
Special Membership Card

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian Ai was asked to rest on the sofa in the rest area. The staff helped her settle the bill.

As soon as she sat down, the manager of the flagship store personally served a cup of coffee and walked forward. "Hello, please have coffee."

The other party used honorifics. It was obvious that he treated Jian Ai just like other customers. Jian Ai smiled and took it calmly, thanking him.

Seeing this, the manager naturally sat down beside Jian Ai and chatted with Jian Ai with a friendly smile. "I'm the general manager of Baiyun's Hongfan Kata flagship store. Is this your first time shopping at our shop?"

As an employee of a luxury brand, be it an ordinary staff or a manager, they had to have an excellent memory of the customers. They would not forget regular customers' surnames. Even if they only came once or twice a year, they would have some impression of the other party.

If a customer of Jian Ai's age came once, he would have a deeper memory.