
Chapter 32

  Ouyang Feng went back not long after he left, but compared to just now, he had two more herbs in his hand.

  Yang Guo asked curiously: "Father, are these medicinal herbs used to heal my wounds? How do you know where to find these medicinal herbs?"

  Ouyang Feng said: "There are many of these medicinal herbs, what's so special about finding them? Come here, I'll put some medicine on you, and it won't hurt in a while."

  Yang Guo walked up to him as he said, and asked with some uncertainty: "Father, don't you need to mash this medicine to make ointment?"

  Ouyang Feng haha He smiled and said, "Where is the need for such trouble? Watch it!" He put a handful of herbs on the boulder, put another handful of herbs between his palms, and rubbed his palms lightly, and the herbs disappeared.

  Yang Guo couldn't help being stunned, when he looked carefully, he saw that the original medicinal herb had turned into blue concoction, floating slowly in Ouyang Feng's palm.

  Yang Guo dipped a little bit with his finger and put it on the tip of his nose, and immediately smelled a strong medicinal fragrance. The wound medicines he had seen in the past were all in the form of paste or powder, but this was the first time he had seen such a liquid form. He thought: "This medicine has turned into juice, how will it be fixed on the wound later? The medicine doesn't have enough time to penetrate into the skin, can it still heal the wound?"

  He was a little confused and at a loss when he heard Ouyang Feng say again: "Be patient, this medicine is itchy." He was about to ask "" How itchy?" Ouyang Feng had already applied the medicine to the wound on his back.

  Yang Guo only felt a chill on his back, and then a gust of cold air rushed into the wound, making him shiver uncontrollably. But just as the cold air invaded his body, it was dissipated by a gust of hot air in the blink of an eye. He knew by feeling that the hot air came from Ouyang Feng's palms.

  Yang Guo asked curiously, "Father, what are you doing?"

  Ouyang Feng said, "Usually, the penetration of medicine is too slow. I use internal force to push it, and it will be much faster." He spoke slowly Turning his palms, pushing the medicine into Yang Guo's body bit by bit.

  Yang Guo felt it for a while, apart from some heat on his back, he didn't seem to have any other sensations, just as he was about to wonder if Ouyang Feng picked the wrong herbs, but there was a new change in his body.

  With the stimulation of Ouyang Feng's internal energy, the medicine penetrated very quickly. The wound was numb at first, and then itchy in a short while, and this itchy feeling became more and more intense, as if many ants were in the wound. Crawling on the wound, and gradually spreading to the inside of his skin, Yang Guo couldn't help feeling a little hairy.

  He couldn't help but wanted to twist his body and use his hands to scratch, but Ouyang Feng said: "My dear son, you can't scratch it now, just wait for a while.

  " This itching came and went quickly, after a quarter of an hour, Ouyang Feng took his palm away and said: "Okay, don't use your internal energy today, after today the wound will be fine."

  Yang Guo tried to move his shoulders and back, but he didn't feel the pain of pulling the wound anymore, he couldn't help being surprised, and praised Ouyang Feng: "Father, it really doesn't hurt anymore, your hands are good at healing wounds." It's amazing!"

  Ouyang Feng couldn't help but smirked again, and after a while he said: "You still have a wound on your leg, you should also apply medicine, there are some herbs here."

  Waiting for Ouyang Feng to apply Yang Guo's leg as well After finishing the medicine, almost an hour has passed. Yang Guo was a little worried that the disciples of the Quanzhen sect would come looking for him, so he said to Ouyang Feng: "Father, I've been out for a long time, if I don't go back, those Taoist priests on the mountain will come looking for me. Where are you staying? I'll come to see you at night."

  Ouyang Feng was very unhappy when he heard that he was going back, and said, "What are you going back for? You are my son, so you should follow me."

  Yang Guo said, "Your child has joined the whole Those who belong to the true sect must learn martial arts from them, and they will not be able to leave the mountain until a few years later."

  Ouyang Feng saw that he put aside his unrivaled martial arts and went to learn other people's inferior martial arts, he felt jealous in his heart, and said angrily: "Okay, you look down on my martial arts, don't you? The True Sect is gone, let's see where you go to learn it!"

  Yang Guo couldn't help being startled, he hurriedly took Ouyang Feng's arm, and comforted him with kind words: "Father, the child of the Quanzhen Sect has almost learned the martial arts, this time I went back to settle accounts with those Taoist priests who hurt me. You destroyed the Quanzhen sect. Is it true that I will never be able to avenge my revenge?"

  Only then did Ouyang Feng calm down, and said: "Use their martial arts to kill me. Beat them, when will you be able to take revenge? How about I teach you the two most powerful miraculous skills in the world, and when you learn them, no one in the world will be able to bully you. It will not be easy to take revenge then? How about it, what do you think? Don't want to learn?"

  Yang Guo knew how much Ouyang Feng attached importance to Ha Toad Kung Fu and Nine Yin Manual, if he said he didn't want to learn these two extraordinary kung fu, he would definitely make Ouyang Feng furious, and the consequences would be unpredictable. As soon as Ouyang Feng was calmed down, how could he go against the will of this evil god?

  He probably also identified Ouyang Feng's veins, so he said according to his liking: "Even the adoptive father admires these two martial arts so much, they must be the first-class martial arts in the world, and my child naturally wants to learn them. Ouyang Feng was quite satisfied when he heard the words, and asked again: "Then do you know what these two   great skills


It's the toad skill of the adoptive father! As for what the second extraordinary skill is, the child doesn't know."

  Ouyang Feng heard that Yang Guo ranked the toad skill as the first, his heart was relieved, and he grinned and said: "It's rare that you And this insight, although only half of it has been said, is already quite good. My dear boy, let me tell you, the first of these two great skills is the toad skill,

The second is the Nine Yin Scriptures. Listen carefully, now I will teach you the basics of Ha Toad Kung Fu. "As he spoke, he began to recite the formula. After listening for

  a while, Yang Guo smiled and said, "Father, you have taught me these kung fu before, have you forgotten?"

  Ouyang Feng scratched his scalp and said in a daze, "Have you taught me? " "In a flash he said happily again: "Since you have already practiced it, it would be great. I will directly pass on the kung fu to you later!" "

  At that moment, he read out the higher-level mental method sentence by sentence, regardless of whether Yang Guo could understand it or how much he could remember, he just kept talking and practiced it with fists and kicks from time to time. But he was already crazy. , sometimes sober and sometimes confused, now when teaching formulas, it is mixed, sometimes reciting Hama Gong, and sometimes reciting Nine Yin Scriptures, and I am not afraid that Yang Guo will confuse the two

  . The scriptures are the top kung fu in the world's martial arts. Ordinary people only practice one of them and they can benefit endlessly. It stands to reason that Yang Guo should be extremely pleasantly surprised now, but his expression is a bit tangled.

  Although this toad kung fu is The world's first-class miraculous kungfu has subtle changes and infinite mysteries, but Yang Guo knows that the practice of his internal kung fu is extremely difficult, and if he practices it slightly wrong, he will inevitably suffer serious injuries or even die from vomiting blood. Back then, Ouyang Feng and his son Ouyang Kedu never taught it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com shows how dangerous it is when practicing.

  As for the Nine Yin Scriptures, it is simply a piece of chicken ribs for Yang Guo. Ouyang Feng memorized scriptures that were upside down. Although he can improve greatly after practicing according to the practice, but at the same time that his skill improves, his brain is also broken. Yang Guo doesn't want to practice and practice, and finally follow in the footsteps of Ouyang Feng.

  Yang Guo quickly makes two kinds of martial arts in his mind . After doing the analysis, he mainly focused on the Hama Gong and the method of retrograde meridians taught by Ouyang Feng, but he didn't take the scriptures of the Nine Yin Manual seriously. He thought in his heart: "Although this Hama Gong is temporarily Unable to practice, but after all, it is a rare and superior martial art in the world, so it is always right to write it down first. "

  So one of the two just talked and the other just memorized, several hours passed before they knew it. Ouyang Feng finished talking about the main points of the two great works, and then he remembered to ask Yang Guo, "Do you remember what I said?"   Yang

  Guo nodded, and said, "Yes, I remember everything."

He picked out a few formulas and asked, seeing that Yang Guo's answers were correct, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "My good boy, you are much smarter than Ke'er." Although he is crazy, he has remembered many things, but he still can't. Just who you are.

  Yang Guo tactfully did not continue to talk about Ouyang Ke's topic, but said: "Father, I'm hungry, are you hungry?"

  Ouyang Feng took out a dry steamed bun from his bosom, handed it to Yang Guo, Said: "I took a few from a farmer's house a few days ago, and now this is the only one left, you can eat it."