
Chapter 1: She's The Epitome Of Miseries

"You, a piece of sl*t, do you really think just by dressing yourself with fine clothes can hide your ugly sides and can win Sadiv's heart? God knows how did you survive till this date? No wonder your biological family feels ashamed to introduce you as their daughter!"

Aashvi could still hear those words from Rinie's, dripping with poison, even after she's reborn back to her eight year self.

It had been an hour since she's reborn but standing in front of the mirror, she still couldn't believe that it's real. She's really reborn... and with all of the memories of her previous life.

She was still 17... a young soul... ready to fly high in the sky in her prime time... But because of her stupidity, she lost her life.

Hah! How embarrassing it was!

She was killed by her so-called future sister-in-law who was engaged to her third brother and yet liked Sadiv.

Aashvi wished that only if she had known that she was sharing her secrets with a vicious snake who appeared like a little rabbit, would she have still died in that way... pathetically?!

She was thrown of the rooftop by that snake Rinie, the day she had specially dressed herself to make her family proud. But... now here she was... standing in front of the mirror in her shabby room of the Barman Villa, looking at her eight year old self once again.

But she didn't regret dying! She was grateful to God for giving her another chance to live. If she had gone to after life after being killed, without correcting her mistakes, only then she would have regretted it.

Just the day before she had found out that it wasn't her biological family who had been helping her in secret. It was her siblings from the orphanage where she had grown up for five years.

Her siblings, four elder brothers and an eldee sister.... They were the ones who had taken care of her since she was a baby abandoned in front of the ophanage facade.

All of her brothers were seven years older than her and only her sister was six year older than her. They had doted on little Aashvi all along the way till she was five.

But little Aashvi always wanted to get back to her parents and wanted her own family's love. So, no matter how much she loved her siblings, once she found out about her biological family, she didn't waste any of the seconds to leave with the driver of her family.

But what did she get in return?

Her parents never came to visit her or welcome her back. Her three biological brothers would bully her and would tease her whenever they wanted.

Her eldest brother, Ajay Barman was twelve years older than her. Her second brother, Dev Barman was ten years older than her. And her third brother, Rishav Barman was eight years older than her.

Since, little Aashvi was always protected by her siblings back in the orphanage, she was really naive and innocent back then. She easily used to fall in the traps laid by her brothers for her. And like a fool, she never noticed it and followed them everywhere calling 'Dada, Dada'.

(Dada= Elder Brother in Bengali)

Hah! She used to love them so much but what she always got back in return was their betrayal and hatred.

She treated all her future sister in laws well, but her third sister in law was the one who killed her.

And those pair of parents, no matter how good and obedient she was, she was never praised. They would always look at her in judging eyes.

But little Aashbi kept on ignoring their indifference and followed them like a tail.

Since, Barman Family was a rich family, they had provided everything that could be brought by money to her. And at least that she had thought so. So, she had never complained.

But only when she was 16, she got to know the harsh truth. It wasn't her biological family who were always protecting her.

It was her siblings back from the orphanage where she had grown up!

Soon after she had left, her brother Kousik had found about his parents and got in contact with them. Later, he found out that Sister Udisha, Brother Keshav were his biological siblings. Brother Keshav was actually Brother Koushik's twin brother with different face.

Now, that four of us got our family, Brother Koushik didn't want to let go of their bond with Brother Prabir and Brother Harish. And since, Bagh Family was quite well-off financially, the Bagh couple took in the two children along with their kids.

And unbeknownst to her, they had taken admission in the same school or rather it would be good to say, they made all the opportunities they could to make her go into the same school as theirs. Even the chamce to get into the same college as theirs were given by them.

She had thought that whenever there was a rumour in the school, it was subdued by her family as they wanted her to stand for herself by showing their indifference in her presence and protecting her in her back.

But... Lies! All of those things were lies!

Her consciousness lied to her!

Since the day she was born, it was her siblings who were protecting her. Not anyone else but them.

And what did she do? She paid their kindness in ingratitude! She left them the moment she found her real family who treated her like a trash.

She actually found out that her name was never registered in the family tree. She was never treated as one of the Barmans. She was always an outsider to them... from the start to the end.

She was always Aashvi, an orphan... never was Aashvi Barman.

Her past life was nothing but an epitome of miseries.

She loved the ones who hurt her and hurt the ones who loved her.

And that wasn't all.

From the day, she wanted to change and leave the Barman family for good to retribute for her mistakes, that day she was killed.

But it's still good.

Now that's she's back... She'll never repeat those mistakes again.

Never again.

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