
Chapter 209 Parting

The five sons of Quanzhen heard that the content of the edict had been destroyed, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Liu Chuxuan said gratefully: "Thank you and Miss Long, thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know what the result will be.

" A mountain should help each other, not to mention that the Taoists are not outsiders compared to the boys." The

two parties exchanged polite greetings for a while, and then dispersed quickly because they needed to rest in the middle of the night.

Now that he helped Quanzhen Sect solve the trouble, Yang Guo didn't need to stay in the teaching any longer. After dawn, he asked Quanzhen Five Masters to resign.

The Quanzhen Five Sons had no choice but to agree after trying to keep them to no avail, now that there are Mongolian people everywhere, it is enough for them to have a headache to deal with, and indeed they have no energy to entertain Yang and Long any more.

Yang and Long went to visit the two daughters Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang. The latter also decided to leave when they learned that their master and apprentice were going back to the ancient tomb.

What Lu Wushuang suffered was only the poisonous injury, after the remaining poison was cleared, after two days of rest, his body did not feel any discomfort, and he had fully recovered.

So Yang and Long stopped for a while, and after Cheng and Lu said goodbye to the five Quanzhen sons, they went out together and went down the mountain together.

When Cheng and Lu came to ⊕ the day before yesterday, they still had empty hands, but now they have an extra package on their bodies, which contains a set of coils and dry food given by the five sons of Quanzhen.

In front of Xiao Longnu, Lu Wushuang was not as playful as before, but he was very lively, pestering Xiao Longnu to ask a lot of questions.

Seeing her frankness, Xiao Longnv didn't reject her, and answered a few questions, but the rest of the time she just nodded or shook her head slightly.

Seeing this, Cheng Ying was very embarrassed, and apologized: "My cousin doesn't understand etiquette, don't mind the head of the dragon."

Xiao Longnv smiled and said: "It's okay. I like it very much."

Hearing this, Lu Wushuang made a face at Cheng Ying and said, "Listen, cousin, Sister Long also said that she doesn't hate me anymore."

Cheng Ying taught her again He said : "It's not big or small, how do you call it?"

Yang Guo smiled and said: "Miss Cheng, I think Wushuang's sister is very good. You don't always call me a master, but also call my aunt a sister." It's good to be my elder sister, so I don't get too far."

Maybe because Yang Guo saved Lu Wushuang's life, Lu Wushuang didn't get angry at the name he said this time, but because he stood on the same side as him, and Gave him a "you're wise" look.

After hearing the words, Cheng Ying hesitated for a while, and then agreed.

When the four of them came to the mountainside, they happened to meet a few people carrying sacks who came up the mountain.

"Huh? So who... why are you here?" Lu Wushuang recognized that the other party was the disciples of the beggar gang who came with him. Can't help but ask each other strangely.

It's really embarrassing for these disciples of the beggar gang. After walking with Lu Wushuang for many days, she still doesn't even remember their names.

The Erbao disciple slandered in his heart, he knew a little about her carefree temper, but he didn't mind, he just replied: "Miss Lu may have forgotten, I said I would come to Zhongnan Mountain to deliver a letter."

Lu Wushuang After listening to it, I didn't feel ashamed at all. He asked again: "Then have you found the place? If not, I can help you."

The two-bag disciple shook his head and said, "The place has been found. Even if someone blocks the way, I can't get through even after coming several times. Try your luck again this time."

Hearing this, Yang Guo's heart moved, and he asked, "Are you friends from the Beggar Clan? I don't know who to send the letter to?"

The two-pocket disciple raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were full of doubts, and asked, "I don't know what to call this young master?"

Yang Guo clasped his fists and said, "Boy Yang Guo."

The two-pocket disciple listened. He could not help but widen his eyes, and asked: "But that Yang Guo


the Ancient Tomb Sect?" I have been waiting for several days, and now I have finally found you!"

Yang Guo said, "It's exhausting everyone. I don't dare to be called a young hero. I don't know why you are looking for me?"

The disciple of the second bag said, "That's right, we A few days ago, I met the old gang leader by chance, and he was valued by his old man, let us send a message to Yang Shaoxia."

Yang Guo knew that the old gang leader he was referring to was Hong Qigong, and thought that it must be related to his adoptive father, so he carefully listen to him.

The disciple of the second bag turned his face straight at this time, and then said: "The original words are like this, the old gang leader said, 'Boy Yang, the old man didn't like the stinky toad,

I don't know where I disappeared, I'm sorry for you, I'll treat you to a meal of fresh soup and toad meat some other day as compensation. '"

After repeating the words, he blushed a little, glanced at Yang Guo, and said embarrassedly: "Yang Shaoxia, this... everyone in our gang knows that the old gang leader often likes to eat some very... special things. Although the toad looks ugly, the meat is delicious. "

Hong Qigong only asked these people to relay the oral message that day, and did not explain the other contents. Unknown to the two bag disciples, they still said that Hong Qigong really wanted to invite Yang Guo to eat toad meat. He deliberately explained it.

Yang Guo was amused in his heart, so he didn't explain, but said: "I already understand what Senior Hong meant. Thank you for coming to deliver the letter. It's a pity that it's inconvenient now. I will invite some of you to drink again to express my gratitude. ! The

disciple of the two bags hurriedly said: "Don't dare to thank Young Master Yang, it is our duty to do things for the old gang leader." " He said

again: "Now that we have delivered the message from the old gang leader, it's time to go back, so let's go!"

Yang Guo cupped his hands and said, "Go slowly, everyone. " "

The two-pocket disciple said goodbye to Lu Wushuang again, and went down the mountain directly.

Lu Wushuang was confused just now, so he couldn't help looking at Yang Guo, and said: "Smelly..."

Cheng Ying immediately coughed.

Lu Wushuang Glancing at my cousin, I curled my lips unconsciously, omitting the question of address, and then asked: "It's just a stinky toad, it just ran away, what's wrong with it, is there any code word in it?

Yang Guo smiled and asked, "You really want to know? " Seeing

his complacent look, Lu Wushuang couldn't help feeling angry, turned his head to one side, and hummed, "Who wants to know?" Love to talk or not. "

Yang Guo said "Oh", and said, "So you don't want to know, so I won't tell you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He turned his head and said, "Auntie, Miss Cheng, let's continue on our way.

" Seeing that Yang Guo really walked away like this, Wu Shuang stomped his feet angrily, his teeth itching with hatred.

After the four of them arrived at the foot of the mountain, Yang Guo asked Cheng Ying, "Let's say goodbye today, and we'll meet again someday. Where do you want to go?"

Cheng Ying looked at Lu Wushuang, was silent for a while, and said, "Let's go home first. As for where I will live in the end, I don't know."

Yang Guo didn't ask any further questions, he bowed his hands to the two sisters, and left with Xiao Longnu.