
Reborn: A Journey Through Time and Power

MrGod789 · Urban
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32 Chs

Training Grounds

As Commander Vikram strode purposefully down the dimly lit corridor of the military base, his footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls, he was accompanied by a young soldier named Yash. Vikram's stern countenance betrayed his sense of urgency as he addressed Yash in a commanding tone.

"Yash," Vikram's voice cut through the silence, "if what you've told me is true, then Kabir will face severe consequences. But if your accusations against him are false, you will face the consequences instead."

Yash, his face etched with determination, nodded in acknowledgment. "I assure you, sir, I saw Kabir leaving the base on his own. He's not where he's supposed to be."

As they approached the kitchen, Vikram's gaze hardened, his mind already formulating a plan of action. Without hesitation, he pushed open the creaky door, revealing the rows of gleaming utensils and the faint aroma of spices lingering in the air.

Their footsteps echoing on the tiled floor, Vikram and Yash made their way to the first room, where Shiva, one of the senior soldiers, was presumably resting. With a sense of urgency, Vikram rapped sharply on the door, his voice demanding attention.

"Shiva, come out," Vikram called out firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Startled from his slumber, Shiva emerged from his room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he beheld Commander Vikram and Yash standing before him.

"What's the matter, Commander?" Shiva inquired, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Ignoring Shiva's question, Vikram cut to the chase, his gaze fixed on Shiva. "Is Kabir in his room?"

Shiva's response was immediate. "Yes, Commander. I saw him retire to his room earlier. He should be there."

Before Vikram could delve further into the matter, Yash, growing increasingly impatient, took matters into his own hands. With a loud bang, he began pounding on Kabir's door, his actions bordering on aggression.

Vikram's eyes narrowed as he observed Yash's reckless behavior, his suspicions growing with each passing moment. But before he could intervene, the door swung open with a resounding crash, sending Yash hurtling through the air and crashing into a stack of pots and pans.

Kabir stood in the solitude of his room, the dim light casting shadows across his face as he muttered to himself, "I didn't even exert much strength, yet..."

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden commotion outside his door. As Yash's voice boomed through the corridor, Kabir's expression shifted to one of mild surprise. "No," he murmured under his breath, sensing trouble approaching.

With a loud crash, Yash stumbled amidst the clatter of utensils, struggling to regain his footing as he made his way back to Commander Vikram's side. His face flushed with embarrassment, Yash hastily assured Vikram, "You can't punish Kabir, sir. It's a mistake."

Commander Vikram, however, remained unconvinced, his gaze piercing as he scrutinized Yash's words. "And why is that, Yash?" he questioned, his voice laced with skepticism.

Struggling to catch his breath, Yash replied, "Because... because Kabir... he was in his room. He did do anything wrong."

Vikram's expression remained impassive as he turned his attention to Kabir, his brow furrowing in suspicion. "If you were in your room, Kabir, why didn't you come out when Yash was knocking?" he inquired, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Kabir met Vikram's gaze evenly, his demeanor calm and collected. "I was in a deep sleep, sir," he explained. "I didn't hear anyone knocking until it was too late."

Vikram's eyes narrowed as he processed Kabir's response, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. He understood the implication of Kabir's words—the military base was divided into districts, each with its own set of rules and customs. If Kabir claimed to have been in a deep sleep, it meant he was likely referring to a district where such disturbances were not uncommon.

After a moment of contemplation, Vikram issued his directive, his voice firm and authoritative. "Yash, Kabir," he addressed them both, "meet me in my cabin tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. We have matters to discuss."

Commander Vikram's voice echoed sternly through the corridor, commanding attention as he addressed Yash, "Yash, before anything else, you will fix whatever damage you caused here. And then, you will apologize to Kabir."

Yash's fists clenched at his sides, his face contorted with anger. The mere thought of apologizing to Kabir filled him with a seething rage. Memories of their turbulent high school days flooded his mind, fueling his resentment towards Kabir.

"I won't apologize to him!" Yash spat out defiantly, his voice laced with venom. "He deserves whatever's coming to him."

Commander Vikram's gaze hardened, but he remained composed. He knew Yash's father well—a ranking officer within the military. Yash was well aware of this connection and had always exploited it to avoid consequences for his actions.

Despite his frustration, Commander Vikram chose not to push the issue further. Instead, he watched in silence as Yash stormed away, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.

As Yash stormed out, Commander Vikram's expression remained stoic, masking the turmoil beneath the surface. He knew the consequences of confronting Yash directly—his father's influence could make things complicated.

With a heavy sigh, Commander Vikram turned and walked away, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. He knew he had to find a way to handle the situation without escalating tensions further.

Meanwhile, Kabir returned to his room, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the tasks ahead. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, letting out a weary sigh.

"Looks like I'll have to deal with Yash sooner or later," Kabir muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in thought. "But for now, I need to focus on what needs to be done."

Back in the barracks, Yash's furious footsteps reverberated through the corridor as he angrily approached his bunk. Without a second thought, he flung open the door, startling the other soldiers who were sleeping inside.

Confusion and concern filled the room as the soldiers stirred from their slumber, unsure of what had provoked Yash's sudden outburst.

"Why is he acting like this?" one soldier whispered to another, their voices barely audible over the commotion.

But Yash paid no heed to their whispers as he stormed past them, his mind consumed by anger and resentment. He had no intention of apologizing to Kabir, not now, not ever.

Yash sat on his bed, his fists clenched tightly, his jaw set in a grim line. His two friends approached him cautiously, their expressions mirroring his anger.

"Yash, what's going on?" one of them asked, concern evident in his voice.

Yash remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. He was in no mood to talk, his mind consumed by thoughts of his confrontation with Kabir and the events that had unfolded.

After a few moments of tense silence, three soldiers entered the room, their faces pale with apprehension. One of them stepped forward, nervously explaining how they had tried to confront Kabir, only for him to mysteriously vanish, leaving them unconscious.

Yash's anger flared at their explanation. He knew they were making excuses, and it only fueled his frustration further. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he ordered them to leave, his voice dripping with contempt.

The soldiers hurriedly complied, knowing full well the consequences of angering Yash. Once they were gone, Yash turned to his friends and tersely instructed them to leave as well, his mood too volatile for conversation.

As Yash lay down to sleep, his mind churned with thoughts of the events that had transpired. He knew he would have to confront Kabir eventually, but for now, all he wanted was to forget about the chaos of the night.

The next morning, Kabir arrived promptly at Commander Vikram's room at 8:00 AM, but Yash was nowhere to be seen. Commander Vikram observed the situation with a knowing look, understanding that Yash was leveraging his father's influence.

Turning to Kabir, Commander Vikram informed him that he would be practicing combat with the other soldiers that morning and instructed him to go and prepare. Kabir saluted respectfully and left the room.

As Kabir departed, Commander Vikram turned his attention to the footage from the previous night. He watched as Kabir entered his room through the window, and as the three soldiers attempted to confront him. Vikram made a mental note to keep this evidence handy, knowing it would come in handy when the time came to confront Yash.

After two hours, Kabir found himself standing on the training ground alongside the other soldiers, all clad in combat suits. Commander Vikram stood before them, his authoritative presence commanding their attention as he explained how to handle an armed enemy.

Calling a trainer to demonstrate, Commander Vikram meticulously showed the soldiers various techniques for disarming an opponent wielding a weapon. Kabir watched intently, noting every detail of the demonstration.

As Commander Vikram continued to instruct, Kabir couldn't help but observe the commander closely. He noticed that despite having the opportunity to swiftly disarm the trainer, Commander Vikram chose not to. This observation left Kabir with a growing sense of intrigue and curiosity about the commander's true nature.

Addressing the assembled soldiers, Commander Vikram instructed them to choose their practice partners. One by one, soldiers paired up, leaving Kabir standing alone. His isolation did not go unnoticed.

A fellow soldier approached Kabir, offering to be his partner for practice. Kabir accepted the offer gratefully, grateful for the opportunity to participate in the training exercises.

Unbeknownst to Kabir, Yash watched from a distance, his gaze filled with malice. He had sent his friend to approach Kabir, intending to teach him a lesson.

End of the chapter