
Yan Chen

Yan Empire.

Chen Palaces.

Inside the study room, Yan Chen was reading some scroll report. Then he pause as he could not concentrate on the report so he rubbed his temple as he feel a headache.

" Len, is there any news of the second prince?"

Len who stands up at the side glance at his prince as he has a hard time coming up with a lie. Yan Chen saw that his guard did not even answer him so he narrow his eyes.

" Len!" Yan Chen said in a deep voice.

" Your highness! The second prince went to do some business now so I don't know where he is now." Len has to tell the truth when he saw Yan Chen narrows his eyes, it was scary.

Yan Chen thought; ' He knows his brother well, it seems like his younger brother making trouble again.'

Then Yan Chen thought back to when he went to the border and saw Wang Yanlin the third Prince in Wang Empire. He has tested the third Prince Lin martial art skill, he couldn't be more than esteem the Wang third Prince. That is how he got to know that the spies are not from Wang Empire but seem like someone manipulate behind the scene. When both of them were testing each other skills, he saw that Prince Lin have a green jade on his neck. So he went up close to look closely and know for sure that it one a pair with his father emperor's jade. It seems he needs to clarify with his father. As for marriage alliance is just a cover for the person who is behind the scene.

" Let go to the Palaces." Yan Chen walks out with Len praying for Prince Cheung.


Yan Palaces.

In the study hall, there Emperor Yan sat at the desk reading scroll reports.

" Emperor, Prince Chen wishes to see you."

" Let him in." It was not very often that his oldest son came to visit him.

Yan Chen walk-in follows Eunuch Fen.

" Your majesty." Yan Chen greet.

" What brings you to come to see me?" Emperor Yan uses the word "I" instead of Zhen as he doesn't like to be distant toward his children especially the children who were born from the woman he loves.

" Father, can I see your green jade?" Yan Chen asks.

Emperor Yan look deeply and narrow his eyes when he hear the green jade but chose not to ask as he hand over the green jade to his son.

Yan Chen reaches out to grab the green jade. The color is dark green and very smooth, on the jade it craves a dragon and it is cut in half with an S line.

" Father, I remember this is a pair right? And where is the other one? Isn't with mother?" Yan Chen asks and looks deeply at Emperor Yan.

" Yes, it's a pair, and the other pair is with your mother."

" What is the design on the other jade?"

"It's a phoenix. Why are you asking all of these?" Emperor Yan feels weird about how his oldest son asks.

Yan Chen doesn't know how to tell his father about how he saw a jade look like his mother's jade.

" Is this is the only kind of jade in the world?"

" I don't know if the only kind of jade in the world but I as an emperor do know that no one has this kind of jade in the world. This jade pendant I got from when your mother and I went to pray at the temple and a Buddhist master give it to us. He said it belongs to the child in your mother's womb, he also told us that your mother has a baby girl in her womb."

Yan Chen was stunned as he didn't think he would hear some information about his unborn sibling although he doesn't believe in fortune, he does understand who is fake or real. At first, he thought that why would a prince have his mother jade pendant then a reason told him that it might be his younger sibling but...

" Father, if that child is born, how old is that child now?"

" If your mother gives birth to it then it should be 12 years old these years."

Yan Chen thought; ' If it is 12 years old then it can't be Prince Lin since he looks much older than 12 years old and his father says it should be a girl."

" You have not answered my question yet." Emperor Yan asks again.

" I saw someone have a jade pendant shape like this like a pair with your jade pendant but it has a bird so it should be a phoenix-like you say."

" Y..you..saw a similar jade pendant like mine?! Who have it?!"

" Father, don't be overexcited because I am not sure yet. It man have it but I need to further investigate since that person is from the Wang Empire."

Emperor Yan calm down a bit after hearing what Yan Chen said. No matter what he would wait for his wife.

" You can go ahead investigate and report right away to me."

" I know. I will be going to the Wang empire so father you need to be careful of the minister and take care of yourself."

" Hmm. You can leave." Emperor Yan went into the bedroom hall.

Yan Chen retract outside and went back to his palaces.

" Sent a message to Cheung that I will go see him."


Clear Water Village.

Feng Wu woke up, leaning on the pillow on the bed, and looking at the hand. Then she gets up to wear her shoes.

"Young miss, where are you going? I can get for you."

" Where is that maidservant?"

" She got locked in the wood hut."

" Let go. I want to talk to her."

" Young Miss..." Xiao Li tries to persuade Feng Wu but she knows it doesn't work.

So Xiao Li supports Feng Wu to the wood hut and Feng Wu walks inside looks at the maidservant who got tied up by hands and feet. Her mouth has a paper towel tugged in. When the maidservant saw Feng Wu and got scared.


Feng Wu walks to her and crunches down to look at the maidservant.

" You should have killed me."

The maidservant wide her eyes. She didn't think Feng Wu could speak and if she could speak then that mean... she is not willing to think any further.

" But you did not so I will return the favor to you." Feng Wu raises her hands which holding a sharp busk knife and caresses the maidservant's face.

" I have never killed people before so it might hurt a little when I crave on your face."

"Mmm...Mmmm..." The maidservant was scared and cried as she shook her head. If her face got disfigured then what is the use of her. She is not willing to think any further.

Feng Wu cut on the maidservant's cheeks and slashed on every side of the face but her hand is trembling. After a long time, Feng Wu looks at the disfigured face and she uses all of her strength to stab at the maidservant's chest. The maidservant vomited blood and fell to the ground as she slowly died, as she thought that she should not have been greedy then she would end like this.

Feng Wu got a blackout and Yan Cheung who have been peeking at the scene run out and the princess hugged Feng Wu. He could see her face is pale without any blood on it. Yan Cheung took Feng Wu to the house and lay her on the bed. Xiao Li also follow and went to get some hot water and a towel.

" Young Miss. Young Miss." Xiao Li calling Feng Wu.

" Don't worry, Feng Feng just faint. Just let rest and she will wake up later." Yan Cheung can see that Feng Wu is in a bad state but doesn't know what to do.

Xiao Li wept as she thought of how her Young Miss is suffered from.