
Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Video Games
Ongoing · 1.9M Views
  • 341 Chs
  • 4.0
    35 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Read ‘Rebirth: Over the Horizon’ Online for Free, written by the author Stylish_Demon, This book is a Video Games Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [Horizon] A Virtual world where people did the things that they can't do in reality. But. Who would have thought that th...


[Horizon] A Virtual world where people did the things that they can't do in reality. But. Who would have thought that the world will end and the powers you accumulated on the game came to reality? I was just a casual player. I think everyone would be a casual player. I was a top graduate, had a beautiful girlfriend, handsome face, overwhelming charm. I was nearly at the peak of time. Why did the world end at that time? 'Damn you, God.' 'You made me lose my parents, you made my talent worthless.Now you made me lose my life.' That's was my last word before my life ended. Rebirth!? I think God, was ashamed of himself and gave me a second chance to redeem himself. 'Haha...I will become True God of this time' --- Visual trailer: https://youtu.be/IQt3zGI7omMhttps:// dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20631625706400305?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4317806097 A.N: What is novel? That is a limitless imagination. Then, why there is logic in it? Readers who are enjoying my novel, I don't like logic like if MC is strong his IQ will be low or If MC is intelligent, his build will be poor, etc. Our MC will be excellent in all the things he knew, So who didn't like that please don't comment or review. Even if you do so I can't change that. Word count: 1200-1400 Daily 1 chapters at 10 A.M If we reached 1M views or 10k collections, I will promote daily release into 2 chapters. Notice: 100 P.S- +1chapter 200 P.S- +2chapter 400 P. S- +3chapter ..... and so on.... Stay tuned! Share it! Support it! Cover is not mine!

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Nightsummer20 · Teen
396 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Over the horizon
Volume 2 :Last preparations
Volume 3 :Season 2: Horizon has Descended


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This book is unique , it's different from other MMORPG books I've ever read . The descriptions are detailed and vivid . The MC is interesting , and I also like the story development . It's surely a recommended book.


Is this a novel where they actually go to the part where the game merges with real life Cause most stories just have them playing the video game for almost the whole story


Such a shame, the story got me really hooked but the writing quality makes it a headache to read and understand. Fast passed, the story is going fast, random things happens when there is already something going on. Characters interactions could be more deep and meaningful, tbh I didn’t feel that much emotions and thoughts behind the conversations. Also I don’t quite yet understand the MC on a deeper level, he just does stuffs.


So the story is pretty good so far while I’m at chapter 55. The pacing is nice, the skills seem interesting, and it looks like there is a lot of potential for world building. That being said, it seems to be heading in a direction that makes me feel like I might drop it soon sadly. I’ll list the pros and cons below Pros: -Good pacing -Cool abilities -OP protagonist, if you’re into that -Only about 120~ chapters are in VR, then it goes to real-world (from what I have seen) -Interesting power system of gods and blessings Cons: -Grammar is fine most of the time, weird at other times, and occasionally requires you to read something a few times to understand -A few plot holes -Some illogical power scaling - the Romance (this is making me think about dropping) This will be more detailed as it’s my biggest issue so far. So far, the female lead serve to do 3 things: blush when the MC says something, stutter when interacting with the MC, and receive things from the MC…im not exaggerating. Her unique class, her equipment, her summons, her spells, all from the MC. She is useless 99+% of the time and it’s to the point where the main female side character, who hasn’t gotten as much screen time, is more persuasive as a love interest (no harem confirmed so all hope is lost 😂). To top it off, the MC changes his whole personality when he is with her. About 18 of the 55 chapters I’ve read so far has been centered around them together so there is that… I’ll try some more chapters but it’s not looking good. The worst part is, I feel this behavoiur will get worse when it switches from VR to real life. TLDR: Pretty decent so far, not too many errors but they are apparent, the romance is ruining the story and unless something changes, I’ll probably drop.


Reveal spoiler


I definitely recommend this book it's a fun read. However, honestly I'm kinda annoyed that the author had the gall to say/ask for readers not to complain about the writing quality but instead point the mistakes out, and here the readers are pointing them out but even after a month or more few to none were addressed or fixed. IDK maybe it's just some that have slipped through the cracks but either way as a reader its kinda annoying.


................................................................ ....................I like this story.................... ................................................................


Author-san the novel synopsis is somewhat, complicated... but it is mostly like Video games novel, so for now I will follow this novel. Waiting for more chapters...




lemme tell you a little story about a boy.. ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha


so in summary, grammar= 1/5 everything else= 5/5 The story is wonderful, the characters have depth. the grammar is a godless afront to mother nature


Cons: The grammar is horrid and is almost nonexistent, a few characters feel unnecessary and I just hate even if they have a purpose, such as the sister. She might give the MC a purpose, but it's bad if I hope she dies in every single chapter she is in. The novel uses a ridiculous amount of cliches and is like I said, inconsistent. For ex. in one of the early chapters which was a small example, The notification literally notified him it was nora in front of him but he asked himself where nora is (as if she's not there). Also in one chapter the author forgot to add a description of a class and said they would as soon as possible, its been a month since. The rules that the author makes are inconsistent for example at one point the MC sadly states he can't use a spear because he's a warrior, and then comments right after that classes can use any weapon. Then a few paragraphs later he begins using a spear which I don't know how he has, because according to him warriors start with a sword and shield. He then instead of being a warrior becomes a mage, which is acceptable, but using the very same logic from earlier he shouldn't be able to use a spear but does. Pros: The story seemed bearable and maybe a decent read if the grammar was fixed. Not too many here. Giving it two stars because it actually kept me reading like 5 chapters.


This story is alright. First thing you notice is writing quality, which is poor. It sounds like a non-native speaker wrote it. I can't really comment on update stability, so I gave it 5 stars. Story development is pretty basic, and I was hoping to feel...more. It's somewhat superficial and honestly required some deeper thought. MC's just running around completing tasks right now without thinking much. Honestly feeling a little bored. Character is pretty basic. Props to actively choosing not to have a Harem. World background is a little disappointing at this point in the story. There's random GM interference to make the journey harder for the MC. It seems highly unnecessary. Also, he decided to add Gods and God's apostles early and make the MC into one, which seems a bit much. I don't know. Honestly just expect more, since the story has a lot of potential.


The story proluge is good but please fix the skill usage like mp cool down and it takes to much time for the development to takes place make the story more details


The writing quality is abysmal to the point where I have read machine translations that made more sense. The story seems to be all over the place and characters are quite bland the author desperately needs someone to edit past chapters.


Grammer is bad and story is all over the place and adding to that there is a huge lack of information the mc is strong because he is strong how he got there dosent seem to say


the story is common in a lot of Chinese novel, go back in time-> use knowledge to make big money and an head start+ op grow gear (maybe). an big bad event is gonna happened and need to get ready for that and that's about it. this is a fine story but an big problem that some story have and a lot of people don't like this. and that is by making other people(side character) weak to make the main character strong, For Example: MC spent hours trying to mastery the spear, but somehow he still got first boss kill and first dungeon, even in todays gaming world, people that rush or try rushing past the mobs/group of people at the start of an new game is very common, and they are hardcore players. so the facts that MC still get first kill bonus. is pushing the plot a bit too much. like the first boss kill can happened in like the first 10 hours of the game. base on how long MC took to level.


The story is Kind of meh. Grammar and Vocabulary need work. The Characters are kind of stagnant, not sure about this part, sometimes the story is good.


good novel, but is it to hard to just check for grammar mistakes, i mean theres not a lot, but from you writing i can tell that it is sloppy mistakes, so please proof read it so that the story flows better. keep up the work :D


the translation to English is rough. this novel would probably present well in the authors native language. unfortunately the character development and interaction between characters results in no development with the main character being overpowered with a domineering personality.


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