
New Life and Spirit Fragments

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At this moment, in the room on the top floor of the castle, the birthing of life occurred .

A gorgeous blue and gold curtain covered the window, and a woman with light golden hair lay on her back on a bed in the middle of the room.

A frown across her fair forehead, she subconsciously grabbed the bedsheets with both hands. Her entire body was covered in sweat and her purple eyes were filled with pain.

The magic circle at the bottom of the bedding was glowing, constantly monitoring the state of the female's condition.

Several maidservants were holding all kinds of enchanted knives and waiting nervously nearby. Some were staring at the crystal ball connected to the life monitoring array, observing the stability of the light in the crystal ball.

"How is Madam's life force?"

The plump brown-haired midwife asked while massaging the woman on the bed. A gentle magic wave flowed between her fingers and eased the woman's pain.

"A little weak, but very stable!"

"Very good, continue monitoring."

On the other side, the girl with pink hair was focused on maintaining the recovery spell. The strong life magic continuously entered the girl's body to replenish her.

Amidst everyone's nervous yet orderly work, a loud cry was heard and the baby was born.

"Congratulations, Madam. He is a healthy young master."

The brown-haired midwife wiped the sweat from her forehead before turning to the woman with a slightly weak expression on her face. Several enchantment tools were flying through the air under the control of her spiritual power, and they were quickly kept.

When everything was done, she picked up the child and brought him to the exhausted and panting woman.

Staring at the cute little face that was right in front of her, the woman nodded her head and let out a long sigh. Her body completely relaxed as she closed her eyes with a relaxed expression.

"Jennifer, Erica, I'm tired. I need a break. You guys can leave first."

"Yes, my dear Madam." x2


I… became a newborn…?

In this unfamiliar environment, the people around him were talking in a language that he could not understand. Xia Yuan's ability to think was lowered to the extreme due to the influence of his body.

"aw uwua cuu"

Following that, he felt himself being carried up by a blurry figure of a blonde woman.

When he looked at her, her expression shifted. She seemed to be smiling.

She… was…?

She started to speak. Her voice was slow and clear, but Xia Yuan could not understand it. It was not any language he had come into contact with before.

"ἀλλλ ̓ ἀλλλλ."


?? I'm so sleepy… I can't think straight."

His mind gradually became sluggish and he forced himself to open his eyes and scan the surroundings. The final scene that greeted his eyes was the blurry back view of everyone rushing out. Then, his young body fell asleep.


Outside the door, two men stood silently one behind another.

The person in the front had a head of strange icy blue hair. Under his straight brows, his eyes were deep blue like a bottomless ocean. His face was handsome and well defined, and his entire person carried a strange charm.

He was the master of this castle, the lord of Kalas Province, one of the four dukes of the empire, the current head of the Olivendi clan, a rank 9 legendary bloodline Warlock—Karlos.

The man behind him was about the same height as the him, but thinner. Dressed in a black tuxedo, his iron-gray eyes were sharp and spirited.

With his white-gloved hands crossed in front of him, he stood three steps behind Karlos.

Seeing the midwives and maids walk out of the room, Duke Karlos immediately looked over.

"How's the situation?"

"Honorable Duke—"

Jennifer bowed her head, her gaze at the ground in front of the duke.

"Madam has given birth to a healthy boy and is currently somewhat exhausted. She's currently resting, so I left two maids in the room to look after her."

"Very good!"

Hearing the midwife's words, the duke nodded. In the depths of his blue eyes, an imperceptible trace of worry vanished, replaced by relaxation and joy. His tone could not help but soften.


The duke turned and faced the butler behind him.

"As usual, when Madam's postpartum period of weakness ends, all the servants and guards in the castle will be rewarded."

"Yes, Your Grace."

The butler bowed slightly.

At the same time, Erica, the young sorceress, carefully carried the newborn baby out of the room.

Seeing this, the duke took a step forward and gently picked up the newborn in his swaddling clothes. His blue eyes scrutinized his adorable sleeping face, and the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

"Is the bloodline detection ritual ready?"

"The array and materials have been prepared. The family's sorcerer is on standby in the testing room."

Leonard lowered his head slightly and answered in a deep voice.


The duke nodded and suppressed his thoughts. He set the newborn down again and turned to stride back toward the testing room.


Xia Yuan did not know his current situation. At that moment, a change was happening in his consciousness.

As everyone brought him to the testing room.

A spiritual fragment full of energy floated out from the strange energy that had enveloped his consciousness.

In his perception, it was as if a resplendent star had suddenly appeared in the boundless dark sky.

The star gradually approached and 'touched' his consciousness. Then, it turned into a stream of information and fused into his consciousness.

It was a short memory recorded from a child's perspective—

In the grand room, a toddler who looked to be about two or three years old.

The beautiful blonde, purple-eyed woman he'd met at the time of his birth was carrying him, standing in front of a huge full-length mirror with a gold frame.

The toddler reached out her small hands toward the mirror, and the reflection in the mirror synchronized with it. The two small hands touched each other across the mirror, causing the toddler to giggle.

Through the mirror, Xia Yuan saw the owner of the memory.

His bright eyes were as clear and blue as the lake water. Under his high nose bridge, his little mouth curved into a big smile. His tender skin was as white and smooth as milk, and his light golden hair was as brilliant as the sun.

The woman lowered her head to look at the child. Her cheek was very close to his, and she smiled gently with her eyes narrowed. Her whole body exuded a charming glow.

"Remember, child, your name is Anvis. Anvis Kalas Karlos Elana Olivendi."

What a long name… No! I can understand her now?!

In his thoughts, Xia Yuan considered.

No, it shouldn't be that 'I' can understand, but that the owner of the memory can. After obtaining his memories, it also allowed me to grasp this language.

Speaking of which, the surname "Olivendi" sounded a little familiar…

Xia Yuan was a little puzzled, but he did not think much of it. He continued to read the information.


In the testing room, the blue-robed sorcerer waited silently in front of a huge ritual array.

Seeing that the duke and the others had arrived, he quickly lowered his head, raised his right hand, and tapped three times in front of his chest, forming a simple triangular Eye of Truth symbol. He solemnly bowed to them.

The duke nodded at him and strolled into the room, casually glancing at the array on the ground.

"Prepare for testing."

The ritualist nodded and took out a magical crystal that was shimmering with a dark blue luster. He placed it at the core of the magic circle and tapped it lightly with his staff.

The crystal emitted a hazy halo, and a dark blue light spread out with it as the center point and lighted up the entire ritual array.