
Rebirth of the Weakest Dragon

In the quiet solitude of her home, Emma's life takes a surreal turn when a magical circle engulfs her in a blinding light, obliterating her existence. She awakens within the confines of a dragon's egg, reborn as the weakest of dragonkind. But not all is lost—an ancient, guiding system named Draconis aids her rebirth. With Draconis' simple yet crucial guidance, Emma must navigate her new life, facing immense challenges and striving to overcome her inherent frailty. Can she rise above her limitations and carve a place in this new world? Her journey begins anew, fragile yet unyielding.

Mop_Popo · Fantasy
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23 Chs


The morning light streamed into the cave as Emma stretched her newly evolved form. Her iridescent blue scales shimmered in the sunlight, casting reflections on the cave walls. Lyria, already awake, was gathering their simple breakfast. Emma looked at her with a mix of affection and determination. Today was the day to test her new abilities.

After a quick meal, they ventured into the forest. Emma's senses were sharper than ever, and she could see the forest with incredible clarity. The first creature they encountered was a Dire Wolf. Its stats and skills appeared before her eyes as if on an invisible screen.

**Dire Wolf**

**Level: 22**

**Health: 1400/1400**

**Mana: 200/200**

**Strength: 60**

**Agility: 70**

**Intelligence: 25**

**Skills: Bite, Swift Movement, Pack Coordination**

Emma grinned, or what passed for a grin on her dragon face. "Time to see what I can do," she thought. She leapt at the Dire Wolf, her claws slashing through the air with incredible speed. The wolf tried to dodge, but Emma's new agility outmatched it. She unleashed her Inferno Breath, the flames engulfing the beast and reducing its health rapidly. In a matter of moments, the wolf lay defeated.

**Experience Gained: 500**

The battle exhilarated Emma. She could feel the power coursing through her veins. As they continued their walk, she fought several other creatures, each one a test of her new abilities.

**Forest Troll**

**Level: 24**

**Health: 1800/1800**

**Mana: 300/300**

**Strength: 80**

**Agility: 40**

**Intelligence: 30**

**Skills: Regeneration, Club Smash**

The troll was a tougher opponent, its regeneration ability making it a challenge. But Emma's Gale Slash, evolved from Wind Slash, cut through the troll's defenses with ease. The battle was fierce, but in the end, Emma stood victorious.

**Experience Gained: 600**

By midday, Emma had leveled up to 32. She felt stronger, faster, and more in control than ever before.

**Emma's Status:**

**Level: 32**

**Experience: 200/5000**

**Health: 2560/2560**

**Mana: 1280/1280**

**Strength: 160**

**Agility: 160**

**Intelligence: 116**

**Luck: 100 (Max)**

**Race: Celestial Dragon**

**Skills: Inferno Breath, Enhanced Perception, Gale Slash, Diamond Scale Armor, Supreme Flight, Tsunami Blast, Celestial Beam**

After the intense training, Emma and Lyria decided to rest by a serene, bubbling brook. The moment was peaceful, a sharp contrast to the earlier battles. Lyria sat beside Emma, her small hand resting on the dragon's large claw.

"Emma," Lyria began, her voice soft, "thank you for everything."

Emma rumbled softly, a sign of affection. She scratched into the dirt, "Tell me about your village, Lyria."

Lyria looked thoughtful, then a shadow passed over her face. "It was called Eldoria. It used to be a nice place, but after my parents lost everything, they turned us away."

Emma nodded, absorbing the information. She didn't press further, knowing it was painful for Lyria. The afternoon passed quickly as they shared stories and enjoyed each other's company.

As night fell, they returned to the cave. Emma watched as Lyria's eyes grew heavy, and soon she was fast asleep. Emma nuzzled her gently, ensuring she was comfortable.

Once she was certain Lyria was deep in slumber, Emma communicated with the system. "Show me the location of Eldoria."

A detailed map appeared before her, a red dot marking the village's exact position. Emma felt a cold resolve settle over her. She needed to ensure Lyria was safe and avenged.

"System, can you erect a barrier to protect Lyria while I'm gone?"

"Barrier activated. No monster will be able to enter the cave," the system responded.

Satisfied, Emma stepped out of the cave and spread her wings. The night air was cool and crisp, perfect for flying. She took to the sky, her enhanced flight allowing her to cover great distances quickly. Within ten minutes, she spotted the village of Eldoria below.

**Eldoria Village**

**Population: 50**

**Strongest Inhabitant: Level 25**

**Average Level: 15**

Emma's eyes narrowed. This village had turned Lyria and her family away, leading to their suffering. She descended swiftly, her presence like a shadow in the night. The villagers looked up, panic spreading as they realized a dragon was upon them.

Emma unleashed her Inferno Breath, the village below erupting in flames. The system displayed the villagers' stats, but none posed a significant threat. She moved through the village methodically, her Diamond Scale Armor deflecting the feeble attacks from those who tried to defend their homes.

Cries of fear and anger filled the air, but Emma's heart was steeled by Lyria's story. These people had cast out a family in need, leading to their tragic fate. The village burned brightly against the dark sky, the flames reflecting in Emma's eyes.

Once the village was reduced to smoldering ruins, Emma felt a grim satisfaction. She had avenged Lyria's suffering, ensuring no other family would face the same fate at the hands of these heartless villagers.

With her task complete, Emma soared back into the night sky, the cool air washing over her as she flew. She returned to the cave, her mind racing with the events of the night. As she landed softly at the entrance, the protective barrier shimmered and then dissipated.

Emma crept into the cave, her large form moving with surprising grace. Lyria was still asleep, her small form curled up in the furs they had gathered. Emma lay down beside her, wrapping her body protectively around the girl.