
Preparations Before Transmigration

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Hu—Wait, it's a calling?!"

At that moment, Xia Yuan only felt lucky. He had no time to wonder why the power supply recovered so quickly.

Breathing heavily, he carefully looked at the mirror again. The mirror perfectly reflected his face without any trace of abnormality. Everything that had just happened seemed like an absurd nightmare.

Seven cycles of light and dark ? Eunival?

Waves of emotions surged in his heart. As an experienced Plot gamer in The Mystical Era, Xia Yuan knew the meaning of this obscure term very well.

Eunival was what the NPCs in the game called that world!

After regaining his composure, Xia Yuan forced himself to calm down. He controlled his legs to walk a few steps faster and left the washroom. Then, he quickly locked the door and turned on all the lights in the room.

The heavy rain outside the window had stopped at some point, and even the clouds had dispersed. The faint silver moonlight quietly shone on the city behind the rain, giving it a tranquil and hazy beauty.


Glancing at the table, Xia Yuan took three steps back to his bedroom. He raised his glass and drank some water, wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead.

After panting heavily for a while, he slowly calmed down and began to carefully consider the content of the information.

"The general idea of that message should be: Seven days later, I will transmigrate to the world of 'Mystery Era'."

"But why seven days later? Is Eunival real?"

As he thought carefully and analyzed for any possible hidden meanings, Xia Yuan skillfully turned on the computer and entered the browser to post.

"I'm going to be transmigrated in seven days! What should I do? Urgent!"

He typed the title and added,

"There was a blackout just now so I took the candle to the toilet. When I was washing my hands, I was bored, so I played rock-paper-scissors with the mirror. Then…"

Xia Yuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

How should he put it? He was playing rock-paper-scissors with the mirror in the middle of the night… and he lost?

Forget it, no one would see it anyway.

"Then, in the last round, I suddenly realized that I had won the second last round…"

"That mirror was covered with paper, I used scissors!"

"After that, I felt something was odd. When I turned to leave the bathroom, the candle suddenly went out, and the person in the mirror suddenly turned around and smiled at me.

"In the end, a piece of information appeared in my mind. The content was' When the seven cycles of light and darkness end, I will be brought to another world. '

"What should I do, everyone?! Urgent!"

After sending the post, the sleepiness that dissipated due to shock overtook his body again. Unable to resist the heavy sleepiness, Xia Yuan went to sleep.

It was too late. A dog's life was more important.

The next day, Xia Yuan, who had been tormented by strange dreams the whole night, opened his computer with dark circles under his eyes. He was delighted to find that there were many replies.

But when he opened the page expectantly—

"EXP+3, farewell!"


Xia Yuan was stunned for a moment and the screen continued to scroll down.

"Another crazy one! The web novels nowadays are really harmful!"

"[Image] Brain CT results are out. There's something wrong with the OP's brain, but I've already used PS to fix it!"

"Actually, OP, you are an alien's long-lost descendant. They are here to bring you back to the Andromeda Galaxy!"


Xia Yuan stared at the devious replies in a daze.

Calming down a little, Xia Yuan checked his post again. Then he realized sadly that he did not believe his own nonsense either…

After thinking for a while, he opened the browser again and skillfully posted another thread.

"Cash for creativity: What would you do if you transmigrated seven days later?"

After typing out the title, Xia Yuan went back to the post he posted last night and copied the content and pasted it into the new post.

He also added that he wanted to write a novel and some details would need some brainstorming, so he gathered some proposals and suggestions here. If your content is accepted by me, I will give you a private red packet of 100 yuan…

The competition period would last until a week after the posting period. After the competition ended, he would give out the red packets.

The effect was not bad this time. After removing a few bad apples, a more serious reply finally appeared.

"According to the OP's setting, since the protagonist isn't sure of the way to transmigrate, we need to make two preparations at the same time.

Firstly, the protagonist has to wear a bulletproof vest, helmet, and other protective equipment as well as collect various outdoor tools, medicines, and consumables.

For weapons, the OP will have to settle on his own. In addition, remember to prepare a laptop, a smartphone with big data capacity, as well as the solar energy charger and backup batteries.

During these seven days, the protagonist had to download as much varying occupational knowledge as possible and store it in his computer and phone.

For example, glass, cement, gunpowder production methods, as well as various famous works, poems, and so on. These would be worth half a gold finger in the other world.

Oh right, there was also the theory behind mass-energy conversion weapons, the identification of radioactive ores, and other knowledge. Perhaps the protagonist would never need these. However, if a person did not have any dreams, then what was the difference between them and a no good, goal-less person? Furthermore, they could even add a few words!

Saying more would be tiring, and if only memories could be taken away, the progtagonist needs to master an effective memory method in a short period of time and try to remember the contents mentioned.

If you have spare time, you can look at the wilderness survival guidelines, the actors' method acting, the support of the Psychology of Communication, etc… These can help the protagonist integrate into the environment faster and increase his survival rate when he first transmigrated. "


What can I do… I am in trouble! How to transmigrate is not up to me!

After reading the big boss's suggestion, Xia Yuan had mixed feelings. His fingers instinctively typed a reply that he had used thousands of times:

"Thank you, First Lord, bless you for the rest of your life!"

After replying, he thought for a moment and added,

"Should I buy an Apple or Huawei?"

Satisfied with the sudden influx of replies, Xia Yuan turned off his computer.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something.

The mirror called the shots.

A mirror?

Should I smash the mirror?

Xia Yuan was conflicted. He then calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, transmigrating to a world of swords and magic was not considered bad. Besides, he knew that world very well. What if… he was an handsome immortal?

However, the background of the "Mystical Era" world was not peaceful. This was the disadvantage of the high-magic world. It was easy to be affected by the battle between the strong and die without knowing why.

The combination of rebirth and transmigration should have made the two hacks stronger… But why did it become like this…

After hesitating for a while, he brought a hammer into the bathroom.

It was better to be safe.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The result made him somewhat depressed. After a round of hammering, there was not even a scratch on the surface of the mirror. He even suspected that he had not smashed the mirror but a solid metal wall.

"Indeed, it's not that simple…"

Xia Yuan sighed and threw the hammer aside. At the same time, he threw away the dilemma in his heart. He thought about it and decided to do a three step preparation plan.

First of all, he opened a famous shopping app and used the money that he had originally planned to buy the game capsule to order the various equipment needed. He also negotiated with the shop owner that the equipment must be delivered within three days. The postage fee was not a problem.

After placing the order, Xia Yuan immediately started learning memory techniques and tried his best to memorize the knowledge that he could possibly use.

After the electronics were delivered, they would memorize and download all kinds of scientific knowledge…

He knew the world environment of The Mystical Era very well. It was a very prosperous magic civilization. Low-end industrial products such as glass and gunpowder had long appeared, not to mention the existence of magic.

[Mud to Mud], [Mud to Stone], and [Mould Sturdy Rock], it was much better than building materials like cement.

Only high-end scientific research information that did not exist in Eunival were truly valuable information.

Xia Yuan wanted to get the details of the game, but there was no relevant information on the Internet at this time when the trailer for "Mystical Era" had yet to be released. He had no idea where to start.

"Hmm, 'Actor's Method Acting', 'Wilderness Survival Manual', 'Compendium on Social Psychology'… Bizzare knowledge has increased again!"

Although he did not know what form of transmigration he would take, Xia Yuan knew that the conditions of survival after transmigration were directly related to the sufficient preparation before transmigration.

In the past few days, as though he had been preparing for the college entrance examination, Xia Yuan memorized all kinds of knowledge.