

Greed have already destroyed his world, he had a few slaves helping him in his journey but they were weak compared to him so we can say it was a battle between the whole world against one man. His special body was very important in this war. Even without defending himself, there was no dragon's fire able to burn him, there was gravity magic that could make him bow and even the legendary weapons forged by the dwarfs weren't able to leave a scratch on his skin. That same body disappeared, vanished and turned into dust with one single strike.

Meanwhile in another universe, there was a seventeen years old boy that just entered his home where he lives with his girlfriend. He wasn't that tall, black hair, white skin and dark brown eyes. The perfect example of an ordinary guy.

"How was school today?" asked the pretty girl

She was a tall and slim women, snow-white's skin, blue eyes like an ocean and a light smile full with love.

"It was good, Rose. But there's a practice exam next week so I'll have to prepare some magic spells" he replied

"Oh Kevin, I wish I was gifted with magic like you then we'll go to magic school together" she added

Kevin was about to say something but he suddenly fell down

"Kevin! Are you okay?" screamed Rose while running toward Kevin

<a weird black aura began coming out of Kevin and he stood up in a weird way like something was pulling him up from behind>

<Rose stopped in her place>

<Kevin opened his eyes slowly letting Rose see his cold scary eyes with the color of blood, took a look around the place, then he walked into her and stopped with one step between them>


"Wha…what are you saying, Kevin!!? Are you okay!?" screamed Rose with panic

<Kevin raised his hand on the head of Rose and a magical circle showed, shined a little then disappeared>

<Rose closed her eyes because of the shining then opened her eyes again>

"What did you do?" she asked

"I just copied your memories for a second. Now we can understand each other. And there's no need to answer my questions, I saw everything already" said Kevin without any expression

"Kevin, you know I love you so stop acting weird"

Rose was looking at Kevin's face when she said that and didn't remember anything between that and looking at the floor while a foot stepped on her head

"One: I'm not Kevin, I am §ù@s§:!; known as Greed. Two: How dare you, fool woman, to stop me doing anything? Three: I told you I copied your memories so I know you never loved Kevin and you used him to know other magicians"

<Greed holds her from the neck and raises her high with the rage on his face>

"You have three seconds to give me a reason to not kill you because you gave me an order and lied in the same time "

"ough…why are you…ag.."

"Time up"

<Greed let go of Rose and takes a seat on one of the chairs>

"Why did you do that?" she said with her face that turned blue out of fear

<a red light came out of Rose's neck. It was a magical circle that Greed left there>

"There's no use of denying and it's already too late" responded Greed with a cute smile on his face

<A black flame came out of Rose's neck and swallowed her>

"aaaaaaaaah" she screamed in pain

She was burning while screaming. It was very painful but she wasn't very damaged physiquely then the flames vanishes for a moment then begins again until Rose's ashes was gone with the wind under the sight of Greed