
Chapter 5

I decided to meditate to increase my Fire Force faster.

I focused into my body to find that the Fire Force content was much lower. As I focused more I was surprised to find a new kind of energy which was purple in color. Its content was much lower than Fire Force.

As I focused on it I found that it resided in my bloodstream instead of my entire body. I guess this is the energy from my bloodline. I'll name this energy Rebirth Force since this energy is from my bloodline.

There is no Rebirth Force in the air, much to my disappointment. This means I can only depend on my blood to synthesize this energy.

I try to move this energy outside my body and found it to be surprisingly difficult. Much more difficult than it was first with Fire Force.

But I'm sure that with practice I'll get better at it. I look in front of me to find a small fire which is purple in color and not hot at all.

Disappointed, I fling it to a nearby tree and turn back to my home.


'Enemy attack?!', I look behind me to find that the tree I fired the small fire at had fallen as well as a couple of trees behind as well. The trees were quickly withering and turning black as well.

Dumbfounded, I thought, 'Fires above, this is total destruction!'

The trees that touched the fire just turned to ashes with that little flame that was not even hot. 'I suppose I'm in a magical world alright', I thought.

I decided to use Rebirth Force only in critical situations and be careful of it touching anything living.

I was surprised that I did not die because of the fire. I suppose I should study Rebirth Force more carefully.


After a few hours, I found some properties of Rebirth Force.

1. It has stronger penetrative power than Fire Force

2. Enemies or neutral parties struck by it wither quickly.

3. Friendly parties struck by it heal very quickly.

I found this when I accidentally fired Rebirth Force at the tree where my nest is. To my surprise the tree started sprouting leaves rapidly and was not hurt at all.

I think Rebirth Force will be very useful in life and death situations. I could heal quickly and my enemies' life force will decrease. I am very satisfied that I chose this bloodline.

'Perfect for both attack and recovery', I mused.

After a few more hours, I went back to recovering my Fire Force.


It's been a few days since that incident, and I feel I've recovered and strengthened even further.

As I was returning from my hunt I heard a voice, "Awoo..."

'I think they're staying around my hunting ground', I thought thinking of possible reasons.

I've fought a few stragglers but they easily crumbled under my Rebirth Force shots. I just ran while forming the shots and then lobbed them behind myself. Easy peasy. But the meat from wolves did not taste good.

I returned to my home uneventfully. Back at my home I started my training regime as always. Beak attack, jump, jump and claw attack, running, I feel like I'll grow up into a Kung fu phoenix.

Even though I get tired, I enjoy strengthening myself as much as I liked light novels in my last life.

I've been practicing making fireballs but I still feel that it lacks the oomph. Oh you must be wondering why I've been practicing my fire skills in a forest? No I found a cliff in the forest and I just bombard my fireballs at it.

Strangely, I don't find any animals around here. I wonder why? Anyways I practice all I want without anyone disturbing me.

As I was practicing, I suddenly got an idea. I take the fire force from my body, expell it then try to compress it. It's hard, unsurprisingly. What I find before me is a much smaller fireball but I don't underestimate it.

I fling it towards the cliff wall and cover my ears with my underdeveloped wings.


Even the ground shook a little with that. There was a 5 centimeter deep depression in the cliff wall. I guess the experiment was successful. I can almost imagine myself flying in the air, looking condescendingly at my opponents and lobbing fireballs at them from above.

I can almost imagine them looking despairing, unable to touch me with my aerial superiority. But I think as enemies start to get more powerful I guess even humans would be able to fly. I don't know yet.

Well, I guess we'll have to find out then.