
Rebirth of the Death Knight

The Fall of a Kingdom. From a magnificent and glorious kingdom, only to have it in ruin because of the demonic beasts' rampage. The final commander of the army, Lawrence Von Carrion, could only grit his teeth in bitterness. Had he lived properly in his youth, maybe the current scenarios would have changed. However, all he had left was a final breath and his sword decorated with skeleton skulls to assist him. Before succumbing to his death, Lawrence could only accept his death in grief. But was that the end? **Every 100ps = author can relax and no update** **Also a warning, this novel treads on gray/dark theme. Not your typical fantasy novel.** Lawrence: Can you believe this lazy author to be this shameless? He's stripping my screen time appearance!

Idczhen · Fantasy
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55 Chs

That Gold Coin Is Mine

Ezekiel's face turned red from embarrassment when Lawrence proclaimed his reasoning for calling him an Old Fool. 

Indeed, his actions earlier were beyond foolish, but that was merely because he got agitated by Lawrence. 

When had he ever received such treatment before?

The answer was never! 

No one and he meant no one would ever treat him in such regard. 

"Alright, you're old already, so why are you turning red?" Lawrence shrugged his shoulders, getting up from his chair.

He then retrieved the 1 gold coin from his pocket and placed it on the table. 

"I would have chatted with you longer, but I really have something important to do. I can't delay it any longer, so please accept the 1 gold coin for now and give me the 4 Atherforge Elixir." Lawrence asked sincerely. 

If he had to be honest, he indeed got carried away a little bit upon re-encountering Ezekiel, which prompted him to overstay his initial timestamp.

However, he didn't regret any of it, and would probably do the same thing again if he were to redo the scene. 

Ezekiel was silent for a few minutes, his eyes simply staring intensely at Lawrence. 

"How and where did you hear about the Aetherforge Elixir?" He then asked solemnly. 

The Aetherforge Elixir was something he had spent years to finally master and succeeded in creating a potion that could help even the talentless or individual that passed the ideal time to construct a mana core. 

It was something that he had just accomplished and never revealed to the public. He thought it was a complete secret and no one else but him knew about this fact. 

Yet he was practically slapped in the face by Lawrence, who came here proudly and requested for 4 of them at once.

Hell, even the name was something he had come up with on the spot, thinking it was cool and created a mysterious atmosphere for the potion!

"Um, you don't need to worry about that yet." Lawrence calmly responded. 

"And don't be mistaken. I've got no spies on you, and despite your pathetic skills now, I'm sure you can still detect if someone is spying on you with magic or some other methods, right?" He added, clarifying to him that he wasn't some freak or pervert to spy on someone. 

Spying someone was a tedious and difficult task. As if he would be willing to do something that drains your stamina and mentality constantly. 

As much as Ezekiel may have wanted to doubt Lawrence's clarification, he had no choice but to agree. While his skills might have been rusty, he could still detect if someone was spying on him.

"What are you planning to do if you do get an Aetherforge Elixir?" Changing his tone, Ezekiel asked what he was scheming. 

"Redemption…" Lawrence uttered, his tone a bit sorrowful. 

A bit astonished by the sudden sorrowful tone, Ezekiel realized there was more secret than the eyes meet regarding the young man in front of him.

"4 is too much since I don't trust you," Ezekiel said adamantly.

And before Lawrence was able to respond, he retrieved a small glass container in his sleeve and threw it toward Lawrence.

Catching the small glass container, Lawrence instantly recognized the vibrant purple color. It was the very same one that he remembered as the famous Aetherforge Elixir. 

Nodding his head in agreement, Lawrence knew from the start that it was a stretch to get 4 of these at once. Though it doesn't hurt to try, right? 

If one never attempted to try, then how would they ever know if they would succeed or not?

Only a loser and a wimp would not take any risks and remain as trash. 

If you're the type to never take any risk and are a loser, kindly do yourself a favor. Slap yourself three times in the face and wake the fuck up!

You are wasting your goddamn life! 

Holding the glass container tightly, Lawrence laughed cheekily at Ezekiel. 

"Thanks, I'll be back for the other three once I've given this away." He calmly said, grabbing the 1 gold coin and putting it back in his pocket. 

"Wait a minute!" Ezekiel was alarmed when he noticed that sneaky action of his. 

"That gold coin is mine for the Aetherforge Elixir!" 

"Oh please, Old Fool." Lawrence rolled his eyes in response. "As if you cared about the gold coin. I'll come back with a higher quality booze next time, so please have the other 3 ready." 

He waved his hand and prepared to exit the shabby shop, much to the disbelief of Ezekiel.

Does this young man really fear no god?

How could he be so unscrupulous? 

Despite thinking such thoughts, Ezekiel also can't deny what Lawrence said made complete sense. He does not wish to reveal himself in public, which is why he always took a few sips of his booze, unwilling to finish it in one go.

However, if Lawrence was going to come back with higher-quality boozes, then its worth was definitely more than the gold coin. 

To people like him, money was already something of irrelevance to them. Regardless if they had money or not, it didn't matter much. 

"You better not use the Aetherforge Elixir for something vile, brat. I'm warning you." Before Lawrence stepped foot outside the door, Ezekiel warned him solemnly.

"Rest assured, Old Fool. I'm not using it for something vile." Lawrence chuckled softly and stepped foot outside. 

Once he was outside, he turned around and smirked coldly. "If I truly used it for something vile, then you would be ready to detain me at once. Don't think I didn't notice the strand of mana you have placed upon me." 

With that said, Lawrence waved his hand one final time before making a leap, ascending to the roof of a building as he accelerated with smooth movement.

The time he wasted in the shabby shop had far exceeded his estimation, so he needed to act fast.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel was completely astounded, standing completely still.

'Just how did this brat realize my strand of mana?' Ezekiel wondered silently, scratching his head and questioning if he had really gotten this rusty.