
Your Persona Was About to Collapse

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Bai Zhou stood at the side and looked at Yun Buyao 'kneeling and begging for mercy.' He could not help but shake his head helplessly.

He was handling company matters at East Sea Real Estate downstairs when he suddenly received a call from Qiao Yuan. He said that Yun Buyao had suddenly come to the entertainment company and was in the office alone with the CEO.

Bai Zhou remembered he had not mentioned to Yun Buyao that the Sect Master wanted to see her. Then, her sudden appearance should be for something else. A bad premonition arose in his heart, and he quickly took the elevator and rushed up.

Unexpectedly, he was still a step too late!

Glancing at Yun Buyao, Bai Zhou went forward to help her up. "Get up first. Your persona is about to collapse."