
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 61(Off-The-Books)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Standing against the wall of the hospital room, Jin and Shikamaru watch Kurenai holding onto Asuma's hand as he still hasn't woken up. Ino and Choji lay unconscious in the other beds to recover from their injuries.

With a grim expression, Tsunade slides open the door to the room, casting a sad look at the three bandaged shinobi before signaling Jin and Shikamaru with a nod to follow her out, leaving the sad Kurenai to care for her lover.

"I hope this is good news..." Jin mutters as he follows her to her office.

"Somewhat," she answers lowly as they enter the office.

Taking her seat she rests her elbows on her desk, her hands supporting her chin as she leans forward, her cleavage shown off before both young men,

"How are they?" Shikamaru asks, his voice low and cold.

"They'll be fine, Ino is under serious chakra exhaustion from the potency of Jin's chakra he forced into her system. Asuma is also suffering chakra exhaustion and the lingering effects of all those injuries on top of having his body forcefully healed. I-I can't give an estimate for when either of them will wake up. Choji should be up in a few days..."

Jin frowns and runs his hands through his hair as Shikamaru just stares at the ceiling.

"Does Kurenai know?" Shikamaru asks with hesitation.

"No, you two are the first I'm telling, I figured as the ones on the mission I should tell you first, especially since your both...close," she gives Jin a knowing look, clearly unsure of what his relationship with Ino is," that you'd like to know they'll be ok."

"Thank you."

"Thank you lady Hokage, is there anything else you need from us?" Jin asks, Tsunade's eyes go wide as she hears him address her, the words not lost on her.

"Hmm, so this is what it takes to earn some respect from you," she teases him.

"Don't ruin the moment, you saved them I'm being nice."

"Right, well I read your report on the Akatsuki, unfortunately, Hidan was useless, his mind was too shattered for any intel to be gained, likely something to do with that horrific jutsu of his. His body was incinerated to destroy him, Kakazu was a different kind of monster."

"Yeah, he was a unique fight if nothing else."

"You're both on R&R until further notice, Jin, don't go anywhere in case more Akatsuki show up, Shikamaru you're dismissed while I deal with this one." She gestures toward Jin.

As Shikamaru exits the room to return to Kurenai, Jin exhales deeply as he looks as Tsunade.

"Waddya need Princess?" his voice was emotionless.

"Back to princess already?"

"Old habits and all that," he shrugs while looking out the window, seeing Inoichi and Choza jumping toward the roof.

"You were holding back on this mission, why?" her voice was stern, she knew he would brush it off but the tone couldn't be helped.

"The Akatsuki had a spy on site, I can't afford to have all my secrets out."

"You're a sage..." her voice was unsure.

"Yeah, and I could have easily killed Kakazu and let the spy leave with the intel I got, I had to drag the fight out, I ran over the moment things went bad on the other battlefield."

"And your injuries?"

"I had to put on a show, if they knew how strong I was they'd never act close to Konoha then we'd never get a lead."

"Hmmm, true, as much as I'd like to say well done I don't exactly agree with the cost of your plan. But your results tend to speak for themselves, what intel was so important that it couldn't be included in the report?" Tsunade asks, her eyes narrowing dangerously at Jin.

"They have the 1 to 5 tails captured, they're using them for something, that's all I got."

"Hmm," she receded into her mind to ponder this news.

"Eventually they'll come for him too, you know that."

"Yeah, that's why he's training now, but we need to eliminate as many of them as possible before they set their sights here properly, do you have any ideas from what you know?"

"Hmm, I might have a way to deal with Itachi, but Naruto won't like it..."

She quirked a brow at his suggestion.

"Hmm, go on..."

"Well, Sasuke wants Itachi dead right, and if only one of them really cares about hurting the leaf, why not give Sasuke a hand?"

"I thought you don't like Sasuke?"

"I don't but him having two eyes doesn't mean I can't still tear his head off if I want, but it makes Naruto's job a bit tougher, to say the very least."

"You want to give him back his Sharingan that you still have and send him after Itachi for us?"

"Yeah, it's not like I can't kill him if he ever crosses us, but he's more likely to find Itachi since he doesn't care about the other Akatsuki. We've gotta deal with all of them so handing one off to him should make our load easier."

"Hmm, that seems risky, supplying a neutral part to deal with an enemy..."

"Call it whatever you want, I'm only offering this because I know I can kill him even with both his eyes," Jin says in a cold tone.

"Hmm, we'd need to find him," she takes a look at Jin, remembering exactly WHAT he is, a sage," never mind, do you need backup?"

"Hmm, I'll take Shikamaru with me, he needs some fresh air anyway."

"Alright, leave whenever you're both ready, try not to stay out too long, we need your battle power here if some crap happens."

"How're you gonna handle Naruto?"

"I'll still help him, if Sasuke kills Itachi before he brings him back then that's his problem, but he's done incredible things against worse odds before, I'll always bet on that knucklehead," she smiles defiantly at Jin.

"Hm, got it, I'll leave you to it then, take it easy on the Sake, Princess..." he teases her while leaving the room, Shizune immediately enters as he makes himself scarce.

"Annoying little shit," Tsunade grumbles.

"Lady Tsunade you know he can likely hear you," Shizune can't help but point out.

"I know, but doesn't make it any less true!"

Later that day, Jin returned home, stripping away his bandages he immediately summoned the king of hell to fully heal himself.

"Ahh, that's better."

'I should have a few weeks before I need to go find Sasuke, I'll need to pay Karin a visit anyway'

He moves to take a shower to calm his nerves and relax.

---4 Days Later...

Walking through the forest in his casual clothes; black combat pants and a grey shirt, Jin approaches the three familiar chakra signatures nearby.

As he enters training field 10, he sees Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji sitting under a tree in the shade, both men glaring at the young woman. None of them wearing their combat clothes, even Ino, the ever-fashionable woman in sweats and a baggy top, something he didn't even know she would own.

"You guys ok?" Jin asks with a casual wave as he walks over to them.

"JIN! Talk some sense into Ino, she won't listen to lady Tsunade!" Choji demands, his brows furrowed at the blonde.

"Ino, what's he talking about?" the girl frowned, her eyes dropping to her lap as she refuses to meet his gaze.

"Fine, Shikamaru?"

"Lady Tsunade forbids her from using chakra for at least two weeks, and we caught her here training..." he explained with some rare anger in his voice.

"I see, she's being a brat again," Jin frowns as he looks at her with some disappointment.

"I'M NOT A BRAT!... I just, I can't afford to stop training ok," she stares up at him with teary eyes," what if, what if you aren't there again, I wouldn't have saved sensei..." her voice becomes broken as the tears begin to flow down her face.

"Sigh, Ino...look around you, you think you're the only one beating themself up over this. What's damaging your chakra system gonna do? You're one of Konoha's best medics. If you have to retire who's gonna look after your team huh?" his voice was soft, uncharacteristically endearing to both the men witnessing this.

"I-I should have done more, I can do more," her voice barely reached him.

"Yes, after you heal, now stop being a brat and go back to being the Kunoichi I met when I came back to the village," her sobbing finally slows as she calms down.

Wordlessly she stands up and wraps her arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

As he returns the hug he feels her tears through his shirt.

"You're gonna stress me out woman..."

"That's what princesses do, you'll manage."

After Ino finally calmed down, Jin took a seat with team 10 to discuss something important with them.

With Ino sleeping on his lap he decides to get straight to the point.

"Shikamaru, how're you feeling?" his question is blunt, not asking out of concern but out of a need for information.

"Depends on what you have in mind, I'm a bit sore but that's it. Whaddya need?"

"We've got a mission, an actual ninja mission, no fighting just... some off-the-books stuff."

Both Shikamaru and Choji share a concerned look at the idea.

"You need my team, Ino isn't in any condition as you know..."

"Nah, just you," he looks at Choji," not that I wouldn't want you along Choji but someone has to make sure this idiot doesn't hurt herself, and you're still recovering too," he rests a hand on Ino's sleeping head.

"Yeah, my chest still really hurts, if I move too much my bandages will come apart anyway. I'll keep an eye on her for you," Choji gives him a firm nod and a thumbs up.

"Thanks, I've gotta get in touch with our contact for the mission so you'll be meeting me close to the capital in about a week, I'll explain everything from there, clear?"

"Yeah, got it, this sounds like a real pain, what a drag," Shikamaru groans.

"Hm, nah, it's actually a simple drop off style mission, classic trading and village secrets crap, anyway, I need to get this one," he gestures to the girl on his lap, "home, I'll see you tomorrow to give the meeting point, see ya."

As Jin stands up and flickers away, Choji and Shikamaru share a knowing look.

"So it's not just me right?" Choji asks, alluding to the strange feeling he's been having for a while.

"Yeah, he really likes the damn 'Fangirl' apparently, and here I thought he was a smart one...what a drag."