
Chapter 38 Investigating the Stone Chamber

  Seeing Yang Guo's worried expression, Grandma Sun no longer had the heart to tease him, so she nodded with a smile.

  Yang Guo cheered immediately, hugged Grandma Sun and kissed her on the cheek.

  Grandma Sun laughed so hard that she couldn't see her eyes, obviously she was very pleased, but she scolded: "Look at your child, it's not big or small, but you want to be beaten?

  " I have always had a strange thought about this ancient tomb, even when I am thinking about it in the middle of the night, I always imagine what kind of scene is inside the ancient tomb. Over time, the ancient tomb has become the clear moon in the night sky. It looks hazy, like gauze and mist. Occasionally, when it gets close, it stays on the treetop for a while, and only wants to touch it with hands to see what it is like. Is it real or unreal.

  It can be said that unconsciously, the ancient tomb has become a kind of sustenance in Yang Guo's heart, entrusting his sincere wish for love and entrusting his imagination of future life.

  The man who lived in this ancient tomb achieved the myth of being the best in the world; the woman who lived in this ancient tomb explained the unswerving loyalty to love until death. The world, beauty. If someone can win both, what regrets will there be in this life?

  Yang Guo's heart was full of thoughts in an instant, and when his excited mood calmed down, he hurriedly asked Grandma Sun for details.

  Grandma Sun saw his anxious face and felt that it was both ridiculous and cute, so she took his hand and sat down, explaining the cause and effect in detail.

  It turned out that Yang Guo lost a lot of blood that day, and was seriously injured later, and also experienced emotional ups and downs in a day, and soon after passing out of coma, he developed a high fever again, and the situation was very critical. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng, a drug addict, has extraordinary medical skills, after a few doses of medicinal soup, Yang Guo's fever was immediately reduced. Seeing that Yang Guo was still unconscious, he spared no effort to expend his internal energy to activate Yang Guo's meridians and activate his veins to heal his internal injuries.

  After such a day and night, Yang Guo's injury finally stabilized. But how to deal with Yang Guo next made Ouyang Feng worry. Yang Guo's lungs were wounded and healed within three to five days, he needed to recuperate slowly in a quiet place. If it's murder and poisoning, Ouyang Feng is good at it, but if he is to take care of Yang Guo's life, it's really difficult for him. After only taking care of Yang Guo for two days, Ouyang Feng became impatient and scratched his hair anxiously.

  At this moment, Grandma Sun found her. After Yang Guo was taken away by Ouyang Feng that day, she was concerned about Yang Guo's safety, so she went to the forest alone to search for him. But she searched for a long time without any results, so she thought that Yang Guo might have returned to the mountain. So she came outside the Chongyang Palace again, ready to go in and find out. It was also a coincidence that a few Taoist priests passing by happened to be talking about Yang Guo, so she quietly followed behind to eavesdrop, and only then did she learn that the Quanzhen Sect had made a big move and was also looking for Yang Guo in the mountains. She thought that the Quanzhen Sect had many people and was familiar with the terrain, so it would be faster to find them, so she followed the footsteps of the Quanzhen Sect people.

  But Grandma Sun is not good at tracking, when she found the Quanzhen Sect members, Ouyang Feng had already brought Yang Guo away. Fortunately this time her luck was better, when Ouyang Feng lit a fire and boiled medicine, she found the green smoke rising into the sky, so she followed the direction of the green smoke, and she found Yang Guo as expected.

  When Grandma Sun saw Yang Guo's condition, she proposed to take Yang Guo away and put him in her care. Ouyang Feng was really eager to get rid of these troublesome matters, so he agreed very much. Of course, this is also because Yang Guo told Ouyang Feng about Grandma Sun, and Ouyang Feng knew that she had no ill intentions towards Yang Guo. Otherwise, although Ouyang Feng is crazy, he is not a fool, he would not hand over Yang Guo casually.

  Ouyang Feng thought that it would be best for Yang Guo to use some tonic to heal his wounds, so he confessed a few words to Grandma Sun, then turned and left, not knowing where he went.

  After Yang Guo heard all this, he shook his head and sighed: "My adoptive father is not very smart, maybe he forgot all about searching for the medicine before walking a few miles. able to come back."

  He sighed a few words, then thought of something, and asked, "Mother-in-law, didn't Aunt Long always disagree with me entering the tomb? Why did she agree this time?"

  Granny Sun heard his question, her face showing With a look of hesitation, she sighed and said: "Your Aunt Long didn't agree, it was me who said something, she agreed to you recuperating in the tomb, but once your injury is healed, you have to leave here."

  Yang Guo Hearing the words "Oh", the expression on his face changed from surprise to deep disappointment, and he said with some anger: "Then I'll be sick for the rest of my life, so I can stay here forever! " Grandma Sun knocked him on the head, feigning anger,   and said: "

  Why did you say such unlucky words? How can anyone expect him to get sick?"

What's wrong? You can stretch out your clothes and open your mouth when you eat, and you don't have to worry about being kicked out. How can I be treated like this?"

  Grandma Sun smiled and said, "You want to be kicked out?" Is it not easy for people to eat and dress you? Mother-in-law will cook some food for you."

  Yang Guo didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "I'm not hungry!" As soon as he said this, he heard his own There was a "gu-gu" sound in his stomach, and he couldn't help but blush.

  Grandma Sun suddenly burst into laughter. She wanted to make fun of him, but she was worried that he would get angry if he was thin-skinned, so she turned and left with a smile on her face. When she got to the door, she turned her head and said, "Just sit on the bed and take care of yourself." Just stay, don't wander around, your Aunt Long won't like it if she finds out.

Yang Guo agreed ,

  and after Grandma Sun left, he immediately got off the stone bed and walked around the stone room. But the stone room is not big and there are no decorations. What is broken, and what is there to see?

  After turning around a few times, he couldn't stay any longer, thinking: "I finally came in once, if I stay here all the time, wouldn't it be boring and very boring?" ? I will take a look at it quietly, I can't waste such a rare opportunity. He listened for a while, but he didn't hear any sound .

  He tiptoed to the door again, probed out to check, and walked out swaggeringly only after confirming that there was no one there.

  Outside the stone room was a three-foot-wide corridor. It was paved with stone slabs, and looking at the walls on both sides, they were all made of whole boulders.

  Yang Guo was a little surprised, and thought: "My dear, if this is trapped here, how can we still use it?" It's really hard to get out. He saw Grandma Sun go to the left just now, so he also chose the left direction and walked forward, thinking in his heart while walking: "Although there are many organs in this ancient tomb, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The mother-in-law has just passed by here, so there is no way that even this place has ambushed agencies. "

  After walking a dozen steps, he saw a stone door on the side of the stone wall. From his angle, he could see that the stone door was not closed. He couldn't help but jump in his heart, and walked up to it, peeping in furtively.

  But there was nothing in this stone room, it was even more spacious than the stone room he stayed in, which at least had a stone bed.

  Yang Guo was a little disappointed, and continued to walk forward. The corridor was seven or eight feet long, during which he found several stone chambers, but they were all empty and no one was inside. In

  the blink of an eye, Yang Guo had reached the end of the corridor, and if he went forward, he was covered by a piece of stone. The boulder blocked it. He murmured, "My mother-in-law must have passed through here, but I don't know how to open this stone wall? "He lay down on the stone wall, inspected it carefully, and kept beating with both hands.

  But the whole boulder was smooth and seamless, and there was no mechanism to open the door. Yang Guo tried hard for a long time but still had no clue.

  "It's really strange, could it be that the mother-in-law can penetrate walls?" Yang Guo muttered, and searched again in disbelief, but found nothing again.

  "Hey, forget it, I think Li Mochou, as the descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect, doesn't even know the mechanism here, it would be strange if I, an outsider, can find it so easily." Yang Guo shook his head, then turned around Just as he was about to leave, there was a "clacking" sound from the stone wall behind him, but someone opened it.