
Rebirth of the Weakest Dragon

In the quiet solitude of her home, Emma's life takes a surreal turn when a magical circle engulfs her in a blinding light, obliterating her existence. She awakens within the confines of a dragon's egg, reborn as the weakest of dragonkind. But not all is lost—an ancient, guiding system named Draconis aids her rebirth. With Draconis' simple yet crucial guidance, Emma must navigate her new life, facing immense challenges and striving to overcome her inherent frailty. Can she rise above her limitations and carve a place in this new world? Her journey begins anew, fragile yet unyielding.

Mop_Popo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Guardians of the Forest

A week had passed since Emma and Lyria had their encounter with the bandits. The days were filled with training and exploration, and Emma had grown stronger. She was now at level 35, her scales gleaming brighter, her powers more refined.

**Emma's Status:**

- **Level:** 35

- **Experience:** 0/6000

- **Health:** 2800/2800

- **Mana:** 1400/1400

- **Strength:** 175

- **Agility:** 175

- **Intelligence:** 126

- **Luck:** 100 (Max)

- **Race:** Celestial Dragon

- **Skills:** Inferno Breath, Enhanced Perception, Gale Slash, Diamond Scale Armor, Supreme Flight, Tsunami Blast, Celestial Beam.

One sunny morning, Emma and Lyria ventured deeper into the forest, their bond stronger than ever. Emma's keen senses picked up on something unusual in the distance. They followed the sound of rustling leaves and soon found themselves at the edge of a village nestled in a clearing.

**Village of Thornwood:**

- **Population:** 50

- **Race:** Wood Sprites

- **Average Level:** 20

The village was quaint, with homes built into the trees and small gardens tended with care. The Wood Sprites were a diminutive race, with green-tinted skin and hair that seemed to be made of leaves. They moved gracefully, blending seamlessly with their forest surroundings.

As Emma and Lyria approached, the Wood Sprites paused, their eyes widening in fear. Murmurs spread through the crowd, and a group of armed sprites stepped forward, brandishing wooden spears and bows.

One of the sprites, a tall and slender figure with particularly vibrant green hair, stepped forward. "Who are you, and what do you want in Thornwood?" he demanded, his voice trembling slightly.

Lyria stepped forward, raising her hands in a gesture of peace. "We mean you no harm. My name is Lyria, and this is Emma, my dragon companion. We were just exploring the forest."

Before the conversation could continue, a loud roar echoed through the clearing. The ground trembled as three massive bears emerged from the trees, their eyes glowing with aggression.

**Forest Bear Alpha:**

- **Level:** 30

- **Health:** 3000/3000

- **Mana:** 100/100

- **Strength:** 150

- **Agility:** 60

- **Skills:** Savage Claws, Roar of Fear

**Forest Bear Beta (2):**

- **Level:** 25

- **Health:** 2500/2500

- **Mana:** 80/80

- **Strength:** 120

- **Agility:** 50

- **Skills:** Claw Swipe, Frenzy

The Wood Sprites scattered in panic, their tiny weapons useless against such powerful creatures. Emma stepped forward, her eyes narrowing as she prepared to defend the village.

Emma let out a roar of her own, her Celestial Beam lighting up the forest as it struck the Alpha bear. The creature bellowed in pain, but it wasn't enough to bring it down. The two Beta bears charged at Emma, but she was ready.

She unleashed her Gale Slash, a powerful wind slicing through the air and hitting both bears. They stumbled but kept coming. Emma's scales shimmered as she activated her Diamond Scale Armor, their attacks glancing off her hardened hide.

Lyria stood back, watching with awe as Emma fought. She knew she had to help somehow, so she ran to the nearest sprite, who was cowering behind a bush.

"Please, don't be afraid. Emma is here to help!" Lyria shouted, trying to rally the villagers.

Emma focused on the Alpha bear, her Inferno Breath turning the forest floor to ash as she unleashed a torrent of fire. The Alpha bear roared, its fur singed and its strength waning. Emma lunged, her claws striking true and bringing the beast down.

**Experience Gained: 1500**

The Beta bears, seeing their leader fall, hesitated. Emma didn't give them a chance to regroup. She charged at the nearest one, her Tsunami Blast crashing into it with the force of a tidal wave. The bear was thrown back, crashing into a tree and slumping to the ground, defeated.

**Experience Gained: 1200**

The last Beta bear turned to flee, but Emma's speed was unmatched. She used her Supreme Flight to close the distance in an instant, her claws sinking into the bear's side and ending the threat.

**Experience Gained: 1200**

The forest fell silent once more, the only sounds the ragged breathing of the defeated bears and the cheers of the Wood Sprites. Emma turned to Lyria, her eyes softening as she saw the relief on the little elf's face.

The tall sprite from earlier stepped forward, his weapon lowered. "You... you saved us," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

Lyria nodded, smiling up at Emma. "Emma would never let anything happen to those in need."

The sprites approached cautiously, their fear replaced by gratitude. They surrounded Lyria and Emma, their expressions a mix of awe and respect. The tall sprite introduced himself as Linden, the village leader.

"Please, come with us. Let us show you our gratitude," Linden said, bowing slightly.

Emma and Lyria followed Linden into the village. The Wood Sprites were quick to prepare a feast, their nimble hands working together to create a celebration in honor of their saviors. Emma watched as Lyria interacted with the sprites, her confidence growing with each passing moment.

As the sun began to set, the village of Thornwood was transformed into a place of joy and celebration. The sprites danced and sang, their voices blending harmoniously with the sounds of the forest. Lyria laughed and joined in, her face alight with happiness.

Emma, unable to dance or sing, watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling with pride. She had protected these people and given Lyria a moment of pure joy. It was more than she could have hoped for.

As the night wore on, Linden approached Emma and Lyria. "We have prepared a place for you to stay. It's the least we can do after all you've done for us."

Lyria thanked him, and they followed him to a cozy dwelling built into the base of a large tree. Inside, there was a comfortable bed and a hearth with a fire burning warmly.

Lyria turned to Emma, her eyes shining with gratitude. "We have a real bed, Emma! It's been so long since I slept in one."

Emma rumbled softly, her eyes crinkling in a draconic smile. She watched as Lyria climbed into the bed, her small form disappearing under the covers.

Lyria patted the space beside her. "You can sleep here too, Emma. It's big enough for both of us."

Emma hesitated but then curled up beside Lyria, her body wrapping protectively around the little elf. As they lay there, the warmth of the fire and the comfort of the bed lulling them into a peaceful sleep, Emma felt a deep sense of contentment.

The village of Thornwood had welcomed them as heroes, and for the first time in a long while, Emma felt like she had found a place where they both belonged. As Lyria's breathing slowed and she drifted off to sleep, Emma closed her eyes.