
Rebirth: Perfect Era

Veteran programmer Li Mu was unfortunately kicked back to 2001, right before his university entrance examinations. He happily shook his butt, got up, and inevitably stepped onto the road of being spectacular. As a person re-living his life, Li Mu had his own goals and ambitions. Earning money was just the primary stage of becoming amazing. As for getting into the weekly publication of Times Magazine, becoming a master in the IT industry, and being number one on the Forbes Magazine list, they could all only be considered as his life’s intermediate stage. As for what he considered the highest realm of being a phenomenal person, Li Mu felt like there were three points: First is to become a rich man’s idol. Second is to become a celebrity’s godfather. And third? Becoming an extraordinary person’s father.

Vowing · Realistic
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16 Chs


At seven in the morning, Li Mu got woken up by his parents.

Yesterday he worked until 5:00 pm, the plug-in was 50% complete.

He had supper at home and fell asleep quickly.

Fortunately, he was young and healthy. He was far from the unhealthy state from his last life, so he recovered with a littble bit of sleep.

At 8:50 am, Li Mu took a bus to Haizhou School No. 1 Middle School. The mountain bike that Chen Wan gave to him was too eye-catching, so he didn't want to ride that to school.

Teacher Yu told him that the scores would be released at 9:00. When he got there, almost all the students in his class were already there.

Li Mu's appearance caused a big sensation in the class. Li Mu had disappeared for a couple of days and became a lot more handsome. It made the boys jealous and the girls started screaming.

As soon as Li Mu entered the door, his eyes subconsciously looked for a figure.

In his memory from his three years of high school, he was most impressed by Su Mingxue. Almost all of the boys' fantasies circled around her.

In his senior year, there were countless of boys pursuing her. There were many more throughout the school and throughout the city.

Her name was the same as Yu Jie and Bingqing. She didn't pay to anyone pursuing her. If her dad wasn't the deputy director of the Haizhou Public Security Bureau, no one would know how many times she would've been harrassed.

In his previous life, he was secretely in love with Su Mingxue. He wrote seven or eight love letters confessing to her, but he never game her one. He had finished writing one abd hid it in his schoolbag preparing to give one to her, but he tore it in pieces later after no having the confidence to hand it to her.

After Li Xinsheng was born, Li Mu lost his long attachment to Su Yingxue that year. He just wanted to see what his longtime crush looked like.

He looked around, and Li Mu finally saw Su Yinxue seated in the middle of the classroom.

Poytails and dresses were the most innocent thing an 18 year old girl could wear. Looking at her, he felt that he was perfect and impeccable.

Su Ye at this age had a pure halo surrounding her, and fashion had no meaning with her. She had a king of self-made temperament. Li Mu stood there for a long time, and thought that she was holy.

He had seen some of the so-called beauties in the industry of his last life and even saw some beautiful white lotus flowers, but when he saw Su Yingxue at that moment, she had completely overtaken them all.

Of the 18 year olds, no one dared to stare at a girl with such a scorching gaze. Only Li Mu was the only person who dared to in that room.

Su Yinxue felt a gaze on her and looked up. She looked at Li Mu's eyes and he was shocked for a moment.

After that, he didn't dodge her eyes as he did during the entirety of his high school days in his last life, but looked at her directly.

Su Yingxue and Li Mu had been classmates for three years, and Su Yingxue was looked away first for the first time.

She noticed something in his eyes, and saw his eyes lowering down involuntarily.

Li Mu bit his lower lip, and even in this life, she made his heart race.

In his last life, Li Mu performed poorly in the entrance exam, so he attended a secondary college in the province. Su Yingxue was admitted to the Renmin University of Yanjing, and studied finance. Due to Beijing's booming development in the future, he wanted to be a bit closer to Su Yingxue.

He didn't expect that when he arrived in Yanjing and started to work, he learned that that Su Yingxue got admitted to the Wharton School of Business for an MBA and went to the United States to study.

Li Mu had checked the information about the Wharton Business School. After learning that it was the world's top place to study the MBA major, he didn't expect to meet Su Yingxue anymore.

Su Yingxue studied in the United States until she received her masters. When she returned to China in 2012, she directly became a senior director of the Huxia Region of an American multinational company. He heard from his classmates that her annual salary was around $800,000 USD.

Although she was also in Yanjing, Li Mu dismissed the chance of meeting her again because she was already such a big figure. He nevaer thought of getting with her.

In 2013, Su Yingxue got married in the United States. One night before her marriage, she sent a message to Li Mu on QQ that she was getting married.

Li Mu was rushing to write a code at home for work, and for a long time after seeing the message, he smoked a cigarrette. Only after the cigarrette burned out did he reply with a simple "Congratulations".

That night, he returned to reread the reply he sent in a daze. He didn't do anything, but just repeated the same word over and over again in his heart.


Later, he heard that Su Yinxue's wedding in the United States was extremely romantic. The groom was a Chinese-American and a well-known fashion designer in the United States. After the two were married, she immediately went back to focusing on her work in China while the groom stayed in America to build his brand.

In the Spring Festival of 2016, Li Mu returned home to attend a fiften year high school graduation party. Su Yingxue didn't come, but listening to the gossip about her, he learned that she was married. Her husband was a well-known designer in high society in the United States, and she was willing to marry him due to her family urging her to marry at home. But after that, she devoted herself to her career, and her feelings were indispensible.

When Li Mu learned this, he didn't know whether to symphathize with her or give her a thumbs up. From high school, she lived a better life than her peers. He vaguely felt that Su Yingxue had predetermined this life for herself.

In this life, would she still go to Renmin University and study abroad?

Li Mu shrugged his shoulders and thought that Su Yingxue in this life and Su Yingxue in that life would still do the same thing. Once the college entrance examination ends, their lives would change into two parallel lines that would never intersect.

He forgot his seat, but remembered he sat at the same table with his friend Hu Guoran, and sat right next to him.

As soon as he sat that, Hu Guoran hit him with his elbox and asked, "You kid, as soon as you finish the test, you got a haircut. Let me guess, you got the touched mousse?"

Li Mu grinned.

"Don't you think I look better like this?"

"****, you're right." Hu Guoran ran his hands through his medium length hair and asked after sighing, "How did you do on the exam?"

"Not bad, how about you?"

He responded, "Hehe, I should be okay, but you? I might make it to the Provincial Institute of Technology, so you might as well join me."

Li Mu didn't say anything, but his eyes couldn't help but look directly forward towards Su Yingxue.

Hu Guoran was observant. At first glance, he saw Li Mu's actions and said in a persuasive tone, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, but Su Yingxue applied to Renmin Universtity. I made it my reach school, but I can almost definitely count it out. But for the both of us, we should only apply for schools in the province."

"Un." Li Mu nodded subconsciously.

After three seconds, he realized what was wrong and asked, "Why?"

Li Mu's reaction was a bit weird. Many people in the class, including Su Yingxue, turned to look at Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't realize that he was being watched by some many people.

He had a sudden look of realization, and with a little excitement, said, "****, if I can get 130 in English, I might be able to get accepted to Renmin University!"

When his words came out, the whole class laughed.

They were all classmates, and they all knew each other.

Li Mu was famous for doing bad in English. The head teacher and English teacher had basically given up on him. This year's English test was harder than the diffcult years due to the many of the words and grammar that were not taught appearing in the comprehension portion and the listening portion. For him, they all burned incense so that he would get good results.

Li Mu didn't expect that his words would register as a joke to his classmates. Even if he was thirty inside, he couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed and stopped talking.

He didn't notice that there was one person in the class who didn't laugh after hearing Li Mu's words, and that was Su Yingxue.

Hm, foreshadowing to something?

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