
Rebirth of the Dragon Prince

A thousand years ago the world was dominated with different races who cultivated spiritual energy and merged with spirit beasts The dragon clan the most powerful race had three princes The first and second princes were the most powerful men to have walked the earth They went to battle and always returned victorious Untill the world fell in chaos and the balance between the races was broken when the two powerful princes were betrayed and killed in war between them and the humans.

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3 Chs

Huang family

The guards exchanged a worried glance before one of them spoke up. "Your Highness, everyone in the continent knows they said you're the weakest of the dragon Princes. Everyone sees you as a waste," he admitted, his voice filled with regret.

Chen Feng's heart sank at those words. He had always known that people looked down on him for not having any remarkable abilities, but hearing it from his own guards made it even more painful.

The other guard laughed nervously and tried to lighten the mood. "But not us! We know you have potential - look what you just did out there!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the forest where Chen Feng had just defeated a group of demon wolves and a black wolf.

Chen Feng managed a weak smile at their words, feeling slightly better about himself. But deep down, he knew that he needed to do something to prove himself and gain respect from others.

As they approached the palace gates, Chen Feng noticed something strange happening outside. A crowd had gathered around two men who were engaged in an intense argument.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Chen Feng asked his guards to stop so that he could get a closer look. As they approached, Chen Feng recognized one of them as his childhood friend Li Wei.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked Li Wei as soon as they reached him.

Li Wei looked at Chen Feng with a mix of fear and anger. "It's the Huang family," he said, his voice shaking. "I bought some treasure from an auction, but the young master of the Huang family wanted it. They ambushed me on my way back to the palace."

Chen Feng's guards tensed, ready to defend their prince and his friend if necessary. But before they could make a move, a group of men dressed in black attire appeared out of nowhere.

"Stand down," one of them said sternly. "We are here on behalf of the Huang family to retrieve what is rightfully theirs."

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes at them, not trusting their words for a second. He turned to Li Wei and asked him where the treasure was.

"It's hidden in my room," Li Wei replied quietly.

Without another word, Chen Feng ordered his guards to take Li Wei back to the palace while he confronted the Huang family's men alone.

The two sides faced each other off in silence for what felt like an eternity until one of the men stepped forward and drew a sword from its sheath.

"Last chance," he warned Chen Feng. "Hand over the treasure or face our wrath."

But Chen Feng stood firm; he would not let anyone bully him or his friends around anymore. With lightning-fast movements, he unsheathed his own sword and charged towards his enemies with all his might.

The Huang family's men were skilled fighters, Chen feng had to use the spells that came with the sword and summoned a gust of wind that knocked one of the men off balance. He took advantage of the distraction and swung his sword with all his might, striking the man across the chest.

The other men hesitated for a moment, stunned by Chen Feng's display of power. He took advantage of their hesitation and brought out his middle-class holy sword, stunning everyone with its bright blue light. The sword glowed brighter as he charged towards them again, striking down another man with ease.

The remaining men backed away slowly, fear etched into their faces. "You'll regret this," one of them spat before turning and running away.

Chen Feng stood there panting, feeling a mix of exhilaration and fear coursing through him. He knew that he had just made enemies with one of the most powerful family in wudong city but at least now he felt like he had proved himself to be more than just a waste prince.

As he sheathed his sword and turned to leave, Li Wei appeared beside him, looking both impressed and terrified at what he had just witnessed. "I never knew you could fight like that," Li Wei said quietly.

Chen Feng smiled weakly at his friend's compliment. "I have some tricks up my sleeve," he said, trying to downplay his abilities.

But Li Wei wasn't convinced. "I thought your dantian was blocked," he questioned, referring to the energy center in the body that was crucial for cultivating magic.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment before replying, "Don't worry, I'll explain later."

Li Wei nodded and followed Chen Feng back to their palace. As they walked through the halls, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel like something had changed within him since his encounter with the government scientists and subsequent time travel experience.

He knew that he had always been different from others - always feeling like an outsider due to his lack of remarkable abilities. But now, after using his newly acquired skills and weapon in battle against the Huang family's men, he felt a sense of purpose.

As they reached Li Wei's room, Chen Feng turned to him and said firmly, "We need to train together."