
Rebirth Of The Supreme One

[Give the first 5 chapters a shot, at the very least, before you decide to put it down!] OP Skills: You bet, Harem: 100% OP MC: Definitely, OP Subordinates: Dark and Deadly ------------------------- "Dragons, Succubus, Demons, Angels, undeads, ain't get nothing on me" "I am the Supreme One" ------------------------- Rasoul and Clay are beings from completely different worlds. They lived a different life, made different choices, and loved different people. They did not know of each other's existence, but when the universe is plunged into chaos, their separate lives intertwined and together they will rise to the pinnacle of strength in other to save the universe. With diverse monstrous subordinates and a rude system aiding him, they will travel across the universe and battle dangerous races while having fun at the same time. ------------------------------------ 2 chapters/day 50 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 power stones for 2 bonus chapters. 150 power stones for 4 bonus chapters. ------------------------------------ Each new episode surpasses the one before, so keep on reading. ------------------------------------ Word Count: 1700+ Chapters: 1500+

Pen_Drop · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Road Trip

A road trip in the martial world is nothing like the flashy movie scenes in Hollywood. It's a lot more enjoyable than road trips back to Earth. The whole setup for this adventure is just fantastic. We've got Sabrat, the troublemaker; Lara, cautious but a force to be reckoned with; and Rasoul, just going with the flow. Along the way, they faced various beasts—some wisely bolted at the sight of them, while others foolishly chose to throw away their lives by attacking. It was nothing short of a futile struggle.

Lara proposed being Rasoul's mount to speed up the journey, but he politely declined, insisting that they should familiarize themselves with the terrain while enjoying each other's company. They had a blast together. Rasoul discovered that despite being a creation, Sabrat had a personality resembling someone who had lived before. The Necro-Smith's ability went beyond what Rasoul initially believed. Furthermore, he discovered that part of himself had been imprinted into Sabrat. Sabrat picked his cunning and strategic thinking personality coupled with the strange white hair.

Lara, in contrast, kept a close eye on Rasoul. She waited hundreds of years for this day and now that she is finally here, she can't help but keep watching Rasoul, the one Prophecied about. The Supreme One.

Their journey was going smoothly but suddenly a voice spoke prompting them to halt their steps.

"Leave all your belongings, including the lady, and make a run for it," a man with a patched eye commands, his henchmen closing in around them. His voice carries a sinister undertone, and the encircling minions exude an aura of imminent danger, casting a tense atmosphere over the scene.

'Hey, System, who are these fools?' Rasoul irritably questions the system.


[Identification: Blood Brothers, a bandit group notorious for preying on defenseless individuals and assaulting women]

[Charges Against Them:]

>>Murder of teachers and orphans at the Evergreen Orphanage.

>>Destruction of the Willow Souls orphanage.

>>Suspected ties to Dark Minions (an assassin organization responsible for the deaths of many innocent people, including the recent attempt on Princess Vina, the third princess of Sundance Kingdom and the owner of Evergreen and Willow Souls orphanage)]


[Quest: Kill the Blood Brothers bandit group]


>>100,000 fire points

>>1000 Attribute points

>>Teleportation scroll

>> Basic Rune book

>> Basic Alchemy book

>> Hidden Reward

[Penalty for failure: 10,000,000 fire points will be deducted]

The moment he read through the messages, Rasoul's face flushed with anger, his breath turning ragged. Lara, quick to discern his mood, knew they wouldn't tolerate these bandits. Anticipating a confrontation, she began preparations, and Sabrat followed suit.

Observing their reactions, the bandit leader chuckled inwardly and decided to escalate the situation, a mistake that sealed his fate. He is Confident that they could overpower Rasoul and Sabrat. He assumed since they both were in the Master Realm, they could easily be defeated, but that was a grave mistake on their part.

He even went ahead and spoke the forbidden sentence..."Your lady friend here should be more than enough to please us all, but you two, why don't you kneel like the puppies you are and beg?" Hearing this, the other bandits exploded in boisterous laughter.

Lara and Sabrat simmered with anger, ready to retaliate. But just as they were about to move, Rasoul's voice echoed in their minds.

'Stop... I'll handle this trash.'

Rasoul's demeanor underwent a drastic transformation. The lively Rasoul disappeared, replaced by a more formidable version as he walked towards the bandit leader. His past as an orphan in two different worlds added to his anger.

In a slightly deeper voice, Rasoul questioned, "Why must you kill them, huh? What have those orphans done to you? Why go to such lengths to murder and destroy their homes"

"They were nobodies; why bother understanding their pasts before killing them? Even if there was a reason behind our actions, I doubt you'll live long enough to hear it all. So, why not bow your head, and I promise to grant you a swift death," the bandit leader remarked nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Rasoul couldn't take it anymore..."Lightning Domain...He muttered.

The sky immediately darkened, and thunder ominously rumbled as lightning began tearing through the sky. His attire immediately transformed, revealing a new appearance with two swords sheathed and strapped to his back. His eyes turned an eerie white, emitting lightning and electricity.

Despite their dangerous situation, a smile played on Sabrat's lips, and his manic side was excited to witness his master's prowess on the battlefield. Lara, on the other hand, was brimming with admiration. The Supreme One is using lightning-based attack, a power mastered by only a select few, with the Lightning Tigers being the true experts in that field.

But while Sabrat and Lara were lost in their thoughts, the 45 bandits began to panic. The domain pressed down on them, restricting their movements. They started to regret targeting these three individuals—a grave miscalculation anyone could make. Rasoul, however, is in an entirely different realm.

Unsheathing his swords, Rasoul's left sword ignited in flames while the right crackled with golden lightning. In an instant, he melded into the lightning, disappearing from view. To a keen observer, it was clear he didn't vanish; he was moving at such speed that their eyes couldn't track him.

Suddenly, he materialized behind the bandit leader, catching him off guard. The Leader attempted to step away, but before he could react, a sharp pain surged in his gut. The agony intensified as Rasoul twisted the double-edged sword in his abdomen and drove his other sword through his brain, sending an electric shock through his body. 

While the rest of the bandits only saw Rasoul disappear and appear behind their leader, Sabrat and Lara saw a different and genuinely astonishing spectacle. Rasoul simply uses the lighting as a gateway to move. So instead of moving a few meters, he just enters a light and appears from another.

A remarkable feat that left Lara and Sabrat's jaws on the floor.

Seeing their leader lifeless on the ground, panic gripped the bandits, and they attempted to flee. However, it was too late for them; the lightning domain restricted their movements. Rasoul utilized the lightning bolts as conduits, swiftly eliminating them with each calculated swing. The one-sided massacre concluded in just three minutes.

With the domain deactivated, Rasoul stepped out and headed to his two Subordinates still looking at him with puppy eyes. Sabrat couldn't help but express his enthusiasm, "That was awesome!" His grin stretched from ear to ear.

Usually reserved, Lara added with a slight blush, "Truly magnificent. You moved like lightning; it was awe-inspiring.

"Sabrat... What have you done to my lovely Lara? You're spoiling her," Rasoul remarked, taken aback. He just killed 45 people and the first thing he heard from his subordinates was how cool he looked while doing it.

Sabrat simply brushed off the question and started looting the bodies. A few minutes later, he returned, proudly carrying 45 space rings. Lara collected all the gold coins into a single ring and gave it to Rasoul, but he insisted she hold onto it. Sabrat gathered the weapons, stashed them in a storage ring, and effortlessly slipped it onto his finger.

But before they could move again, the system chimed


[Congratulations to the Host; The drop system has been enabled]

[The host can now receive drops when he or his subordinates eliminate anything]

[Drop Ranks]

>>Copper Drop - Common and Uncommon

>>Silver Drop - Low and Rare

>>God Drop - Epic

>>Sapphire Drop - Pseudo-Legendary

>>Emerald Drop - Legendary

>>Ruby Drop - Psuedo-Mystical

>>Diamond Drop - Mystical and Devine

Rasoul was beyond amazed; the drop system can be considered a gold mine. Drawing from his knowledge of games he developed back on Earth, he understood the value of drops, making it a treasure trove here in Venera.

"Rasoul... Are you okay?" Lara inquired after sensing his sudden shift in emotion.

"I'm fine. I just recalled something funny. By the way, do you know where we're headed?" He responded and then asked. Despite embarking on this journey four days ago, they still lacked a clear destination. After encountering the bandits, Rasoul knew they were not far from human civilization.

"From what I was able to gather from the Bandits and the little I knew from my previous life, we are headed to a kingdom known as Sundance. It's one of the many kingdoms in the human empire. It has great scenery but has a strict rule.

Those without an identity badge from the Identity Guild will be imprisoned for 100 days. So the first thing we should do is register and then register with the Adventure Guild. It's the only way we can move freely without any restrictions.

"Let's also steer clear of the sects. Rumor has it that joining a sect automatically conscripts you into the military. We shouldn't entangle ourselves in political matters either," Lara advised, turning to Sabrat. "No unnecessary trouble, please."

"Why looking at me? I am the most trouble-free person you can ever meet" He spoke with a slight smirk on his lips.


A few hour's ride by carriage from the capital, the third Princess and her men started making plans to defend a small but important town known as Orange Field City from a Monster Tide.

The town is known for producing the best Oranges in all of the Sundance Kingdom if not the whole empire. With the army not coming to their aid, she used her own funds and started posting jobs in the adventures guild hoping to get some adventures to come to her aid.

Although dangerous, many adventures heed the call and sign up. Some are joining for the money while others are just trying to do their due diligence and help the Princess defend the people of Orange Field City.


>>>>Sundance Capital<<<<

After paying the necessary entrance fee, the three entered, immediately drawing everyone's attention. Their appearance was too conspicuous—three individuals with white hair weren't the best at blending in. Sabrat, however, reveled in the attention, waving at the ladies. On the other hand, Lara wore a peculiar expression; this marked her first appearance among many humans. Rasoul maintained a neutral demeanor. After walking for a few minutes, Rasoul stopped by a store and approached a vendor for directions.

"Could you please tell us the way to the Identity Guild?"

The woman stood up, pointing in a direction, and said, "It's 500 meters that way." He expressed gratitude and headed in that direction. About 400 meters away, they spotted a tall building with a steady flow of people entering and exiting. They quickened their pace, but just as they were about to enter the gates, a voice interrupted them.

"Hey, lovely girl, care to spare me a few minutes of your time?"

"I don't have time for that. Excuse us," Lara responded without looking back, resuming their movement.

In a commanding tone, the speaker shouted, "Stop right there! Who are you to ignore the heir of the Charles Family?"

"Those idiot family heirs again..." Rasoul muttered unconsciously. It was as if a fuse had ignited in his head.

Gasp!... The surrounding crowd collectively gasped upon hearing Rasoul's words.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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