
Chapter 217

After Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv walked for two days, they arrived at the city of Xiangyang.

Compared with a few months ago, the city wall looks more dilapidated and mottled, obviously after the bloody battle of the siege, it has not been repaired in the future.

But in contrast, the popularity is much stronger.

The three of them led their horses into the city, and saw that there were many shops on the street, and the sound of hawking was endless.

Yang Guo was walking, when he turned his head and found Xiao Longnv missing, he was startled and hurriedly turned back to look for it.

But Xiao Longnu was standing in front of a peddler, looking curiously at some small red fruits in front of her.

The peddler was on a long and thin wooden pier. After wrapping the hay material in a sack, he tied it tightly with a rope, and then used a bamboo stick to string Tang balls wrapped in brown sugar. sell.

Yang Guo went back again, came to Xiaolongnv, and asked with a smile: "This is candied haws, auntie, would you like to try it?

" Seeing that these small red fruits are very small and cute, and seem to be delicious, they nodded slightly.

Yang Guo asked the peddler, "How much is a bunch?" The

peddler said, "Two cents for a bunch of delicious candied haws, neither sour nor sweet, no pennies from customers!"

Grandma Sun couldn't help laughing: "You little boy Shopkeeper, why are you still singing?"

Yang Guo took out six copper coins, waved his hand, and said generously, "Come and serve three skewers!"

Xiaolongnv got the candied haws, and then walked forward with Yang Guo.

She brought the candied haws in her hand to her eyes again, looked at it carefully, and then took a tentative sip.

A sour smell made her wrap her mouth tightly and frowned slightly, but in the next moment, another sweet smell came in, and a smile appeared in her eyes immediately.

Yang Guo watched it interestingly and amusedly, and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Xiao Longnu didn't answer immediately, but lightly gritted her teeth. After eating one candied haws, he exhaled softly and said, "It's delicious."

Seeing this, Yang Guo was not in a hurry to meet Guo Jing. Take Xiaolongnv for a stroll down the street.

As long as there are gadgets that Xiaolongnv is interested in or snacks that she wants to taste, Yang Guo will buy them all.

But after more than half an hour, Huang Shou's back was covered with all kinds of odds and ends, and Xiao Longnv finally had her stomach full and didn't want to try anymore.

Yang Guo remembered that there was no congratulatory gift yet. Then she said: "Auntie, let's pick two gifts and give them away, but what should I give as a gift for a baby who has just reached one month old?"

Xiao Longnu shook her head, expressing that she didn't know.

Grandma Sun said: "Why don't you give me two 'Longevity Threads', which can ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters, cure diseases and prolong life, and they are also considered auspicious objects.


He asked a passerby where the "Longevity Thread" was sold, and he and Long and Sun went together . Straight to find the past.

It was a shop with a medium-sized facade and a lot of samples inside.

Yang Guo selected for a while, selected two pieces, and held them in his hand.

Those are two wishful knots, made of multicolored silk ropes into the shapes of goldfish and birthday peaches, they are very pleasing to look at.

After he paid copper coins to buy it, he felt that the gift was a bit light again.

If it was him, he would have nothing to worry about, no matter how high or low the gift is. It's just a wish, Guo Jing won't care.

He didn't care how Huang Rong and others thought of him, whether they cared.

But there is still my aunt on this trip. You must not lose face.

So after he left the shop, he said to Xiaolongnv: "Auntie, I think these two 'longevity strands' are a bit easier, let's go buy two more pearls and jade to tie them on."

Xiaolongnv didn't understand these things . , everything is up to him, and Grandma Sun is up to Xiaolongnu.

so and so. The three of them went to a jade shop again.

This time Yang Guo picked two pieces of white jade engraved with "Longevity for a Hundred Years" and had them affixed to the Wishful Knot.

After picking out the presents, the three of them headed all the way to the Guo Mansion.

In front of the Guo Mansion,

Yang Guo informed the servants guarding the gate of his name, but after a while, Guo Jing came out to greet him.

"Guoer, you're here, but I haven't seen you for a few months." Guo Jing couldn't hide his surprise when he saw Yang Guo, looked at Long and Sun, and asked, "Who are these two?"

Yang Guo hurriedly introduced: "This is my master and mother-in-law. I came here with Guo Er to congratulate my uncle."

Guo Jing cupped his hands again and said to Xiao Longnv: "So it's Miss Long, Guo is rude, please come in!

" After a salute, everyone walked inward.

Yang Guo asked, "Where's Aunt Guo? Guo'er has brought two gifts for her two children."

Guo Jing heard this, his expression showed a sad look, and he sighed, "Your aunt is ill. Rest in the room."

Yang Guo couldn't help being startled, and asked, "Have you seen the doctor?"

Guo Jing said, "I've already looked for all the doctors I could find, and they couldn't find out the cause of the disease. Now I'm at a loss what to do.

" At that time, everyone had already entered the living room, Guo Jing called Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv to sit down.

Yang Guo asked, "Why did Aunt Guo get sick suddenly? But what is the reason?"

Guo Jing's face was full of regret, and he said, "I am responsible for this. Your aunt was unwell a few days ago, so I invited a The doctor gave her acupuncture diagnosis and treatment, but since then, your aunt has always felt severe pain at the injection site every day, but she can't find the cause, alas!"

Yang Guo said: "This symptom is obviously caused by poisoning. Zhi, but the doctor was arrested and interrogated?"

Guo Jing said: "I have already asked, and the doctor does not know the reason, I think he did not lie, if he really wanted to harm your aunt, he should have escaped long ago after he succeeded. ."

Yang Guo thought for a while, and said: "That's someone who used it to frame you. Did you check the needles that the doctor used at that time?"

Guo Jing shook his head and said, "The doctor used silver needles. If the needle is really poisoned, it can be seen directly, but when the needle was applied, I was right next to it, and the silver needle did not change color."

Yang Guo pondered for a while, and said: "Uncle Guo, can this Tell me about the situation of this doctor in detail?"

Guo Jing knew that he was no less intelligent than Huang Rong, and hoped that he could find out some clues, so he told all he knew.

After hearing this, Yang Guo asked, "Uncle Guo said that Dr. Li's needles were changed by his eldest son?"

Guo Jing nodded and said, "Yes, according to Dr. Li's eldest son, someone offered a high price Seeing his father's needles, he took them out. After the man looked at the needles, he paid a high price to look at them for two more days, and gave him a new pair of needles as a gift. He thought I made a profit from this move, so I agreed to it."

Speaking of this, he said: "Although this matter is a bit of a coincidence, the needle itself is not poisoned, so what's the problem?"