
Rebirth of the #2 Deck God

Noah March, a 23 year old high school dropout who dedicated his life to playing esports hoping to earn the big bucks. The game “Deck Destroyer” was the most popular game in the world at the time, and he spent all his time and money playing the game eventually reaching the top. But his dreams are quickly crushed when he is easily surpassed by a player he simply cannot defeat. The now top ranker, Silver, is an anonymous player of “Deck Destroyer” absolutely nobody knows who he is. But he is purely unbeatable. He dawns the best cards in the game including secret and mythical cards. Noah March is devastated as his dreams are crushed. Driving him to lose all his worth in life. And one thing I forgot to mention. This world is one of hunters and goblins and ghouls. Around 30 years ago before Noah was born the first outbreak renamed the “Aether Phenomenon” was a large rift in space time containing monsters from another land. When nobody else came to help, the first awakened arrived, with the help of what we call the system. A digital orange screen only visible to the user. Each hunter is said to be given a special class, and personal attribute. Noah absolutely crushed, opened his phone once again. He spent his last Chrono (the currency in “Deck Destroyer”) and suddenly opened a secret card. “The Deck God” when Noah went to look out the window he found himself falling to his demise. And a mysterious figure assumed to be the one pushing him out. After falling he woke up in a somewhat familiar place…

BlackenedSky · Urban
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10 Chs

The Hunt

I stomped out the wolf and looked to the horde of snakes and wolves running and slithering towards me. What an annoying sight. I used mana web to grab my duffel bags and put them next to me before transforming my spear into a bow and arrow. I gathered some dark mana into my arrow and used red lariat, I released the arrow and watched a beam of red lightning flying from my bow to the horde.

The lightning clashed against the horde sending them flying back. Wow…these things are really week…must've been like an E class gate. I transformed my bow and arrow back into a longsword and ran towards the horde. I gathered dark mana in my sword while also combining that with red lariat, green and black flashes of lightning surrounded my blade as I also activated berserk. The dripping red aura drooping from my body like a dead slime.

As I sliced through the enemy horde I couldn't make out much except the flashes of green and black and the blood cluttering my vision and clothing as I mindlessly slashed through the hordes, honestly it was enjoyable. I was having fun, it was like a therapy session, except very very bloody. With a touch of explosions.

As I finished up killing the enemies I looked to a giant snake surrounding a man in a black robe holding a green orb. "And who the hell are you?" I asked the man while kicking around the corpse of a wolf. The man looked at me and the giant snake wrapping around him hissed as he spoke. "I could ask the same for you, ominous one, keke." "Ominous one?" "That ominous energy emitting from that sword, that glove, that bracelet. So familiar…"

"What the hell are you talking about?" "Ah so you are…that…one." He smiled and laughed. "Well let's see your abilities, wanderer." Weird calling me wanderer. "Alright then. Don't know why you're so eager." I gathered some dark energy to my feet and bursted forward, I swung my sword at him multiple times but he either dodged of blocked with that green orb and then the snake countered at me. I blocked the snakes sharp teeth and lodged my sword in between its teeth. I jumped up and gathered dark energy and red lariat into my foot before stomping down on its head causing its head to be impaled by my sword and it dying.

The mysterious man smiled and laughed. "Keke…intriguing." He tossed a barrage of mana blasts shaped like snakes at me. One of them hit me and it felt like my energy was being drained, I grabbed my sword from the head of the snake and burst at him. Activating Starfall to get him in one piercing shot, I gathered dark energy at my feet while using Starfall and bursted towards him. After piercing through him I looked back to him having a gaping hole in his chest. He held up that green orb and placed it in my hands. "You…are truly, the one…." He laughed before collapsing with his lifeless corpse falling to the ground.

I took the green orb and it started to crack and break until a very small black snake popped out of it. It was an egg?! The snake was around the size of my palm and…was unexpectedly really really cute. I smiled and rubbed its cute little head. I noticed some ridges at the top of its head and they resembled horns. Odd. It slithered onto my shoulder. [Companion gained: Spawn of ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️] Why the hell is its name censored? Anyways. "Im gonna name you uh…Scaly…I guess." [Youve chosen the name Scaly. Are you sure this name is worth the choice?" Uh yeah? What kind of…is that a bad name or some— [Too late, name changed to {Scaly}] 

Sometimes this system really gets on my nerves…I sighed and turned my sword back into a glove. I rubbed Scaly's head with my finger before turning back to the corpse of the enemy. I walked over to the corpse of the snake and stuck my gloved hand into its chest. I pulled a large crystal, an Aether crystal. Aether crystals contain the power and mana of an Aether beast. What even was that snake?

I activated the eye of the 13th and looked more closely at it. 

[Name: Failed vessel of ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

Species: Giant Snake

Attribute: Darkness, Poison

Status: Deceased] 

Another censored thing? Why is everything being censored? Is there something I'm yet to know? I never heard of something being censored before. I clenched my fist as I held the Aether crystal. I motioned to put it in my pocket before I saw Scaly taking a bite out of the Aether crystal. "Hm? Scaly what are you doing?" [{Scaly} is requesting evolution. N/Y?] Hm? Evolution...?

"Hmph…alright yes." Scaly proceeded to gulp down the entire Aether crystal, a faint green and black glow came from his chest. [Evolution Complete]

[Name: Scaly

Species: Mystical Dragon, Spawn of ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

Attributes: Darkness, Draconic]

Hm…wait what the f*ck?! Mystical Dragon? That's actually crazy…I didn't know those things existed. So this little guy will grow to be like taller than the Empire State Building. Oh right I should probably get out of here…wouldn't want to attract unwanted attention. Good thing I'm close to the city. I used mana web to grab my duffel bags and put scaly in one of them leaving the zipper slightly open so he didn't suffocate. I burst into the air using dark mana and used Starfall to make myself faster and faster to get to New York City.

I made sure to land in an alley and looked around the city. I had absolutely no idea where my parents and my sister lived…this is gonna be annoying.