
Chapter 178 Seeing Shimen Again

Nimoxing immediately said angrily: "Of course you dare to go in!"

Ma Guangzuo also said loudly: "Why don't you dare? Just go!" The

four masters agreed to lead the way through the barrier, and the Mongolian noble official couldn't help but said: " With the help of four nobles, I am relieved, no matter how many traps there are in this tomb, how can I trap you?"

After being slightly frustrated, everyone regained their confidence.

The Mongolian noble official immediately ordered all the warriors to chop wood and collect materials, and according to Yin Kexi's previous explanation, they made a smooth pedal.

By the time everything was done, another half day had passed.

Some samurai started to light a fire to cook, and the prey they hunted were all peeled and washed, and grilled on the fire, and the smell of meat was everywhere.

In the ancient tomb.

Hearing the noise of eating and drinking outside, Xiao Longnu was obviously disgusted, and asked: "Guo Er, are they still unwilling to leave?"

Yang Guo nodded and said: "What edict are they trying to retrieve, I guess they are looking for it. Before, it would not have gone away."

Xiaolongnv slightly shook her head and said: "There is no edict in our tomb, even if they came in, they still couldn't find it."

Yang Guo said: "I have tried it, It is true that they are looking for the imperial edict, but it is also true that they want to plot against our ancient tomb. The trap mechanism just now failed to scare them off, it seems that they are going to fight us to the death."

Xiao Longnv shook her head again and said: "What else can we plot here? It's just that there are more stone chambers."

Yang Guo smiled and said, "My aunt is thinking wrong. How do they know the reality of this tomb? They just listened to the rumors in the rivers and lakes." There are rumors that there are a lot of gold and silver treasures in our tomb."

After a pause, he continued: "It's because our Ancient Tomb Sect is too weak that it attracts the coveting hearts of so many greedy people. When our Ancient Tomb Sect is strong enough, we won't have these troubles ."

Speaking of this, the idea of expanding the sect suddenly rose in his mind.

Now he and Xiao Longnv have assembled countless miraculous skills of the current era, so there is nothing to worry about in terms of personal force.

But the Ancient Tomb Sect has too few people after all. Although it can form a deterrent to most people with evil intentions, when encountering some unexpected situations, it appears to be weak.

Just like the current predicament.

It is not difficult for them to escape, but it is difficult to preserve the ancient tomb.

If the Ancient Tomb Sect has many disciples and is powerful, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke the enemy everywhere, who would dare to risk their own lives to fight against the enemy?

However, if you really want to prosper a sect, the manpower, financial and material resources required are all There are many, and a lot of internal and external operations and contacts need to be considered. Complexity within. It is far from being summed up in one sentence, nor can it be replaced by a few magical secrets.

As far as the current situation of the Ancient Tomb Sect is concerned, whether it is Xiaolongnv or himself, they are both carefree and independent. It's okay to teach people a few sword skills in your spare time, but if you're running a sect—then it's better for the sect to disband as soon as possible.

Therefore, the idea of expanding the sect was only fleeting in Yang Guo's mind, and then he left it behind.

Little Dragon Girl didn't know that so many thoughts had been going through his mind in an instant, so she just said: "So what if our Ancient Tomb Sect is strong? Too much energy is hard to take care of."

Yang Guo smiled and said, "What my aunt said is that I was thinking too much."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "It's not difficult to crack the first mechanism. It's been so long now, and they should have a countermeasure. I'll go over and have a look."

Xiao Longnu said softly "Yes." He said, "Be careful."

Yang Guo blinked at her, and said relaxedly, "He entered our tomb. It's up to us, and they should be the ones who really need to be careful." As

he spoke, Already turned around.

Outside the ancient tomb.

All the warriors sent a ten-foot-long pedal into the passage, and brought a lot of heavy stones to press on the pedal, and the first mechanism was cracked.

The Mongolian noble official said to Nimoxing and others: "After the four nobles enter, they will surely turn danger into good luck. They will pass through the customs smoothly. I will prepare some thin wine outside and wait for the few of you to return after they are successful. Let's celebrate. Let's talk ."

Yin Kexi said: "Your official is being polite." At that

moment, Xiao Xiangzi walked into the passage first, holding a mourning stick in his hand to protect him. Make way for everyone.

Yin Kexi, Nimoxing and Ma Guangzuo followed closely behind.

Walked in one by one.

Since the purpose of this time is to crack the mechanism in the ancient tomb, it is not only useless if there are too many people in, but it will only increase the casualties. Therefore, after deliberation, the Mongolian noble officials only sent four warriors to enter together.

So this time a total of eight people came to break through the barrier.

In view of the fact that the first mechanism has been cracked, there is no need to worry about safety anymore, everyone walked quickly, and soon reached the end of the passage.

At this time, a stone wall blocked the way, but on the left and right sides, it was divided into two corridors, and it was not known where they led.

"Brother Yin, in your opinion, should we go to the left or the right?" Xiaoxiangzi hesitated for a while, but couldn't make up his mind.

Yin Kexi said: "Then Yang Guo wouldn't kindly leave us a smooth path, so no matter which side we choose, we will probably encounter the traps he secretly set up."

Xiaoxiangzi said: "Brother Yin's words are right, so choose casually One."

After saying that, he turned around and stepped onto the corridor on the left.

But he only took two steps before Yin Kexi stopped him: "Brother Xiaoxiang, wait a minute."

Xiaoxiangzi turned around and asked, "Brother Yin, do you want to choose the other side?"

Yin Kexi shook his head, then turned to the warrior behind him and said: "Come here two of you, and check to see if the stone path is empty." The

two warriors walked over according to the order, held spears, tapped on the stone path, and walked forward slowly.

Xiaoxiangzi and the others followed behind.

After walking for a while, it came to the end again.

This time it was a stone gate blocking the way, and there was no separation between the two sides.

"It's Shimen again?" Xiaoxiangzi had a bad premonition in his heart, and quickly took a torch to check on Shimen.

The result was exactly as he expected, he didn't find any mechanism to open the door on the stone gate.

Yin Kexi said: "Let's go back and try the other side."

Everyone returned to the fork in the same way and chose the corridor to the right.

But the result was the same as the corridor on the left, blocked by a stone gate at the end.

"What's this? Little thief Yang only knows these rogue tricks?" Xiaoxiangzi scolded angrily.

Yin Kexi also had a terrible headache at this time.

The stone door outside cannot be opened, and it can be smashed open with a car. But now that the crashed car can't get in, how should the stone gate here be opened?