
Reborn: A Journey Through Time and Power

MrGod789 · Urban
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32 Chs

The Beginning of a New Journey

Kabir sat in the backseat of the car, gazing out the window as Rathore Mansion slowly faded from view, a distant memory amidst the bustling cityscape. His mind wandered, reflecting on the myriad changes that had transformed his world in such a short span of time.

As the car made its way towards the airport, Kabir's thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ringing of his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw the name of his maternal grandfather, Aarav Singh Rathore, flashing on the screen.

"Hello, Grandfather," Kabir answered, his voice tinged with anticipation.

"Kabir, my boy, listen to me," Aarav's voice crackled with urgency on the other end of the line. "The place you're headed to, it's not suitable for military training. You need to reconsider."

Kabir listened in silence as his grandfather recounted memories of his own youth, of a time when he had contemplated sending Kabir for military training to instill discipline and purpose. But fate had intervened, derailing those plans with Kabir's accident and subsequent recovery.

"Grandfather, I appreciate your concern, but I've made up my mind," Kabir interjected firmly, his determination unwavering. "I'll be safe, no matter where I go. And I need this opportunity to change, to better myself."

Aarav's voice trembled with apprehension as he heard Kabir's resolve. "But Kabir, promise me you'll be careful," he pleaded, his paternal instincts overriding his doubts. "I can't bear to see you in harm's way."

Kabir's assurance was resolute as he responded, "I promise, Grandfather. And next time Mother is called by Hitler, I won't stand idly by. I'll make sure everyone knows."

Aarav's heart skipped a beat at Kabir's words, a cold shiver running down his spine at the implication of his grandson's resolve. He knew all too well the depths of Kabir's determination, and the lengths he would go to protect his family.

"Take care, my boy," Aarav whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll be waiting for your safe return."

With a final exchange of farewells, Kabir ended the call, his gaze fixed on the horizon ahead as the car continued its journey towards the unknown.

Aarav Singh Rathore lowered his phone after the conversation, his gaze settling on his grandson Danny who sat across from him, a hint of concern etched on his features. Sensing Danny's unspoken desire to talk, Aarav preemptively addressed the topic at hand.

"Danny, there's no need to worry," Aarav reassured him, his voice firm yet comforting. "I trust you to handle the matters concerning the Saxena family. Keep a close watch on every issue."

Danny nodded, his mind already occupied with the task at hand. As he walked away, he dialed a number, connecting with Kabir on the other end of the line. Unbeknownst to Danny, Kabir listened intently as he vented frustrations and divulged sensitive information.

"Kabir, you won't believe it," Danny exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "If it weren't for your accident four years ago, we'd be sitting on shares worth over ₹5000 crores today."

Kabir's shock was palpable as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of Danny's revelation. The value of a single share had skyrocketed from a mere ₹100 to an astronomical ₹5000 crores, leaving Kabir reeling with disbelief.

Realizing the potential implications of this revelation, Kabir urged Danny to maintain secrecy, especially from their parents and relatives. Danny assured him that he had not disclosed the information to anyone, though he had intended to share it with Kabir earlier.

As they discussed their familial responsibilities, Kabir instructed Danny to keep a close eye on the Saxena family, as well as on their own parents, Vikrant and Shivani. Danny hesitated at the mention of Shivani, expressing reluctance to monitor her closely due to fear of her wrath.

"I'll keep tabs on uncle Vikrant, but aunt Shivani... I can't risk her anger," Danny admitted, his voice tinged with apprehension. "If she catches wind of my surveillance, it'll be the end for me."

Understanding Danny's predicament, Kabir empathized with his plight, acknowledging the volatile nature of their aunt Shivani. Despite his reservations, Danny affirmed his commitment to their shared goals, vowing to fulfill his duties diligently.

After several discussions, Danny reluctantly agrees to keep a watchful eye on his mother, Shivani, at Kabir's insistence. With their conversation concluded, Kabir bids farewell to Danny and proceeds to board his flight, bound for Himachal Pradesh where his military training awaits.

As Kabir settles into his seat on the plane, thoughts of the journey ahead swirl in his mind. He had deliberately chosen this destination, eager to embark on a new chapter in his life and prove himself capable of overcoming any challenge.

Eight hours later, the plane touches down in a small district nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Himachal Pradesh. The clock strikes 8:00 in the morning, marking the beginning of Kabir's arduous journey ahead.

Stepping out of the airport, Kabir scans his surroundings until his gaze lands on a man waiting by a jeep, undoubtedly the soldier assigned to escort him to the military base. Recognition flickers in both their eyes as they exchange a silent acknowledgment of their shared purpose.

Without a word, Kabir retrieves a letter from his pocket and hands it to the soldier, who accepts it with a solemn nod. Clad in the same attire he wore at Rathore Mansion, Kabir carries only a small bag containing the essentials for his training.

As they embark on the journey to the military base, the soldier informs Kabir that the drive will take approximately four hours. Undeterred by the length of the journey, Kabir assures him that he is prepared for the road ahead.

True to the soldier's estimation, after four hours of traversing winding roads and scenic vistas, Kabir arrives at his destination – the threshold of a new chapter in his life, where his journey towards self-discovery and transformation is set to unfold.

The name of the district where Kabir arrives is "Nandigram," a quaint yet rugged locale nestled amidst the serene beauty of the Himachal Pradesh mountains.

As the soldier receives the letter from Kabir, his expression shifts subtly, a mix of curiosity and respect reflecting in his eyes. He recognizes Kabir's determination and senses the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders as he prepares to embark on his military training.

With a silent nod of acknowledgment, the soldier leads Kabir towards the awaiting jeep, their journey together symbolizing the beginning of a new adventure filled with challenges and opportunities for growth.

End of the chapter