
Legendary Beast

It's a dragon! 

Dren shouted with a pale face. He had just finished off the last creature when he heard the thundering roar.

Will couldn't help but curse is luck as soon as he saw the beast. Its scales glittering in the little source of light. 

Let's go! Dren shouted as he sank into his shadow heading towards Will. 

With a tremendous swoop of its colossal wings, the dragon sent a thunderous roar reverberating through the air, its fiery breath infused with a vibrant orange hue. The sheer force of this blazing energy clashed with Dren's shadow, compelling him out.

Arghh! He spat out a blob of blood, holding his stomach tightly . 

"Dren!" Will's voice pierced through the chaos as he propelled himself towards his friend.

Though the dragon seemed oblivious to their presence, its gaze remained fixated on the vacant spot of the root. Suddenly, its furious eyes locked onto Dren and, with a powerful flap of its wings, it surged towards them.

Dren brushed off Will's outstretched hand, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I'm alright," he reassured, before a shadowy shroud enveloped his form for a brief moment. When it dissipated, he emerged clad in a suit of dark armor, a treasured family heirloom bestowed upon him.

Adorned in pitch-black splendor, the armor boasted intricate patterns of purple along its edges. Its potency was not to be taken lightly, reserved for dire circumstances due to its overwhelming power. Despite not yet possessing the necessary mastery to harness its immense power, he decided to take the risk. This rare and precious armor surpassed the rank of beast weapons, its rarity enhancing its worth.

He stood as the shining hope of his lineage, a young prodigy who had rekindled the long-lost power of shadows within their family. For generations, this ability had remained dormant, even eluding the grasp of the family's esteemed patriarch. The armor he now donned held a legacy that spanned eras, once wielded by their ancestors who too possessed the shadow ability. Passed down solely to those who awakened this dormant gift within the family, the armor stood as a testament to their lineage's extraordinary connection to the shadows.

"I can only use this for 5 minutes. Alert the rest," Dren said as he shot towards the creature. 

With a sense of urgency, Will swiftly activated the communication device, alerting the others about their perilous situation. Without hesitation, he charged forward, determined to aid Dren in his battle against the formidable beast.

As Dren felt a surge of newfound energy coursing through his veins, he unleashed a powerful punch, connecting squarely with the creature's head. The beast staggered, its massive frame momentarily frozen, steam billowing from its flared nostrils. Undeterred, the creature retaliated by lashing out its tail, adorned with lethal spikes poised to rend Dren apart. 

Dren's heart pounded in his chest as he caught the dragon's tail, his grip tightening with every ounce of strength he could muster. His feet slid backwards on the rocky ground, struggling to maintain their grip as the tail writhed beneath him. Blood trickled from his split lips.

Just as Dren felt his hold on the tail slipping, a blur of movement caught his eye. Will, his companion, streaked past him in a blaze of fire, wielding his sword with a prowess that left Dren in awe. The fiery glow of the blade illuminated the darkness, leaving a trail of flames in its wake. He struck the beast on its head causing a deafening explosion, one that momentarily stunned the dragon.

Gasping for air, Will leapt backwards, his chest heaving with exhaustion. That had been his strongest attack, the culmination of all his training and skill. But to his dismay, it had barely left a scratch on the dragon's impenetrable scales. The only victory was the fleeting moment of disorientation caused by the searing flames.

Sensing an opportunity, Dren summoned his remaining strength and pushed the tail sideways, using the dragon's momentary distraction to his advantage. With a final burst of energy, he launched himself backwards, landing a safe distance away from the formidable creature. The ground rumbled beneath him as the dragon regained its bearings, a reminder of the danger that still loomed.

Dren stood tall, his body aching and covered in sweat, yet his determination remained unyielding. The battle was far from over, and he knew he had to press on. With a steely resolve, he locked eyes with the dragon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Where are those idiots!? Dren shouted, avoiding a wave of energy blast from the beast.

In the midst of trembling hands, Will muttered his determination, "One more!" The sword in his grasp ignited in a vibrant, fiery glow as he lunged towards the formidable beast. With a powerful swing, the creature retaliated, its razor-sharp claws colliding fiercely with the incoming blade. The impact resulted in a deafening explosion, shrouding the battlefield in a thick cloud of dust.

As the dust settled, Will was sent hurtling through the air like a broken kite, his body flung backwards with an almost impossible force. A cry of concern pierced the chaos as Belle, her heart pounding with fear, shouted his name and swiftly descended from the ground. She managed to catch him just moments before his motionless form would have crashed against the earth.

"What in the world is that thing?!" George exclaimed, his grip tightening around his weapon. They had only just arrived, their arrival coinciding with the sight of Will being forcefully propelled backwards. Belle, always the first to act, had fearlessly leapt into action, to save her fallen comrade.


A ship glided gracefully through the vast expanse of space, its sleek frame reflecting the distant stars. On board, a crew of skilled and dedicated individuals prepared for the upcoming mission.

In the command center, the commander stood tall, his gaze fixed upon the holographic display before him. It flickered with data, indicating a surge of energy emanating from the planet below. A soldier approached, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

"Sir!" the soldier called out, saluting the commander. "We've detected an influx of power on the planet."

The commander turned slightly, acknowledging the soldier's presence. His eyes narrowed, contemplating the implications of this newfound information. "Send squad 2 to check if it's a threat to the young ones," he commanded, his voice steady and authoritative.

The soldier nodded, his expression mirroring the gravity of the situation. "Yes, sir," he replied before swiftly exiting the command center to relay the orders to the awaiting squad.

As the soldier was about to leave, the commander's voice cut through the air once more. "Any report from the other group?"

The soldier paused, turning back to face his superior. "No, sir," he answered, his voice tinged with concern. The commander's brow furrowed, a silent worry etched across his face.

Minutes drifted by, each second filled with anticipation and uncertainty.

"The light cruiser ship has been deployed, sir," a technician reported, his voice tinged with urgency. "It's entering into the planet's atmosphere as we speak."

The commander's grip on the command console tightened, his mind racing with possibilities. The fate of their mission and the safety of the young ones hung precariously in the balance. With bated breath, the crew awaited the reports that would soon follow, their hearts filled with hope and apprehension.


In the midst of the chaos, Will fought against the pain, his words escaping through blood-soaked lips. "Leave me be," Will managed to utter, freeing himself from Belle's desperate hold. "Go help them."

Belle's gaze shifted towards the raging battlefield, where George and Dren valiantly struggled to restrain the monstrous creature.

The dragon's deafening roar reverberated through the air, its frustration evident as it failed to bring down its adversaries. Dren who bore the unmistakable signs of exhaustion etched upon his face, had long kept the armor back in his storage ring. 

It became apparent that the beast's intention was not to kill, but rather to capture them alive. 

With a mighty swing, George's hammer emitted a blinding glow before connecting with the creature's snarling face. The dragon's frustrated roar echoed through the battlefield, its anger only intensifying.

"Careful, Dren!" he shouted, sprinting towards the colossal beast in an attempt to divert its attention.

But the dragon seemed fixated on Dren, its piercing gaze locked onto him. With a powerful flap of its massive wings, a swirling vortex formed, causing destruction to the surrounding structures. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the creature slowly lifted itself into the air.

Fear gripped Belle's heart as she realized the disadvantage they would face if the dragon took to the skies. Summoning her inner strength, she conjured flaming whips, their fiery tendrils crackling with power.

With a swift and determined swing, she latched onto the dragon's massive foot, her grip firm and unyielding. But as she attempted to pull it down, she found herself being lifted off the ground.

Undeterred, she swung her body with all her might, building up enough momentum to release the rope. In a graceful display of acrobatics, she flipped through the air, landing deftly on the creature's formidable head.

"Die!" she bellowed, her fists ablaze with searing flames. With a forceful strike, she hammered her fiery fists onto the dragon's skull, eliciting a resounding roar of agony.

It was the first time the creature had felt true pain since the battle had commenced. In a desperate frenzy, the beast violently shook its head, attempting to dislodge its fiery assailant.

She clung tenaciously to the sharp spikes adorning the dragon's head, bracing herself for another assault. The beast's roar reverberated through the air, its body now enveloped in a fiery orange glow.

Suddenly, the tips of the spikes ignited, hurtling towards her with deadly precision. She narrowly evaded their lethal trajectory, disrupting both her attack and her balance in the process.

With a sudden and forceful motion, the dragon flung her mercilessly to the ground, causing her body to collide with the hard ground. As she struggled to regain her footing, the beast's jaws stretched wide, revealing a menacing array of spikes that began to materialize.

"Take cover!" Dren's urgent cry pierced through the chaos as he swiftly melded into the shadows, seeking refuge from the impending danger.

In the midst of the chaos, Will swiftly retrieved a gem from his pocket, shattering it with a single, decisive motion. In an instant, a shimmering barrier materialized before him, shielding him from the imminent attack.

Belle, ever resourceful, summoned her whips with a flick of her wrist, their long tendrils swirling in a protective, circular formation. With each swing, she deftly deflected the incoming spikes, skillfully warding off the imminent threat.

Meanwhile, George, the stalwart defender, conjured a formidable stone wall. Determined to shield himself from harm, he positioned himself behind the sturdy barricade, bracing for the onslaught.

As the last of the spikes were thwarted by their combined efforts, George propelled himself off the ground, his hammer radiating an intense, luminous glow. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he swung the mighty weapon downward, aiming for the dragon's vulnerable left wing.

A deadly spike shot out with alarming speed from the dragon's menacing head, hurtling directly towards George's vulnerable abdomen. Panic surged through his veins as he realized there was no chance of evading the impending strike. Determination etched across his face, he braced himself, prepared to endure the full force of the attack.

Gritting his teeth, George summoned every ounce of his strength, infusing his hammer with an intensified surge of mana. The weapon responded, radiating a brilliant, blinding glow that seemed to defy the darkness surrounding them.

With a guttural cry of defiance, George swung the empowered hammer with all his might, aiming to strike the dragon's vulnerable wing. The impact reverberated through his entire being, sending shockwaves of pain up his arm. Yet, the beast's agonized shriek echoed through the air, momentarily throwing it off balance.

As the dragon staggered, George landed on the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion. He knelt, gasping for breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Expecting searing pain to course through his body, he was taken aback when he realized that, against all odds, he felt no immediate agony.

"Dren!" Will shouted as he dashed towards him.

Not far from George, dren lay in his pool of blood. The spike embedded deep in his chest a few inches away from his heart.

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