
Rebirth of Snow Princess Liu Yifei

Liu Yifei once had what people call a 'perfect' life even among the nobles. She was the most beloved princess of her country Her family loved her. Even when her mother died, she got another mother and a step-sister, Zheng Lihua, who she considers as her own. She also has a man in her life, who she loved with all her heart. But unknown to her, she saw the end of her life by the person she loved most, her step-mother, her step-sister, and the love of her life. She was betrayed by the person she trusted the most, stabbed by the one she least expected and lied to by the world. But her story doesn't end. She was given a second chance in life. Reborn back to the past. This time she will protect those she holds dear. With immense power that was hidden in her previous life, she will control it and thrash everyone who once betrayed in her previous life. She will emerge victorious!

Treasure_hunt · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Space station

After confirming the landing protocol, Liu Yifei's hovercar landed on the space station of her planet. As soon as she exited her hovercar, everybody's gaze was on her. A twelve-year-old, piloting a hovercar on her own was shocking to everyone. What was more shocking was that the girl was drenched in blood from head to toe. She looked just like a demon straight from hell.

Whispers arose in the space station regarding the current passenger.

Who was she?

How is she covered in blood?

Had she killed someone or is it her own blood?

Thousands of questions erupted in everybody's mind and they started discussing the possibilities of their questions.

Liu Yifei glanced t everybody's face with her cold eyes making all the whispers around her to stop suddenly. All of them felt a chill running in their back. Some of them gasped at its coldness while other people with a little bit of weak heart, staggered a step back in fear. Everyone present at the vicinity of Liu Yifei can fell a massive burden on their chest as if someone was choking them. They struggled to breathe properly but all they wanted to leave that place and go as far as possible from this 'reincarnated demon'.

Liu Yiefei searched for the boarding schedule flashed on a holographic screen at the end of the corridor.

Space ship- Yander Wall

Destination- Planet Rui

Time- 16:30

Liu Yifei looked at the current time shown at the above-left corner of the boarding schedule and realized that she had only fifteen minutes left to board the ship.

She hastened her steps and arrived at the counter responsible for checking the traveler's passes.

The man sitting on the counter was busy watching something on his tablet screen.

Liu Yifei cleared her throat to gain his attention.

The man looked from his tablet screen and after seeing a child covered in blood in front of her released a girly high pitched scream. He staggered back and fell from his revolving chair. He stood up and seared his desk for any weapon. When he couldn't find anything, he grabbed his family's portrait kept near the holographic screen on his table, and threatened Liu Yifei, "Don't... Don't come any closer. I will kill you." After saying that he started crying. "Sorry, I will not kill you but don't kill me. I will do anything you want." He said between his sobs.

Liu Yifei pursed her lips in annoyance. 'It is just blood. Do they have to be so dramatic about it?' she thought in annoyance.

She placed a glass screen on the tabletop and pointed at it. The man looked confused at her action and stared at her as if she was speaking a different language.

Liu Yifei sighed and pushed her glass tablet further towards him. She didn't have any time for his antics. She was getting late and the space-ship will leave at any minute now. She cleared her throat and said, "This is some kind of dye. I was playing with something and it blasted covering me in red liquid. Me and my siblings like to prank each other like this. It is not blood." She spoke and tried to form an innocent smile but in reality, it made her seem a bit vicious.

"Oh! don't be a baby. It is just some color, right child?" A man sitting on the booth adjacent to the frightened man spoke.

Liu Yifei nodded her head in affirmation.

"See, you act like just a baby. Did you piss yourself?" The man on the adjacent booth chuckled making fun of the frightened man. It was clear from their conversation that there was some kind of grudge between them.

"No, I didn't." The frightened man cleared his throat and croaked making the other man chuckled in response. he was about to retort something when Liu Yifei interrupted them saying, "I have to board a spaceship, will you please fasten your process."

The frightened man gave one long hard glance at her and sat on his chair. He took the glass tablet and placed it on some kind of screening machine. A blue light covered the glass tablet moving from its top to bottom. When the process completed, data regarding Liu Yifei flashed on the holographic monitor placed on the tabletop. The man stored the data and passed the glass tablet to Liu Yifei. She took the glass tablet and put it in her backpack. She was about to leave when the man chimed, "Are you going alone?" Liu Yifei turned around and gave him a cold stare frightening him to his bones. he closed his mouth and without replying anything Liu Yifei went further for security clearance.

She stood on a non-metallic platform and several red-colored beams of light covered her body from all directions. It was to detect any kind of metallic substance or weapons that a traveler might be carrying.

Rui was one of the most powerful planets of Milky way galaxy. It has certain criteria for travelers traveling to that planet. Some of them include not allowing them to bring any weapons with them on their travel. It was said for the safety of their citizens. If Liu Yifei was traveling in any military-related space ship, bringing weapons was not a big deal. But the cons related to it was that she would have to be under the radar of the planet Rui's government all the time. In addition to this, they would have the list of weapons she was bringing with her. That's why to be safe from people's prying eyes, Liu Yifei decided to travel through normal civilian space ship.

The red beams of light scattered all around Liu Yifei's body and later subsided indicating completion of the process.

"Good to go." A worker in-charge of the screening process said looking at the reports shown on his holographic tablet. Liu Yifei nodded and stepped down the platform. No metallic object and no weapons were found on her.

She took her backpack from the counter which was also screened and entered the space ship. She soon located her room number and entered the room, latching it from inside. She has some work to do.

Sorry for late update, I was working on my other book. If you like the story, please vote.

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