near the tree where I was flunged with his spear tightly clenched in his arms.

I decided to let him rest as because of him I still retained my arm.

A new day approached and with it a new hunt began.    >:P

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