
Reborn again with infinite shop system

In the vast expanse devoid of light, a young man, floats miraculously amid countless souls heading towards a reincarnation pool. Here, memories are erased, and new lives are born. However, an unexpected interruption occurs when a mysterious girl appears, observing the oblivious man sleeping amidst the impending cosmic transition. Meet Arthur Ceilo, an ordinary guy with a penchant for anime, navigating life with a part-time job. He faces a life-altering accident, Transported to a void, Arthur finds himself surrounded by diverse beings—humans, animals, demons, vampires, dragons—all in transit. His journey takes an unexpected pause, leading him to a meeting with Juna, the Goddess of Void. In this ethereal encounter, Arthur learns of his demise, partly caused by Juna herself. To make amends, she offers him a unique proposition: one wish and a chance to return to his past life at the age of ten. **-------------** Author's Note :- Hello! Author here, I wanted to inform you that English is my secondary language. While I am working diligently to improve my proficiency, there might be instances where my expressions or choice of words may not fully align with native English speakers. I appreciate your understanding and welcome any guidance or corrections you may have. Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to our continued communication. **-------------**

WordWarrior · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Getting second Yandre wife or Servant 2

Coming inside the orphanage we saw a burly man standing outside dean's office seeing them all the kids seem to be afraid, blending in with the others I quickly got to my room changing our dress we came to kitchen for some snacks while eating some random kid asked me to go to the dean's office.

"Are you Arthur?" coming to the dean's room the earlier burly man asked me I quickly nodded with a little nervousness. Seeing me nod the burly man quickly step aside and let me in. Inside the room Mrs. Anderson sat on the main seat opposite her a woman in her late 30s sat there who possessed an air of undeniable superiority that commanded attention wherever she went. Her regal bearing, refined by years of experience, was a testament to her place within high society. On her side sat Emma seeing me coming inside she quickly waved her hand and smiled at me.

Nodding in acknowledgment, my gaze shifted from Emma to Mrs. Anderson, whose quick smile conveyed a warmth that eased the atmosphere. Following her gesture, I took a seat on the offered chair. As the moment unfolded, Mrs. Olivia's words resonated in the room.

"So, this is Arthur, soon to be Arthur Arison. I am Olivia Arison, Emma's mom," she declared, her words carrying a certain weight, unveiling a connection that extended beyond the immediate context. The revelation lingered in the air, and the formality of the introduction hinted at a narrative that transcended the ordinary. As I processed the information, a subtle curiosity stirred within me, eager to unravel the threads that wove together the lives of Emma and the woman who bore the name Arison.

"Arthur, this madam here is Olivia, and she is her daughter Emma. They are here to adopt you. What are your thoughts on this?" Mrs. Anderson's words hung in the air, and the weight of the revelation settled over the room. The prospect of adoption, presented with an unexpected twist, left me contemplating the shift in my destiny.

Eager anticipation emanated from Mrs. Anderson's gaze, seeking insight into my thoughts. I met her expectant look with a slow, thoughtful nod, a gesture that conveyed a mix of consent and a silent acknowledgment of the new chapter that awaited. As the room held its collective breath, the unspoken agreement rippled through the atmosphere, marking the beginning of a journey into the unknown, bound by the threads of hope and familial bonds.

Seeing me nod, Mrs. Anderson's expression shifted slightly, her concern becoming palpable. The subtle furrow in her brow betrayed a mix of apprehension and care, as if she were having hard time to think that Arthur just nodded without the slightest hesitation. In that moment, the weight of the decision lingered, and a silent exchange of emotions unfolded in the room, the unspoken language of a pivotal juncture in all our lives.

Mrs. Anderson quickly collected her emotion and said "Ok, go to your room and start packing your clothes and your belongings" Nodding to Mrs. Anderson and Emma and Olivia who was going to be my mom I got out of the room and head towards my room. 

There Sarah and John were sitting in my bed waiting for me. Seeing me they quickly asked why dean called me and such questions. Seeing there look I said quite calmly "I am being adopted." Listening to these words sarah and john seemed to have entered a state of suspended animation. Their expressions froze, caught in a delicate dance between surprise and disbelief. The room, once filled with casual chatter, now hung in the pregnant pause of revelation.

Sarah and John, perched on my bed like silent sentinels, exchanged glances as if trying to decode the weight of my words. The news about Dean's call and the subsequent disclosure seemed to have cast a spell, momentarily halting the rhythm of our shared moments.

As the gravity of my announcement settled, I continued, my voice a calm anchor in the sea of emotions. "I am being adopted." Those words Brought them back to their sense and quickly asked questions about what and who adopted me while answering these questions I quietly began to pack my things.

The exchange of glances between Emma and me revealed a shared apprehension, an acknowledgment of the significant shift our lives were about to take.

With the bag safely stowed, Emma and I exited the room, the door closing behind us as if sealing a chapter. Together, we traversed the corridor, the silence punctuated only by the soft echoes of our footsteps. The weight of the impending change settled over us, creating a space where words seemed inadequate.

Stepping into the awaiting car, I found myself flanked by Olivia and Emma. The interior, once a haven of familiarity, now felt like uncharted territory. As the car commenced its journey, the engine's hum served as a soundtrack to the unspoken thoughts that lingered between us. The road ahead seemed to stretch into the unknown, a path paved with anticipation, apprehension, and the unspoken promise of a new beginning.

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