

A tyrant with a blood-crazed fetish that would often lead to meaningless wars and countless death, he is the king of the beasts. He is the thirtieth emperor of the Bezarius Empire, the young prodigy, Emperor Hyan Rezenia Bezarius. He was known to be the most beautiful being in the empire with his silver locks that it would seem as if all the treasures of the empire reflected upon his long straight hair, cerulean eyes that could be compared to the glistening northern sea, paired with his ethereal features that even the priests of the Great Temple would compare his looks to the Goddess Rhea. Everyone failed to recognize the psychotic glint in his eyes. Everyone got fooled and died. Though born as a bastard among the eight princes of the empire, he rose to the peak even with the disadvantage amidst the power struggles between the eight heirs. With no faction to side him and no maternal support to lean on, the bastard fourth prince, along with his trusted aide, struggled for many seasons. Like a predator, he patiently waited to bear his canines behind his privileged brothers. He bowed his head and turned a blind eye even after the seventh consort, Lady Amina Tesero of the Nomadic tribe of the south. Lady Amina Tesoro was the seventh consort of the twenty-ninth emperor of the Bezarius Empire. She became the twenty-ninth emperor’s favorite because of her calm demeanor and astounding beauty that could compete with the bastard fourth prince’s elegance. She also caught the attention of the predatory fourth prince. Her kindness penetrated the walls protecting Prince Hyan’s heart, rendering him immobile under her charms. His confession to Lady Amina Tesoro marked his twisted journey to being the emperor, and when he finally became one, he lost his most important one. The thirtieth emperor lost his love. He lost the ability to feel any ounce of emotion. And with every emperor comes an heir. To mock his officials, Emperor Hyan Rezenia Bezarius took the ugliest lady of the empire as his wife. Lady Ivynia Ilorde Rosehil is the laughingstock of high society. With half of her face covered with dragon scales, the higher echelon dubbed Lady Ivynia as the beast among the beautiful Rosehil sisters. Her rare charcoal-colored hair and amber eyes that reflected the setting sun as if its light remained in her eyes did not compensate for her dragon scales. Lady Ivynia Ilorde Rosehil suffered ever since birth but suffered more during her reign as the empress. Watching her husband, whom she came to love, wallow in self-pity as he mourned for his lost love. While making sure that the noble faction and the aristocratic faction would not attack them underhandedly, Empress Ivynia Ilorde Bezarius suffered the greatest among anyone in the empire. And when the continent finally mobilized to take their revenge against the mad king, the empress became the widow who fought in loneliness for her unborn child, only to end up dying. And where does this bullshit crazy story take me? Oh yeah, I have become the thirtieth empress of the Bezarius Empire. And I will die again when the male protagonist of this tragic shit appears. Do I need to mention that I am inside the Netflix Series entitled “The Serenade of Death”? Of all the Netflix Series I binge-watched, do I have to be reincarnated inside the R-rated one that I loathe to the bones?

IceFontana18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Ending Sucks!

Bloody small, frail hands clutched the hem of her dress as her wavy long black hair cascaded onto the floor. The nonstop flow of her tears fell on the bloody floor. The thirtieth empress, Empress Ivynia Ilorde Bezarius, the last monarch of the Bezarius Empire, dangled upon the cliff called death—the sharp tip of a bloody sword only an inch close to her sweaty neck. Her amber eyes that shone like gold stared daringly at the captain of the White Knights, Crown Prince Travis Albert Vhuztaria, from the enemy kingdom of Vhuztaria.

"Your reign will fail. The beasts of Bezarius will not accept you as their one true master, prince." Ivynia spat her words in front of the man she once treated as a friend. She realized Travis was a monster far more remarkable than her late husband.

'He is a monster hiding in a sheep's cloth. Behind those peaceful grins lies a snake that has already poisoned the surrounding prey,' she thought.

Blood trickled from her chin as the serious-looking Prince Travis tilted her head to look up at him with his sword. The glaring eyes of the empress showed no hint of submission, even after being forced to kneel.

"You are such a curious thing, Empress Ivynia. How lucky. I need a queen like you. Though I heard you carry the late emperor's spawn, do not worry. I will kill that beast inside you."

In reflex, Ivynia held her stomach. Spies were planted in the Imperial palace from the moment he first visited. Or maybe there were spies long before he visited. And the late emperor, who was not in the right state of mind, would not know. Even if Ivynia tried to protect the empire and her child from the greed of the noble faction and aristocratic factions - she still lost. She failed to realize the danger from the enemy kingdoms who seek revenge.

'The child in my womb is the only one left to me. With His Majesty gone, I am fighting for this crumbling nation only because of the child he left me. But if surviving means living in a desolate world devoid of His Majesty's traces, I would rather die with this child. I know that His Majesty Hyan Rezenia Bezarius will never love me in my afterlife. After all, I have loved him from afar.'

She looked around her for a split second. Ivynia's tears fell as she saw her trusted chancellor's headless body and her ladies-in-waiting bathing their blood. With her new resolve, Ivynia spoke her last words as a monarch before Prince Travis could withdraw his sword from her neck. "I, Empress Ivynia Ilorde Bezarius, the last monarch of the kingdom of beasts, the Bezarius Empire, declare all the beasts under my command to devour the intruders of this land. Heed me, Goddess of Beasts, Rhea!" Ivynia held Travis' sword. With a swift move, she got her neck slashed open.

"No!" the resonating voice of Travis boomed inside the bloody throne room. Before she fell to the ground, Ivynia met his eyes and smiled triumphantly.

'This time, I won.'

Her frail body lay to rest on the cold floor. Ivynia's labored breathing was slowing down. Her vision of the grand ceiling of the throne room grew darker. The taste of blood became stale. A prickling cold turned her numb to anything. The warmth in her womb was gone. The last sense to rest before she succumbed to eternal sleep granted her the joy of hearing the enemies' screams of agony as the beasts tore their limbs piece by piece.

'That is right. Devour the intruders. After all, this is the kingdom of beasts.'

Ivynia failed to hear the howl of sorrows from countless beasts as they regained their kingdom from the intruders—a howl as if it was the serenade of death.

"JUST WHAT THE FUCK AM I watching? And who is the weird voice narrating at the ending part? Dude! Give me back my money, Netflix!" After watching the last episode of the last season of the Netflix Series entitled "Serenade of Death", Yorenheim, also known as Yuri, threw popcorn onto the screen of their television,

"For someone who is a wanted criminal, you sure are a sucker for happy endings." Kelsie, her partner-in-crime, took the seat next to her as she watched with the series' credits still rolling on the screen.

"I wouldn't give a damn even if all the male protagonists die. But why did Ivynia have to die? She is the coolest character, though, and if you observe the ending, it is like she is the main character, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Rather than discussing some fiction, how about we talk about our next target?" Kelsie handed her tablet to the sulking Yuri. "Here, read this."

Yuri scanned the details of the mission before snorting. "Isn't he the Russian mob the CIA hates? Are you sure this is not a trap from those pesky agents?"

The CIA was still targeting them. After issuing an international assault unit for her arrest, Yuri and Kelsie had to fly to Budapest to lie low for a while. Yuri could not blame them for sending them the big guns since her recent mission made her kill the U.S. vice president.

"Why do you think so, Yuri?"

"Oh please, Kelsie. A Russian mob? For real? That is so easy that I can finish that mission with my eyes closed. That could be a trap."

Kelsie sighed. "We can't take big jobs since, like you wanted, we have to lie low. This is lying low, Yuri!" Kelsie finally snapped, which reminded Yuri that she was being unfair to her partner. Kelsie was right. They were international criminals at the moment, and the territorial conditions of the law won't be able to protect them now.

"Fine, I'll take that mission," said Yuri in a bored tone.

"Finally! The cunt makes some sense. Now, I'll prepare our gear." Kelsie stood up and went to their workshop area, where their gears and Yuri's chemicals were being kept.

'Now, Yorenheim Lantis is finally an international criminal specializing in poisons and espionage. Gosh, I am so cool. Who would have thought that I would be here while studying at Harvard? The universe is truly awesome!'

Yorenheim Lantis graduated from Harvard with the highest GPA at eighteen. She worked as a chemist for years under a government agency, and that's when he met her ex-boyfriend, Roy. Yuri should have guessed that the conniving bastard would frame her for his crime! All those times that she thought they were in love it was all a scheme to erase her from the competitive world of chemistry. She got two choices. The first choice was to surrender and rot inside the prison cells, while the second was to run away and live beyond the prison cells.

Yuri made the obvious choice. She feared death more than anything else. For her, it would justify any action as long as she lived. This belief led her to the life of a criminal. With a mind like hers, she survived the wicked world of darkness and still got time to enjoy Netflix.

For a criminal like her, she only desired to live a long life—or so she thought.

The next moment, their apartment was in flames roaring like demons, while Kelsie lay dead with a gunshot wound on her forehead. Disoriented from the explosion, Yuri coughed out blood when the smoke infiltrated her lungs. "Damn agents, I'll fucking screw you to pieces!"

Yuri took the gun under her shorts, wherein its bullets got some poison coated on them. One graze could make anyone and anything drop-dead in a matter of seconds. Covering her nose with her left arm, she used the other hand to aim and shoot the agents who were attempting to cross the sea of flames.

Every looming shadow fell in a matter of seconds with an interval of less than a minute. Yuri crawled to the ground. The broken glasses scattered everywhere pierced her knees.

"Kelsi—oh fuck, yeah, she croaked." Yuri had no choice but to hope that her last three bullets would be enough to escape.

When she coughed up more blood, Yuri was about to stand and attack those beyond the walls. The sticky dark red substance on her palm made her check her body only to freeze upon realizing that three grenade shrapnel could pierce her chest and stomach.


Cold sweats broke free from her body in the middle of the sea of flames. The gun fell with a loud thud when her hands lost all their strength upon the realization of dying. Yuri felt fear for the first time after they framed her for a crime she did not commit. But this time, there were no choices available for her.

BLUE TULIPS everywhere. The scent of tulips lingered anywhere she faced, and the sensation was so overwhelming that Yuri questioned if she was already dead.

"I died by a lame death. A fucking arrest with dead or alive bounty, that's the best death I can come up with? I, Yorenheim Lantis, the greatest criminal, died right after binge-watching that wretched Netflix series? No way!" Yuri continued to rant as she lay on a bed of tulips.

Still clad in her clothes when she died, Yuri contemplated how she would continue from this moment. She still had so many things to do. Yuri wanted to hunt the fucking cunt who threw the damn grenade. Heck, she wanted to invade the White House and take a selfie while at it, and she still wanted to fall in love and poison her husband when she caught her cheating.

Reaching out to the endless horizon above her, Yuri mumbled under her breath. "Good fucking bye, my lovely dreams!"

"Do you want to live and pursue your dreams? I can help you."

Not moving her head, Yuri nonchalantly gazed at the woman wearing a black robe embroidered with golden tulips from an upside-down point of view. "Sorry to burst your bubble. I am not interested if you are here to offer me heavenly insurance about meeting my Creator and all. I'd rather go to hell and find the motherfucker who framed me up. I killed him, by the way."

The woman's beastly yellowish eyes smiled at Yuri as if entertained, earning a scoff from the latter after feeling slightly insulted as she thought the intruder mocked her. "You are truly one of a kind, Yorenheim Lantis. Among all the souls I have watched, yours stood out."

'Ding! Ding! Ding! Stalker alert!'

"What do you want from me?"

"Let me answer your question with a question. Do you want to live once again?"

'Hell yeah!'