
Rebirth Of The Devouring Angel

After being stripped of his divine powers, Will finds himself reborn as a mortal on Earth. His new existence is marked by a desolate life, plagued by sealed memories and an unsettling childhood filled with inexplicable gaps and mysteries. However, everything changes when, on the brink of death, Will unlocks a hidden system. This newfound discovery catapults him into a thrilling journey, as he traverses chaotic worlds, completing quests and steadily growing stronger. As Will embarks on this perilous path, he becomes determined to uncover the enigmatic secrets of his dark past. With each quest completed and each challenge overcome, he inches closer to regaining his lost strength and unlocking the truths that have haunted him for so long. Join Will on a captivating adventure as he navigates a treacherous world, battles formidable foes, and unravels the mysteries that hold the key to his redemption. Will he ultimately reclaim his former power and find solace in understanding his past, or will the shadows of his past continue to haunt him? Only time will tell in this enthralling tale of self-discovery and resilience. I do not own the novel cover. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, you can tell me.

Godswill_Isaac · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


"Hope you had enough fun." A voice said, which sent chills deep down his spine.

"You! Impossible!" I watched you burn to death, "he said with a slight shake in his voice.

Will stood a few meters away with a devilish smile. Without wasting much time, he appeared before him and swung his hand. "While you were busy having fun with my clone, I figured out something."

"Arghh!" Athos roared in pain as Will's hand penetrated through his hard skin, just underneath his heart. Will had acted so fast he was unable to react.

His hand tore through his flesh searching for the other half. "You must be very talented in space magic," Will said as his hand was covered in a blinding light for a few seconds. 

"Found it, what a nice place to hide the other part." He marveled at the perfect concealment of the crystal. A sinister energy surged within him, casting an eerie atmosphere that engulfed the surrounding area. Dark tendrils of mist billowed forth, weaving their way through the vast expanse of land. As they slithered and crept, the once vibrant plants and towering trees succumbed to their touch, their life force draining away. Limbs weakened, branches crumbled, and the very essence of nature itself seemed to wither and fade under the malevolent influence.

He took hold of the crystal in Athos chest and pulled out with brute force, but to his dismay the crystal didn't yield. He couldn't even remove his hands from the chest. 

Straining with every ounce of strength, he mustered a desperate display of force, attempting to wrench his hand free from its trapped position. Alas, his efforts were in vain as he was unable to pull his hand out. A surge of frustration coursed through his veins, compounded by the realization that he had unwittingly fallen into a laid trap.

A twisted grin curled upon Athos lips, brimming with arrogant satisfaction. "Did you honestly believe that I would leave such a precious artifact unguarded?" he taunted, his voice dripping with smugness. "You, my dear friend, have played right into my hands."

Deep within his chest lay the other half of the enigmatic healing orb. Separating it from its counterpart, he had embarked on a series of daring experiments, determined to unlock its secrets. After countless trials and tribulations, he finally got a breakthrough. He discovered a method to infuse the crystal deep within his own being, utilizing its unfathomable power as a source of strength.

This crystal possessed an ethereal mystique, shrouded in enigma. Within its luminous depths resided the key to mending even the most dire wounds. Its energy, when tapped into, proved to be a wellspring of vitality, capable of mending life-threatening injuries with remarkable efficacy.

Will felt a suction open up as his energy started leaving his body. "Do you think I'm scared?" he said while looking at his hands. The cracks was slowly spreading, as his energy rushed out of his body into Athos chest.

"If I can't take it out, I might as well just carry on with the process." His aura surged once again as the dark mist condensed around him. "I wonder who he would send," he thought before mustering all the energy in him to activate his sealed power.

Devour." Only one word came from his mouth... A word belonging to his ability which had been sealed and hadn't used before in his current life. 

As soon as Will activated the ability, it was as if time stopped at once. The crystal draining effect had stopped immediately. He felt a rush of energy entering his body and the cracks in his hands slowly healing. Athos had stopped moving, he felt pain deep down and was unable to even see what was happening right before his eyes. 

"Arghh, get away from me!" Athos yelled, his faced twisted in pain and rage. He could feel his energy draining along with the crystal.

Still not enough! He muttered as he could feel the energy slowly entering his body. Will stretched out his other hand towards the soldiers. The soldiers felt their energy rapidly draining and fell down in no time. Their shrivelled body turning into particles. 

"This won't do." he muttered, looking at the cracks that had started spreading again. The ability was too strong for his body which was still weak. The crack had spread to his shoulders and was currently heading towards his chest. His aura surged wildly as he continued devouring his prey. The once vibrant blue hues of his eyes were gradually morphing into a deep, mysterious shade of black.

"Arghhhh!" Athos screamed once again as he felt his insides melting. He fell on his knees as blood slowly crept from his eyes. Will had successfully devoured the entire energy within the crystal. He didn't stop there as he moved his hand upwards, grasping his heart. Just as he was about to rip it out, the sky shined brightly as a majestic figure slowly descended down.

"Of all his loyal pet he had to send you down," Will said with a frown. Standing before him was the Archangel Michael. The chief commander of the Angels. 

"Aziel!" He called out, his voice causing the sky to rumble. "You don't have to do this."

"Why should I listen to you?" Will said as he gripped the heart tightly. 

"Stop! You don't want to start another war. You've done enough damage the last time. Moreover, you're weak. So weak you had to go all out against a puny demi god," Micheal said with a mocking smile. "Don't tell me you want to face Damien with this pathetic body of yours"

Will cursed out as his aura exploded. Several dark energy balls shot out from his body towards Michael.

A golden barrier appeared before him blocking off the attack. "Listen, I didn't come here to fight, he said, "but to pass a message....from Father. Now, before you bite your tongue off, he has an offer for you. A chance for you to redeem yourself."

"I don't need redemption! I refuse to be used as a pawn once again." He spat out his eyes burning brightly. "Now you listen to me, tell the old man to fuck off!!" 

"Still the same, always letting your emotions lead. A great threat is looming, a threat, caused by your previous actions. The delicate balance that held the order of the universe is weakening." He said slowly, letting each word sink into his head. "You know what happened the last time. The great battle between Father and ....." 

"Oh shut the crap! I'm done listening to your nonsensical ramblings." He activated his ability and started devouring Athos essence. His aura once again started flaring wildly as he devoured the raw energy within Athos. 

"You want revenge, right? How do you wanna even do that when your body is slowly breaking apart. Devouring him wouldn't solve anything, rather it would only complicate matters."

"I'll find a way," Will said without much thought. "Devouring him would give me a couple of days to figure out something."

"You can't devour him, can't you sense his energy!? That's Athos, the favourite disciple of your greatest rival, Damien. He would know immediately once you kill him."

"Do I look like I care, I can't let him live,it would only give him a chance to inform his master."

"I would help you with it, just let him live. I have another way of helping you regain your powers."

"And how do I regain my powers?" he asked his aura dying down.

"I have a way. First of all, lets deal with him," With a snap of his fingers a barrier materialized entrapping Athos. Will had devoured a quarter of his strength rendering him weak.

"You trust me, right? What am about to do Will benefit you greatly. This contains pure essence from Father, absorbing, would not only heal you but boost your powers."

Will slowly walked towards him, his body ready and alert. He collected the crystal from Michael carefully scrutinising it. He crushed the crystal quickly, and the energy slowly seeped into the pores in his body. The cracks slowly disappeared with his face regaining its radiant glow.

"I can't fully explain everything right now, but Father his counting on you." Michael said his expression serious. "And also. I'm sorry."

Will suddenly fell on his knees as he felt a searing pain in his heart. Several golden chains came out, wrapping around his entire body. The dark hues in his eyes glowed golden for a moment before turning back to the normal blue. 

As Michael calmly walked towards him, a white bracelet adorned with intricate golden lines tracing along its edges, appeared before him radiating a mesmerizing ethereal glow.

"'I'm sorry, brother, but this is the only way," he said as he clamped the bracelet on his hands. The bracelet let out a bright light before fitting tightly into his wrist.

"I'll make sure you pay!" Will screamed, struggling to break the chains. He suddenly felt his vision turning dark as the chains retracted into his chest now reinforced from the enegy in the crystal. "I won't forget this, "he said, as he lost consciousness. 

"A new adventure awaits you, brother." Michael said before disappearing.