
Rebirth Of The Supreme One

[Give the first 5 chapters a shot, at the very least, before you decide to put it down!] OP Skills: You bet, Harem: 100% OP MC: Definitely, OP Subordinates: Dark and Deadly ------------------------- "Dragons, Succubus, Demons, Angels, undeads, ain't get nothing on me" "I am the Supreme One" ------------------------- Rasoul and Clay are beings from completely different worlds. They lived a different life, made different choices, and loved different people. They did not know of each other's existence, but when the universe is plunged into chaos, their separate lives intertwined and together they will rise to the pinnacle of strength in other to save the universe. With diverse monstrous subordinates and a rude system aiding him, they will travel across the universe and battle dangerous races while having fun at the same time. ------------------------------------ 2 chapters/day 50 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 power stones for 2 bonus chapters. 150 power stones for 4 bonus chapters. ------------------------------------ Each new episode surpasses the one before, so keep on reading. ------------------------------------ Word Count: 1700+ Chapters: 1500+

Pen_Drop · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Rasoul In The Master Realm


[][Elements:8][] | [][Abilities:18][] | [][Blessings:4][] | [][Wills:2][] | [][Skills &Techniques:0][] |

[][Sub-Classes:0][] | [][Titles:0][]

[Name: Rasoul Cole]

[Age: 18]

[Class: Supreme Necromancy]

[Sub-Class: Runesmith | Alchemy]

[Potential: Supreme]

[Divine Physique: 5%]

[Bloodline: Golden Tiger: 15% | Crystal: 15%]

[Realm: Master]


[Mana: 5000]

[EXP: 1000/110000]

[STR: 350| AGL: 350| DEX: 350| INT: 590| DEF: 450]

[Innate Soul Enery = 12%]

Two weeks after Rasoul secured the Tomb Pass from Dead Adventures, he hatched a plan for his return to human civilization. Wholeheartedly committing to rigorous training, he strategically boosted his stats. The benefits of his efforts started manifesting two days ago when he broke through into the master realm—an extraordinary achievement.

But during his rigorous training, a message popped up but he just brushed it off aiming to achieve his task of adding more to his stats before making his way to the human civilization.

In just a few days, he had transformed from a kid with a weak body to a now somehow refined warrior. His body underwent a remarkable transformation as muscles sculpted, his biceps bulged, and his overall figure evolved into that of a seasoned warrior.

The emergence of well-defined six-packs added an extra layer of appeal to his handsome visage. Despite being neck-deep in his demanding training regimen, he kept receiving system messages but chose to overlook them.

His mana circulation now matched that of mages in the Grandmaster stage, a testament to his remarkable progress. However, the most striking transformation occurred in his appearance. Rasoul had transformed into an exceptionally handsome young man. His jawline was impeccably chiseled as if the God of Creation had dedicated eternity to sculpting a man's masterpiece. Armed with his newfound strength as a master realm cultivator, he exuded confidence, believing he could effortlessly take on even Grandmaster Realm cultivators.

He archived a lot even unlocking a subclass called alchemy. Although it's not the regular alchemy where he has to buy a cauldron and concoct pils from scratch, he still felt happy for getting such a liked class.

His newest class has two ways to advance it; the first is the normal alchemy and the second is called Mind Alcehy. Inside his consciousness is a cauldron that requires just ingredients and no mastery over the fire to concoct pills.

But aside from that, he also received a message has had been waiting for from the moment he discovered he had a system.



[Congratulations, Host! The System store is now at your disposal.]

[You can utilize fire points to make purchases.]


[The Necro-Smith ability is now at the Host's disposal.]

'Finally... ' Rasoul said inwardly. He had already asked the system how he could spend his fire points but the system demanded he enter the Master Stage first. Now armed with a substantial amount, he could indulge in any purchase his heart desired. The additional surprise is the NecroSmith ability finally opening. Seeing the description of the ability, Rasoul knew he would be able to use it to bring back Lara, the Tiger Lady. Armed with her body, core, essence, and soul, he possessed all the necessary components for her revival.

But despite his trust in the system, Rasoul, being human, had reservations. To dispel any doubts, he felt compelled to test the ability and ensure it worked as advertised. Experimenting with the bodies of the beasts he had slain seemed like a sensible starting point. He knew he would be able to terminate the process should anything go wrong. So without holding back, he began the creation process.

'System, Activate Necro-Smith.'

A cauldron-like structure sitting inside a formation exuding an Azura green flame materialized when he issued the command.

[Welcome to NecroSmith Creator Shop]

[Select how to proceed]

>>Random Creation


He selected custom with a second thought.


[Select the form of Creation]



>>Both (It requires more resources to upgrade the subordinates later created)



[Select Class:]






'Assassin... After a brief moment of reflection, Rasoul decided to go for the Assassin class. His choice was guided by years of avidly watching movies on Earth, especially those showcasing Japanese ninjas, which had left an enduring impression on him. Given the option, he would have opted for Ninja, had it been among the available classes.'



[Add items]

Carefully, he added each item he had at hand.


[Does the Host want to add an option to name his Creation]





[Select Gender]





[Set Age]


[Note: The subordinates' appearance will be determined by the traits of the Host and materials used in the Creation.]


"No Cap...Rasoul commented.

[Creation sequence started...]

[Time before completion: 20mins]


>>>>Part of the Human Empire<<<<

Inside a magnificent building in the Sundance kingdom, a meeting that appear to be of great importance between 5 individuals commenced. The Sundance Kingdom is the biggest and strongest kingdom in all of the Human empire. They boost many prodigies in all of the empire.

Ten days prior, gossip about a mysterious legacy left behind by the deity of War began circulating. The identity of this deity and the importance of his legacy were widely known. However, these whispers were initiated by two tricky individuals, driven by a covert agenda to hinder the Seven Great Families' chances of securing the coveted legacy.

The rumor sparked some fire of greed hidden in the hearts of many. Everybody wants to be the one winning the legacy. Some started forming alliances despite knowing it wouldn't stick to the end. Some also started finding cunning ways to secure the legacy without having to do much.

Five individuals convened within a lavishly decorated room bathed in the glow of a radiant chandelier and adorned with intricate wall designs. Four of them faced each other, with a hooded figure positioned at the head of the table—a clear indication of his leadership and authority.

He spoke with unwavering determination, "The legacy will be ours. We won't let this opportunity slip away without a fight."

"Well said, boss. But most of the heirs are in the Semi-Saint and Saint Realm. We only have you on our team. How will we outdo them?" inquired a young man with short grey hair.

"Who said anything about overpowering them? We have to outsmart them..." The boss chuckled before diving into a more intricate explanation of his plan. The meeting persisted for an hour before they disbanded. The hooded figure remained behind gazing into the ceiling.

He sighed, his gaze unwavering. "Wait for me, Princess Vina. I'll prove I'm deserving of your love and attention."

He spoke with determination showing where he got his strength from. His desire to go after a princess is enough to show he will go to any length to get what he wants. 


>>>>Back to the Forest<<<<

After 20 minutes, the system notification appeared...


[Creation complete]

[Azura Varient Fire Lion created]

[Name your first Subordinate]

A dark golden hybrid, born of a Tiger and Lion fusion, emerged from the blazing flames. It stood on all fours, reaching an imposing height of 3 meters. Casting a curious gaze at Rasoul, a momentary panic gripped him. The creature exuded a formidable aura, demanding respect and caution.

Sporting two horns ablaze with a greenish flame, it bore a distinctive mark resembling a third eye at the center of its forehead. The creature's body spanned 3 meters, with claw-like feet extending half a meter in length. Its skin was adorned with multicolored, fluffy hair emitting a faint blend of Shadowy and Azura green flame. A winged tattoo added a layer of terror to its already fearsome appearance.

Although Rasoul had utilized two different bodies of the same realm and rank, both cores belonged to the Green Flamed Lion. Consequently, the Lion took precedence in this Creation, manifesting most of its features. As Rasoul continued to observe the creature, a message appeared again.

[Name your first surbodinate]


Rasoul promptly gave the name 'Sabrat' to the Lionlike Creature staring at him. The name is linked to the assistant who found Rasoul's video online during the Talent Show and presented it to Rasoul's Adoptive Mother. Thanks to him, Rasoul seized the opportunity to lead a joyous life infused with a hint of maternal affection.



[][Elements:2][] | [][Abilities:4][] | [][Blessings:0][] | [][Wills:0][] | [][Skills &Techniques:1][] |

[][Sub-Classes:0][] | [][Titles:0][]

[Name: Sabrat]

[Age: 20]

[Class: Assassin]

[Potential: king]

[Bloodline: Variant Green Flames Lion: 100%]

[Realm: Master]


[Mana: 6200]

[STR: 600| AGL: 640| DEX: 430| INT: 300| DEF: 570]

[Character: Trouble Maker]

[Trust Level: 100%]

>Abilities: 4

[Transform: Passive]

>> The Beast can transform into its human form at will.

Note: All stats will be reduced by 10%

[Fireball: Active]

>> The Beast can unleash balls of fire.

Note: Effective when in human form

[Clone: Active]

>> The Beast can now create two exact copies of itself, each possessing 75% of the total strength of the original.

[Dagger Slinger: 20%]

-- As an assassin, swift reflexes and agility are crucial. With Dagger Slinger, the victim won't even comprehend how they met their end.

>> For a moment, the Subordinate has a 70% chance of landing a lethal strike.

>> The Subordinate can now discern the weak points of its target.

[This is an inherited technique seamlessly integrated into an ability. To unlock all abilities, the Subordinate must achieve complete mastery.]

>Skills and Techniques

[Bagger Dance: Master]

-- A distinctive technique often overlooked by many due to its challenging mastery.

[Note: The Host can impart bloodlines to his Subordinate.]

[The Host can seek out creatures or humans with the same or similar profession and incorporate them with the Subordinate to unlock its true potential.]

"Wow, this guy's got some serious skills! He's like the living proof that NecroSmith's ability is flawless.

"Um, hey there, if my words make sense to you, could you, like, do that cool transformation thing into your human form?" Rasoul inquired, gesturing using sign language

However, the reply he received was entirely unexpected.

"Why are you gesturing as if I'm deaf? Isn't it rude to assume that without knowing someone? That's just not cool, man. It's way too low for you. If we were in Hollywood, you'd be on the cancellation list," he remarked while transforming into his human shape.

All Rasoul could manage was to freeze, gazing at the striking figure standing at 1.8 meters in height before him. This individual had white hair mirroring Rasoul's own, and his Azura-green eyes emitted an ominous, eerie feeling as if peeking into one's soul. His refined physique showcased a six-pack, and he stood there unabashedly naked, flashing a grin at Rasoul like a complete fool.

'System, please equip him with black leather armor for now...' Rasoul urgently and awestruckly commanded the system.

[Watch your tone, Weakling; I am not your assistant.]

'Just do it already.'

This wasn't what he had anticipated. This guy seemed like trouble for Rasoul. Using him as a test subject didn't seem to sit well. 

"Hey, Dude, I think we got off on the wrong foot. To make it up to you, why don't you let me know what you need, and I'll do my best to get it for you?"

"Sounds like a plan..." Sabrat responded with a hint of savagery in his voice. He continued, "I'll need a pair of daggers, a boomerang, and some gold coins. If I'm going to commit genocide for you, I must be paid for it, don't you think?"

'Maybe I should just kill him and create a new guy. Ha...Whatever, I will resurrect Lara while I send him away to hunt some beast. Rasoul thought.

After providing all the items Sabrat requested, except the gold coins, he sent him away to go and hunt some beasts as he prepared to revive Lara next.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Pen_Dropcreators' thoughts