
Rebirth of the Shadow Lord

Immortal Leon King was at the peak of cultivation. Becoming bored with his life, he decided to create a technique to be reincarnated. Waking up in a new body in a new world, he once again treads the path of becoming an immortal. ######### Cover art is not mine, all credit goes to artist. #########

lstreader · Fantasy
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2 Chs

7 Stages Divine Rebirth

I apologize in advance, but I do not speak any languages other than English and French, so I have no knowledge of good Chinese names, so I am going to use all english names. I really just wanted to write an eastern fantasy type novel since it interested me, so I apologize if you don't like the fact that I have no knowledge in the subject other than what I have read in other works.


Leon tried to slowly open his eyes as his mind started to regain its consciousness, only to discover that his body felt like it was about to fall apart from a terrifying pain he was feeling.

Slowly but surely the pain subsided, but now he realized he was laying on his back looking up at the blue sky above him.

Laying there for a moment basking in the cool breeze, Leon attempted to remember what happened since he completed the ritual for the 7 Stages Divine Rebirth.

A second later, it felt like his brain was going to split apart. It was as if someone was trying to stuff something into his brain, but there was not enough room to fit it.

Laying there for what felt like hours, the pain subsided, and Leon understood his situation.

He completed his rebirth technique and was reincarnated into his new body.

Suddenly, new memories started to flow into his mind, not nearly as bad as the first wave of memories, so Leon didn't even flinch, just letting the memories take their rightful place in his mind.

Sitting up with a befuddled expression on his face, Leon's facial expression soon darkened as he felt his chest.

He felt two mounds of flesh sitting where he used to have toned pecs.

Feeling below the waist, his little brother was also missing.

Leon came to understand that his new body was not the same gender as his previous one.

He could 'see' in this new set of memories inside his brain, his own face and body.

He wasn't a handsome, shredded, 6'4 immortal male cultivator named Leon King like he was in the heavenly realm. Now he was a gorgeous young woman at the age of 17.

His new body was 5'7ft tall, a slender yet voluptuous figure, long slim legs, fair skin, a symmetrical face with beautiful dark gold eyes, a small nose, prominent cheekbones, plump lips, as well as long silky black hair adorning her head, which all come together in the end causing both men and women who look at this girl to find her attractive.

While Leon has seen his fair share of beauties in the heavenly realm, his new body could rival even the most divine of women.

This body previously belonged to Aurora Solis, the only child of the Solis family, who were a minor noble family within the Ostana Empire.

His current location was on a remote road near the Hissing Forest which is on the way to Rora City, which is the capital of the empire.

The Hissing Forest was a well known location within the empire. It got its name from the multiple different kinds of snake beasts living in its borders. It could be considered both heaven and hell at the same time.

Medicinal ingredients, rare materials that formation masters needed, treasures to increase your cultivation, everything could be found inside if you were lucky enough.

But not just anyone could waltz in and take these things, people usually formed strong teams before even thinking of going inside the Blue Forest and even then... the death rate was 50%.

If you wanted to become rich by adventuring in there and seeking your fortune, you first had to be strong enough.

Lying in wait in the forest, the multitude of snake type beasts were commonly found to catch unaware cultivators off guard, injecting them with poison, and then eating their hunt after the prey has died to their potent poison.

People continue to risk their lives so they can get their hands on some rare treasures. After all the most commonly shared thought was 'if I can find a priceless treasure and sell it off, wouldn't I be able to live comfortably and luxuriously for the rest of my life?'

From her memories, Aurora was traveling with her parents and some of their bodyguards to the capital city in search of an alchemist that could treat her damaged meridians. After searching their city and nearby ones, Aurora's parents still couldn't find an alchemist that was able to create such a pill.

In a last resort effort, the entire family and their bodyguards left their estate and traveled towards the capital.

After more than a week on the road, they were finally a few days away from their destination.

Unfortunately, the group were attacked along the way, none of the bodyguards could fight off the enemies, and the entire entourage was slaughtered, ending the original Aurora's life.

However before her soul could completely dissipate, Leon's soul entered her body and inherited her life memories along with her feelings before she died.

After that he took a deep breath, and then exhaled before saying, unknown whether he was talking to himself or Aurora, ''your soul died but your memories and your feelings all live inside me. I am me but now I am also you. I have lived tens of thousands of years, while you had just started your life at 17." Thinking before he continued:

"I promise to you that I will fulfill your dream for both you and your parents. I will take care of your body, and I will make sure no one crosses you or the ones you love ever again. This is my oath to you and to myself."

After that sentence, whatever lingering regrets Aurora's soul had before dissipated, and Leon was left alone in this new body in a new world.

"I suppose I will have to be Aurora Solis now. This will be a new experience, I was male for tens of thousands of years and now I get the chance to be the opposite gender. Haha although this will be fun, I will never be able fully be a female, but I'll have some fun and act like one..." Leon smiled at his words.


Searching through her memories, Aurora found that since childhood, she has had damaged meridians, preventing her from cultivating with her peers. Her dream was one day she would be able to become the most powerful cultivator so she could prove that damaged meridians did not make you a failure. Her parents also had expectations for their child, placing high hopes that their child could become a famous cultivator strong enough to provide for herself.

"How did they not cure her damaged meridians? It's just the Golden Rejuvenation pill..."

Looking farther into her memories, Aurora found that this world that she is currently residing in is completely different from what she is used to. They are a new world, with history only stretching back a couple thousand years, so the cultivation in this world was lacking.

They haven't even found the pill needed to heal damaged meridians.

"The ingredients required are so common I'm surprised they haven't found the recipe yet..."

Standing up, Aurora looked around the area. The carriage was turned on its side, with the horses dead in front. All around the carriage is blood stained ground and corpses of the bodyguards.

Walking towards the carriage, Aurora climbed inside, and there she found the dead bodies of her parents. Although she couldn't say for sure that she didn't feel anything, the fact that she has lived for tens of thousands of years reduced the shock factor, as she has seen way more death than this.

"I wonder who did this... it clearly wasn't a bandit group, they were trained..."

Since Aurora is the only surviving member of the entourage, she decided to take all the valuables so she had some money once she entered a city.

Checking her parents first, she found that both people had storage rings, a common spatial storage item in the shape of a ring. They have small pocket dimensions that are capable of storing items inside.

Taking the rings and placing them on her index and ring fingers on her right hand, she moved outside the carriage and checked the rest of the bodies nearby.

All in all, Aurora found storage rings on two of the guards bodies as well, but the rest of the guards simply had bags with their things inside, as storage rings are quite expensive, even for the smallest size.

Sitting down, she checked inside the four storage rings, finding plenty of herbs and ingredients for making pills. She also found some pills however they were of terrible quality, doing more damage to the cultivators bodies than good.

"Haaaah... everything is so behind here, these Qi Collection pills are filled with impurities" Aurora sighed.

Along with the failed pills that she threw out, there was also plenty of gold in her parents rings, who were planning to spend a fortune if there was a capable alchemist in the city.

Her mother was also spending her time studying alchemy, as she believed that maybe one day she would be able to find the cure to her daughters damaged meridians.

Aurora couldn't help but smile bitterly, as her mother actually had all but one of the ingredients required to make the Golden Rejuvenation Pill able to cure herself.

"All I am missing is the Nire Moonflower, and that should be found easily... it seems that the people in this world haven't found its usage yet."

Finally finishing sorting through the rings, Aurora left behind all the pills, and ended up keeping a mediocre sword, the alchemy ingredients, gold and other currencies, as well as her mothers cauldron. She also kept a large amount of clothings and food for herself, as she was planning on staying in the wilderness until she could be confident in her cultivation base. Aurora didn't want to be too weak and be raped by some disgusting men, for heavens sake, she used to be a man as well!

"Mother, father, I will give you both a proper burial."

Taking the swords and spears that she didn't place in her storage rings, Aurora began digging out graves for her parents, with much difficulty, as swords are not meant to be digging into anything other than flesh.

After toiling away for hours, she finally completed the crude dirt graves, and placed both her mother and father inside the two. Saying a quick prayer for her parents to have a safe reincarnation, she filled the graves back in and marked the graves with a simple flat stone that she found nearby, engraving 'Solis Family' on the face.

"I'm going to need to tread carefully from now on, being in a mortal body is a huge danger, and the people that killed this group were trained, so it's highly liked that this was political..."

"I'll spend my time looking for a Nire Moonflower, and once I can cultivate, I'll move towards the capital."

And with that, Aurora left the site of the massacre and wandered into the Hissing Woods in search of the missing ingredient.