
Red Moon

With time Alex and Lisa fell in love with each other and Alex had trained the raiders on different skill and techniques of fighting to a level where their Supernatural powers was just a backup. On the 12th month on the lunar calendar that year was the night of the red moon when all wolves lost their powers and where unable to defend themselves against anything or anyone but something more shocking came up the Vampires on east falls were attacking the western wolves on that night and Alex's kingdom was not far from the western wolves but he could not send the vampires to fight their kind on a battle as they may turn against them because of the bloodlust of the red moon so Alex, Fred, Miranda, Michael and the perfect raiders went alone in fighting the east falls vampires but there was a little problem as the vampires had their bloodlust they were 10 times stronger than normal and Alex was not going to take it easy on fighting them when they got to the western wolves kingdom he ordered Miranda and Michael with 3 members of his personal squad(perfect raiders) to ensure the wolves safely escape into a secret hideout till the red moon is out while waiting Josh a member of the perfect raiders and a noble fighter who had so much interest in being like Alex went up to Alex and told him he could feel the pressure of the vampires coming. Josh's special power was that he could feel the pressure of any being and identify what was that and he had the ability to inflict pain on a people whenever he fought and his twin sister Mary was an exact opposite she was a shield that could prevent all forms of attacks physical and magical telepathic. For 30 minutes they stayed low and Alex became bored and decided to launch his attack it was an unwise decision but he took the risk so he used his vampire speed and got to the army and started attacking before the rest of the team got there Alex had taken down 30% of the enemies but not without having several injuries for the first time Fred saw his brother bleed and he started releasing his forbidden magic Alex communicated with him through mind as they were twins their mind's were connected so Alex told him not to attack as it was not yet time but Josh had felt the magical pressure and was shocked that Fred had that kind of magic in him but Josh decided to ease the battle so he put al the vampires down in pains as the rest of his squad eliminated them other vampire who were far behind retreated as they saw a different magic entirely they did not want to find out what the rest of the team had in them, when they killed the surviving vampire Alex who had sustained large damage passed out. Alex opened his eyes to see himself on his bed and Lisa wrapped around him so he calmly took her off himself and went to shower Alex had healed but some scars were taking more time to heal, as Alex lay still in the pool he couldn't believe that he bled during the previous fight and he also knew he didn't use one eight of his powers so he smiled while thinking about Josh's new finding about Fred he planned on talking to josh not to talk about what he felt from Fred but he knew the kid was smart and wouldn't talk to anyone about it except himself so he relaxed in the pool. Lisa came to join him in the pool then he drew her giving her a mild kiss on her lips and looked at her then they kissed again this time more deeper than the first time he removed his lips from hers and nibbled on her neck driving a pleasant sensation all over her body she in turn held tight to him and kissed him with more passion Alex held her and placed his lips on her nipples and sucked it Lisa moaned with pleasure and they were kissing wildly Alex fondled her breasts squeezing them not too tight driving all manner of sensations all over Lisa and they remained in the pool for an hour till a maid knocked on Alex's door and spoke loudly that the king needed his attention in the royal palace.