
Rebirth of The Female Devil

Wu Mei, the First Miss of the Wu family and the legitimate daughter and heir to the company was schemed against by her family. Due to an accident Wu Mei struggled to survive and she had to do odd jobs for survival even though she was just eleven year old. The Wu family came knocking on their door and Wu Mei was happy that she finally had a to family but she was wrong. At age 12 she was sold to old man who owns an underground fighting ring. At age 17 she was taken to a brothel to be sold. At age 20 she was brought back to the Wu Manor. Happy that after all her sacrifice she could finally stay with her family, she was once again hit with the harsh reality. At age 25 Wu Mei died.... But after given a second chance to be reborn, Wu Mei came back like a devil crawling from hell and everyone who offended her before will have a hard time!! "Be sure to get ready cause Wu Mei is back!!

DaoistStDV7U · Fantasy
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189 Chs

Chapter 13 Master Zheng, Let's Meet!!

Master Zheng ordered the well known hackers on the internet to find out who sent that message. He saw the name at the end of the message.

Miss W.... The most sought after stock trader and hacker in the whole of country Y!! He and other families has been trying to poach her, all to no avail. But suddenly she sent him a message??

That's the reason why he didn't believe the message. He believed someone is messing with him.

"Have you located the IP address??

"Master Zheng, we've tried but we have no means of locating it. She is known as the best hidden hacker for a reason!!

"Do everything you must!! Or else we'll all answer to Fourth Lord!!

"Yes, Master Zheng!!

Before he could thrown in another round of orders, an ear piercing sound came from the computer on the table.

"I know you've been trying to trace me!! Let's meet , you'll be able to dispell your doubts when we do. Golden Hall..... We'll meet there by 3pm tomorrow, get ready!!

"There is no need to keep searching. Send word to Fourth Lord that I'll meet her tomorrow.


"Miss W..... Why now??

Baichang Academy

"Wu Mei why did you reveal yourself?? Isn't it better to lay low??

"You should understand that if I pretend to suck up to Wu Tang it'll cause a lot of trouble for me. By telling the while class how I feel about Wu Tang, it'll save me the trouble of explaining if anything goes wrong with them in the future. Wu Tang will surely pretend to like me, I'm not like her and I don't like to pretend, isn't it better to let out my true self now??

"That's true..... But aren't you going to reveal your identity like this??

Wu Mei snorted. "Would they ever connect Wu Mei with the Boss of Racing Palace?? At most they'll think I have a rich boyfriend. But Shanshan, are you going to be okay here?? Your family....

"Wu Mei, don't worry about me. They abandoned me so I don't feel anything for them. I have you and that's enough!!

Wu Mei smiled and patted Shanshan's head, ruffling it. Shanshan pouted but allowed her to do whatever she wanted, after all Wu Mei is the only person she can call a family.

"Come on, the driver is waiting for us. We need to do somethings at home.


Wu Mei felt eyes on her but she paid them no mind. She knew it was Wu Tang and her friend, she also knew what they heard. So she wouldn't be scared of them hearing what they are not supposed to.

After Wu Mei left, Wu Tang and her friend Chen Xiaoye came out from where they hid. The only thing they heard was rich boyfriend and going back home.

Wu Tang smirked. "So she hooked up with a rich boyfriend. Heh!! I was anxious for nothing!!

Chen Xiaoye laughed. "Wu Tang, don't worry, like I mentioned before , she doesn't know what's good for her!!

_Wu Mei, you should know that I'm the only daughter of Wu!!