
Rebirth of The Elemental Goddess

Story of a Goddess that is betrayed and killed in her first life she is reborn into a new world with the same laws as her old. Read as Navi lives her new life while regaining her strength in order to seek revenge.(A/N: First original story trying. Hope you guys enjoy and comment down below for any tips you wish to give.

Damass13 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 4: Boss

As I keep pondering I can't help but see that murder is even more frowned upon here than in eden which means I'll have to be even more careful when hunting for prey.


After traveling for a bit I finally found the boss the was a massive golem.

~Lava Golem(Lvl: 20)~

Hp: 100,000

Mp: 75,000

I dashed towards it at full speed using wind magic in the process to gain more speed. Nearing the Boss I use Ice magic to shoot ice spears at it in the process eliminating half of its health. After that I jump on top of it I use earth magic to make a spike pierce through the Boss killing in the process.

After killing it I keep pushing onward to the next floor. The monsters there brought me up to level 25. After which I found the next Boss.

~Lava Lizard(Lvl: 25)~

Hp: 150,000

Mp: 100,000

Because this is a lizard I knew it was immune to earth attack so I used pure Ice and fought it. I had to create several Tier 1 attacks as it was becoming increasingly harder to pierce the shell of the lizard. Of course after enough battering the lizard fell opening the entrance to the last floor.

When I reached the floor the monster were level 30 but no matter how much I killed my level reached no further so I pulled up my Status once I was at the entrance for the last boss to see what was up.


Name: Navi

Age: 15 (455)

Title: Elemental Goddess, Demon Goddess, Monster

Species: Dragoniod

Class: Teen Dragon(D),Elemental Mage(X)

Sub Class: Synergist(X)

Level: 25

Hp: 1,100,000

Mp: 310,000

Strength: 70

Agility: 50>60

Dexterity: 45>70

Endurance: 50>70

Vitality: 110

Intelligence: 310>360

Wisdom: 80>100

Currency: 4.6 Trillion Platinum

(Available Stat Points: 0)

~Elemental Goddess(Gain Affinity to all Elements, Also allows for Spirit Sight, Gain extra 10 stat points for Intelligence each level, Gain Extra 5 stat points per level)

~Demon Goddess(One with death and evil, Special Ability: Death Domain, Mp points multiply by 1,000 each instead of 100, Hp points multiply by 10,000 each instead of 1,000, Gain Extra 5 stat points per level)

~Monster(Kill 50 Humans to Earn 10 Points on all stats: 20/50)

~Class Up:

Adult Dragoniod(C)

Teen Dragoniod ★ (D) (Allows for rarer classes once complete to 6 stars.)


After checking my stats I see I can class up, I nearly forgot about this as it only happens near the beginning of all adventurers. I obviously chose to star up as this will allow for more growth in the later stages.

After staring up my body starts glowing as my body grows to 5ft 4in and my curves become more accentuated. Well only my butt as it used to be flat my breasts stay the same sadly. It seems that'll change later.

After the process is done I take advantage of the dungeon and go back to level up once again when I reach level 30 I go back to the boss but first I check my star conditions.


Name: Navi

Age: 15 (455)

Title: Elemental Goddess, Demon Goddess, Monster

Species: Dragoniod

Class: Teen Dragon(D),Elemental Mage(X)

Sub Class: Synergist(X)

Level: 30

Hp: 1,100,000

Mp: 310,000

Strength: 70>100

Agility: 60>105

Dexterity: 70

Endurance: 70

Vitality: 110

Intelligence: 360>410

Wisdom: 100

Currency: 4.6 Trillion Platinum

(Available Stat Points: 0)

~Elemental Goddess(Gain Affinity to all Elements, Also allows for Spirit Sight, Gain extra 10 stat points for Intelligence each level, Gain Extra 5 stat points per level)

~Demon Goddess(One with death and evil, Special Ability: Death Domain, Mp points multiply by 1,000 each instead of 100, Hp points multiply by 10,000 each instead of 1,000, Gain Extra 5 stat points per level)

~Monster(Kill 50 Humans to Earn 10 Points on all stats: 20/50)

~Class Up:

Dragon Teen ★ ★ (D)


- Lava Heart

- Tier 2 Magic

- 100 D Jewels ✔️


After looking at the requirements I see I need Tier 2 Magic so I find a place to hide and guide my consciousness into my Mana Realm. Once I enter my realm I see the the place is a mess so I rearrange my realm to make it look like my old one. As I concentrate on making my magic stronger I start gathering energy and start breaking the barrier.

After an hour of struggling I break the barrier and unlock Tier 2 Magic. As they unlock my Elemental Islands grow in size and solidify even more. When they finished they had two magic circles instead of one signifying my success.

After upgrading my magic I go to fight the last boss and soon arrive in front of it.

~Lava King(Lvl: 30)~

Hp: 400,000

Mp: 200,000

When we start to fight I use ice magic as always to suppress the beast now that my magic upgraded I could feel the fight went smoothly. As I just needed to cast a Tier 2 Ice spear and Ice bullets. When I finished it off the boss dropped the Lava Heart allowing me to complete my tasks for my class.