
Chapter 252

Jinlun Guoshi said: "This time I accompanied Wang Ye Xing Wangshi to the south, and wanted to restore peace to the world, but Guo Jing stopped him in front of Xiangyang City, so that thousands of soldiers and innocent people died because of it. I can't bear it."

"Layman Yang is very strong in martial arts and has a close relationship with Guo Jing. As long as he opens the city gate and allows the prince's army to enter the city, he can save countless lives. It is a great merit. Swearing that you have broken your trust, you can have a clear heart. I wonder what Layman

Yang thinks?" Seeing Jinlun Guoshi's calculations, Yang Guo couldn't help sneering secretly, and said: "Master's request is deliberately making things difficult for me. , I, as a Han, if I act as an internal response for you Mongolians, how can I gain a foothold in the land of the Han in the future? I wonder if the master can change the conditions?"

Jinlun Guoshi said: "You don't need to worry, Layman Yang, as long as the city of Xiangyang is here. , our army can further intimidate the emperor and ministers of the Song court, and within a few years, the Song Dynasty will be able to rule the country. At that time, Layman Yang will be the hero of the prince, who would dare to make things difficult for Layman Yang?"

Yang Guo pretended to be moved , Said: "This matter is too important, let me think it over carefully, and once I do it, I can't go back, so as not to worry about the future, will the master let me meet my adoptive father first? As long as the adoptive father can I'm safe and sound, so what's the point if I agree to Master?"

Jinlun Guoshi said, "Can Layman Yang still believe what I say? Back then Layman Yang needed 'Black Jade Intermittent Ointment'. Didn't I go all the way to get it for Layman Yang? Is it? It's a pity that Layman Yang was really impatient, so he broke into the camp because of this, otherwise, as long as Layman Yang informs, the old man will give it to Layman Yang."

Yang Guo's expression was not good. Consciously twitched, and couldn't help but curse Jinlun Guoshi again for being shameless. Secretly said: "If you are really willing to return the ointment according to the agreement, wouldn't it be good to turn a blind eye and let the young master leave that day? Why bother chasing after him desperately, causing the young master to almost run all over the camp? I'm afraid you wanted to threaten the young master with ointment at that time, right?"

"The master's words. Of course I can trust them, but didn't the master just say that he didn't know where my adoptive father was? Just knowing who captured my adoptive father. Still can't make me feel at ease. I hope the master can Be considerate." Yang Guo said apologetically.

Jin Lun Guoshi said: "This old monk can guarantee that, although Ling Yifu was captured by others, there is no personal danger now, otherwise the old monk would have Ling Yifu killed by his hands, and he would not be allowed to escape."

"If my adoptive father hadn't recovered his skills, why would he let you be so rampant now? How shameless!" Yang Guo couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

He saw that Jinlun Guoshi always had a very strict tone of voice, but he refused to disclose more information. So I had no choice but to give up the thought of inquiring for the time being.

The adoptive father has been missing for many days, if someone really wanted to kill him, then it is likely that something unexpected happened by now.

And if things are really like what Jinlun Guoshi said, and the adoptive father's life is not in danger now, he can still think carefully about the countermeasures.

"Master, I will give you a definite answer after I think about what to say, and I will take my leave now." Yang Guo picked up the assassin on the ground, and without waiting for Jinlun Guoshi to persuade him, he turned and left the place.

Jinlun Guoshi waited until Yang Guo was gone, and then he began to heal his internal injuries. He murmured, "What kind of martial art is this Yang Guo practicing? Why is the internal force so overbearing? I can't suppress it."

Yang Guo rushed out After a few miles. Only then did he stop and put the assassin down, and observed the assassin's appearance.

Seeing that the assassin's beard and hair are already grizzled, he should be in his fifties. Moreover, he was hunched over, his left foot was disabled, and several of his ribs were broken by the spear, and he suffered internal injuries. His appearance was really miserable.

"This person is quite consistent with Huang Yaoshi's sixth disciple, Feng Mofeng, and I forgot to ask his name before." Yang Guo just thought about it in his head, and then he started to undo the clothes on the assassin's chest, It aligns and joins the broken bones.

Then he found some wooden sticks and fixed them behind the assassin's chest. Use a few long pieces of cloth torn from your outer shirt to tie around your body tightly.

After ensuring that the broken bone would not shift, Yang Guo sat down cross-legged. He began to use internal force to heal the assassin's internal injuries.

After a while, the assassin opened his eyes and woke up.

"I've connected the broken bone in your chest for you. But you can't get up yet." Yang Guo said to him.

The assassin looked at Yang Guo, nodded and said, "Thank you benefactor for saving me, I don't know benefactor Gao's name?"


My surname is Yang and my name is Guo, you can just call me by my first name. After Yang Guo replied, he asked again, "What's your name?" Hearing this, the

assassin closed his eyes, opened them again after a while and said: "The villain's surname is Feng, but he is just a blacksmith, so don't mention his name." Seeing

his expression, Yang Guo knew it already, so he didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Master Feng, I don't understand something, I hope you can explain it." "

Feng Tiejiang said: "Excuse me, Mr. Benedict." Yang Guo said: "

You want to assassinate Kublai Khan, why didn't you do it earlier?" Now that the army is assembled and the guards are tight, going to assassinate is tantamount to death. Blacksmith Feng sighed: "

The villain sneaked into the Mongolian army by building weapons, but it took several months to find the opportunity to assassinate the Mongolian marshal. The Han people, the villain really can't stand it, so they want to risk their lives. I didn't expect the assassination to fail, but to cause trouble to benefactor. "

Yang Guo nodded, felt that his injury had improved a lot, so he withdrew his palms and said: "You are injured now, follow me back to recuperate." "

Tiejiang Feng's eyes turned red, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com sighed and said: "It's also a villain who has no skills, and can't do anything. "

Yang Guo thought of this person's left leg broken by Huang Yaoshi at a young age due to his troubles with his classmates, and since then he has been living in a remote countryside, making a living by blacksmithing, wasting his life in vain, it is really pitiful, he couldn't help but say : "What can I do if I have high skills? Will the assassination of Kublai Khan revive the Song Dynasty? The Mongols had countless iron cavalry, and if one Kublai Khan died, there would be a second and a third, would they be able to kill them? "

Tiejiang Feng sighed again, but stopped talking.

"Don't think about it, the most important thing is to heal the injury first. After saying that, Yang Guo stretched out his hand to hug him.

"I beg your benefactor to help me up first, I can walk by myself," said Blacksmith Feng.

Seeing his firm face, Yang Guo had no choice but to follow his advice.

But after Feng Tiejiang stood up, he walked very slowly, so Yang Guo had no choice but to hold his arm again, and transmit his internal energy, thus speeding up.