
Chapter 157 Misjudgment

Li Mochou was up and down, relying on her dexterity to fight around.

She originally wanted to avoid the opponent's edge, and then counterattack after he lost his energy. But Nimoxing's power is profound, but he is not afraid of consumption. When an iron whip is deployed, it is like mercury pouring down the ground, and the shadow of the whip is heavy, without any sign of weakening.

While Li Mochou was even more frightened, she also gradually became interested.

If the fight continues like this, before the opponent can reveal his weakness, he will lose his strength first.

Li Mochou struggled for another moment, and was about to admit defeat when a light appeared in her vision.

From the corner of her eye, she saw that the inn in front seemed to be on fire, and the fire was still spreading.

"It's not good, it's on fire." "Hurry up and put out the fire."

At this time, there were screams and shouts, and there was a commotion.

"No, we may have fallen for the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain," Xiao Xiangzi shouted as soon as he turned his head.

Yin Kexi said: "I'll go over and have a look, the thieves here will be handed over to you and Brother Ni." After saying that, he rushed towards the inn.

The movement here inevitably alarmed Nimoxing, and he couldn't help turning his head to look.

At this time, he is performing a powerful move of "Python Turning Over", the iron whip turns and wraps around, any prey who is hit by the move will inevitably end up with broken tendons and bones.

But with such a distraction, the iron whip became slightly sluggish, and its speed slowed down by a line.

Li Mochou has such good eyesight, she has been in and out of the Jianghu for many years, she has experienced hundreds of battles, and has countless experiences, how could she let her go? Immediately, she swung her whisk, and hit a key node in the front of the iron whip.

The iron whip, which was originally heavy and powerful, suddenly bent like a snake when it was hit seven inches in the vital point.

One blow was hit and she was in danger, Li Mochou didn't dare to hesitate at all, she turned around and ran with her hands behind her back.

Nimoxing was about to pursue him, when he saw three silver lights flying towards him, he quickly raised his whip and whipped it, "ding ding ding" three sparks splashed out. The hidden weapon has been shot down.

It turned out that Li Mochou secretly sent three "Ice Soul Silver Needles" in order to ward off the opponent's pursuit.

After Nimoxing blocked the hidden weapon, he looked forward again, but Li Mochou's figure was gone. It's too late to catch up.

When Yin Kexi arrived at the inn, although the fire was still burning, it had started to get smaller.

It turned out that someone piled up a pile of firewood next to the inn, lit it and burned it to the door frame of the inn, but the people in the inn noticed it in time. Quickly looking for someone to put out the fire, the fire has gradually been brought under control.

But despite this, the lobby of this inn has been scorched everywhere, and the damage is estimated to be not small.

Yin Kexi didn't care about these things, and walked directly through the lobby to the main entrance.

"Did someone come in?" Seeing that the warrior was still guarding the door, Yin Kexi relaxed slightly and asked casually.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, no one has come in." The warrior replied.

Yin Kexi nodded, after entering the courtyard. Seeing that Ma Guangzuo had fallen asleep in front of the door, he walked over and pushed, but he didn't wake up.

"This bastard fell into a deep sleep." Yin Kexi mocked, and then tried harder to shake.

But Ma Guangzuo still didn't wake up.

"No." Yin Kexi immediately noticed something unusual, it must have been a bit too sleepy.

He thought of a possibility, he didn't care about Ma Guangzuo's life and death, stepped forward and broke the door latch, and rushed into the room.

Checking the situation of the noble official again, it was consistent with Ma Guangzuo.

Yin Kexi unscrambled the noble official's fainting acupuncture points, and saw that he was still drunk. He immediately got a basin of cold water and poured it down.

Shocked by the cold, the noble official shivered and woke up involuntarily.

He opened his eyes. Asked blankly: "What's the matter? Is it raining?"

Yin Kexi asked in a deep voice: "Where did you put the edict of the prince?

" , but touched a void.

"Huh? Why isn't it here?" The noble officer hastily turned over and searched for it on the bed, but he couldn't find it after searching every corner.

"I obviously slept with the edict in my arms, why can't I find it?" The noble official was so frightened that he was pacing anxiously in the room.

Yin Kexi heard the words. Can't help but change color on the face.

This edict is very relevant, once it is lost, the crime will not be small.

At this time, Nimoxing and Xiaoxiangzi also returned, and Nimoxing said angrily: "

This bitch ran away halfway and lied to me."

Yin Kexi heard the words, and the only hope in his heart was lost, and sighed: "Brother Ni, brother Xiaoxiang, this time we have fallen into the trick of the thief. Before

Nimoxing could figure out what was going on, Xiaoxiangzi saw the situation in the house, but he already had a guess, and asked, "What happened here?" Yin Kexi narrated the situation, and finally said: "

I was careless, I shouldn't have left a fool to guard the gate." "

Xiaoxiangzi said: "The thief may not have gone far. Now we go out and divide into several roads to chase, and it may be too late. So

the three of them went out of the room again, and when they arrived in the courtyard, Xiaoxiangzi said in surprise, "Isn't there a horse in this courtyard?" Where did you go? "

"Too bad the thief must have fled away on horseback." Yin Kexi's face changed color again when he saw it. Since the

thief has a mount, how can they catch up with him?

"Aren't there guards outside the door?" How did the thief escape on horseback? "Xiaoxiangzi asked.

Yin Kexi naturally thought of this, and even called the warriors at the back door to ask.

After a few warriors explained the situation, both Yin Kexi and Xiaoxiangzi understood.

"It seems that the thief has a well-planned plan. The people in the dark first lured us away, and then the people in the dark took the opportunity to steal the edict. "Yin Kexi said.

"It must be like this, but it is too late to know this now. A green look flashed across Xiaoxiangzi's face.

Yin Kexi thought for a moment, but said: "It may not be too late. Although the imperial edict has been stolen by thieves, it is not without hope of recovering it." "

"Oh? Brother Yin has always been resourceful, so why not tell me if you have any clever tricks? "Xiaoxiangzi said.

Yin Kexi said: "Then Li Mochou must be accomplices of the thieves, as long as we catch Li Mochou, we will naturally be able to retrieve the imperial edict."

Xiaoxiangzi nodded and said: "That's good, but where are we going? Can we find that Li Mochou? If it takes too long, the lord will definitely send someone over to inquire, and then the news will not be kept secret."

Yin Kexi said: "Then Li Mochou is a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and his whereabouts are uncertain. , it is too difficult to find her. Why don't we go directly to her teacher's school to ask someone, and let Li Mochou obediently send the imperial edict back to us." Having said this, a sneer appeared on his face.

He only knew that Li Mochou was a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect, but he didn't know that Li Mochou had already been expelled from the sect.

However, the dispute between Li Mochou and the Ancient Tomb Sect was something that very few people knew about, so how could he know about it?

Xiaoxiangzi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "This strategy is really clever." It is

hopeful that the edict will be retrieved. Xiaoxiangzi relaxed a little, and thought of another doubt, and said: "This edict has nothing to do with the Ancient Tomb Sect. Then Li Mo What is the use of worrying about stealing the imperial edict?"