
The story of Midas

"To get stronger, I will need to improve my geno arts, but first..." Bian planned to visit Bai Yishan in the Saints Hall so he made an appointment, he had a meeting to attend before anything else though.

The next day, Bian left the house and went to the space station. He boarded a ship to a relatively close planet, the journey would take only three and a half days.

Bian brought up his commlink, he called Manager Bo. "Hey, I've boarded the ship. I'll be there in three and a half days."

"Okay, I'll pick you up from the space station." Manager Bo responded.

Bian relaxed in his seat, he heard some laughing and a familiar song from two people. They were completing each others sentences.

"Time to roll the dice"

"You know I'm the type"

"Time to risk my life"

"Not afraid to die"

"Type to make you cry"

"Type to put a price"

"All up on your head"

"Do what I just said"

"Ayoo!" Everyone celebrated, some guys and girls were standing about in the clearing, vibing to the beats from the two guys.

Space travel had been thoroughly upgraded through the years, gravity had been implemented alongside a state of the art gyroscope. People could loiter about during the travels.

"Yo that was fire, call me." a young lady wearing a crop top said to one of the guys in white.

He was a head taller than everyone there, his figure was lean and stable. The other guy wore a black combat suit, he was of average height and also very lean.

They were singing a song released by the one and only Echo Geckos. No one would recognize Bian as his picture wasn't made public, only his name. To find his name was also stressful as most people cared about the music and musicians, not their managers. Ordinary people wouldn't recognize him.

"Ahh! Shut up! You're not the only one on this flight!" A man in tattered clothes yelled, he had some blood stains and injuries. He didn't wait for a response before he stood up and summoned a crossbow beast soul.

"That's a sacred-blood flamingo crossbow!" A bespectacled woman yelled in surprise.

Everyone gasped in surprise and stepped back. The average person was an evolver but it wasn't so easy to hunt down sacred-blood creatures needless of the luck needed to get a beast soul.

The man was either very lucky or very skilled. Judging from his outburst and unnatural behavior though, the formal was more likely. Bian stood up and slowly walked to the front of the two men, after all he had to protect his fans.

The man in tattered clothes immediately took aim at him, the weapon had pink feathers everywhere. The system of the ship hadn't recognized it as a weapon yet.

Once the man fired a shot, he would be captured or even killed by the security system. Others didn't want to become the unlucky casualty but Bian had to defend his fans, even if they didn't recognize him.

"Why don't we all calm down, put the weapon away. We're sorry about the noise" Bian tried to pacify the man.

"You think I'm a pushover, y-you go around singing and playing so joyfully while we risk our lives on the daily" The tattered man spoke in hysteria, his breathing became rapid and unstable.

"Y-you y-you, DIE!!!"

With a smooth buzz, a bolt flew faster than the normal perception of everyone present. It flew towards Bian, who was standing in front of the boys, and disappeared.

"Huh? What happened?" The tall guy in white asked.

The other guy in black responded with a shrug.

The tattered man had to clean his eye, he didn't understand what happened. One moment the bolt was going towards Bian's skull, the next moment, it had disappeared.

Before he could recover from his stupor, a loud voice came from the hall.

"What is going on here!" A man in blue overalls walked out, electricity crackled out of his body and flowed through the floor.

The confused man in tattered clothes couldn't even turn around before he was shocked. The currents passing through his body caused spasms which prevented him from screaming.

Two security guards came in and took him away. The man in blue overalls directed his attention towards Bian.

"Are you alright" he asked in a domineering tone, one befitting a suppressor.

Bian didn't respond, he lifted and opened up his palm. A gasp of surprise came from around, while the man raised a brow. A brown bolt was in the palm of Bian.

He closed his palms with force and the beast soul bolt shattered before dissipating. The man in blue overalls said nothing more, he turned around and left.

"Thanks a lot" the tall guy in white said.

"Yeah, you really saved us there. Nice to meet you, I'm Florence and this is my brother Zack" The guy in the black combat suit said while pointing to the one in the white suit.

"Florence, Zack, I'm Bian" Bian extended his arm for a shake. Zack nervously shook his hand while Florence was shocked by the audacity of Zack.

'Is this really my brother, he's shaking a hand which just casually crushed a mutant beast soul' Florence was a skilled combat professional, he recognized the bolt used by the tattered man.

"So you guys are fans of the Echo Geckos right" Bian said in a friendly manner, he wasn't some cold or deranged person. He liked to interact with people.

"Yeah, they're songs are really great" Florence was the first to respond this time, although he was usually reserved in nature, his passion in music was ignited by the echo geckos. Him and many others across the alliance.

"What's your favourite songs?" Bian asked.

"Industry baby"

"Beat it"

They immediately glared daggers towards each other, each person thought their opinion was superior.

"Which do you think is better" Zack put Bian on the spot. Several other people had also gathered around them.

Some people came to listen about the echo geckos, others tried to get a chance to speak to Bian, regardless they gathered quietly.

"Which do I think is best?" Bian seemed to ponder for a moment before responding. "I think they're both great, but there's a way to make it better."

Everyone perked up their ears. "A way to make it better?" Florence gave Bian a questioning gaze.

"Yeah, why don't you mix both songs" Bian said.

Zack, Florence and everyone put up a bitter face. "Some people tried fusing songs, doubling the length by adding an additional song is no different from listening to both songs one after the other" Florence explained with a bitter smile.

"That's not what I meant, come let me show you" Bian brought up his commlink, he enabled the feature to allow others view his screen.

Bian downloaded the songs, Beat it and industry baby. He used a common audio tool to mix the two songs together.

The remix Beat it x industry baby was formed. Although they watched the process, most people, if not all, were left confused.

"Get ready to have your mind blown!" Bian played the new song. Of course it wasn't unnecessarily loud.


"Woah!" Florence put both hands over his head, his mind was blown. Neither Zack nor anyone for that matter fared any better. It was crazy how awesome the mashup was.

"I heard a little secret, from someone who works close to the three main stars of echo geckos." Bian had a song he had wanted to create and post for a while now.

Everyone listened up, private news regarding the echo geckos. What could it be?

"A new song will be released sometime around next week. The name will be 'my ordinary life' and it will be epic." Bian went back to his seat.

The lack of content intrigued the young people around.

"My ordinary life huh, sounds kind of underwhelming."

"Don't you remember what he just did, if he says it will be epic let's wait and see"

"Does he have a girlfriend" the girl in a crop top asked in a pleasant voice.

Florence, Zack and everyone else "..."

The group soon dispersed and everyone went about doing their own things.

Bian dialed the number of Ouyang Ming, the call was soon connected.

"Hey, how you doing Bian" Ouyang Ming greeted him.

"Fine" Bian responded. "I need a favour or rather a service."

"What would you like?" Ouyang Ming said with a smile, his vulture like eyes glowed a bit.

"I want a document sent to Fang Mingquan" The file Bian was sending to him, he would definitely spread it. He knew the personality of Fang Mingquan a bit, he needed his channel for the story to gain publicity fast.

"That's all, no sender information right?"

"Yeah that's all"

"All right, send the document to me and I'll get it done, of course it won't be easy as..." Ouyang Ming had a hundreds of reasons to justify the difficulty but Bian cut him off.

"How much?"

With a smile Ouyang Ming responded "Five million, Fang Mingquan is quite popular after all but since we're formal roomma.."

"Okay, I'll send the money now and the document a little bit later." Bian said and hung up.

Ouyang Ming was left dumbfounded. Was five million to small a fee? No that couldn't be possible, after all Bian was from a barely average family, right? An alert of five million came in.

Ouyang Ming "..."


Bian sat down to compose the story he would send to Fang Mingquan. The title of the story was King Midas and the golden touch.

Bian had to change some aspects of his songs to match the culture of the alliance or he would publish articles about certain things if they didn't exist.

If there was too much variations he wouldn't publish the song.

The story of Midas was essential for one to gain more emotions and meaning from the song he was about to release, my ordinary life.

Bian began typing the story.

They once lived a king called Midas...

Next chapter