
Rebirth of Mr Lu's Divorced Housewife: second chance at love and life.

In a cruel twist of fate, a woman finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage with a cold-hearted husband who strips her of everything she holds dear, leaving her with nothing. But when tragedy strikes and she is granted a second chance at life, she is determined to change her destiny and break free from the shackles of her past. Resolute in her pursuit of a divorce, she is met with an unexpected hurdle—the once indifferent husband who suddenly refuses to sign the papers. Puzzled by his sudden change of heart, she decides to make the best of the situation and utilize her time wisely, knowing that when the marriage eventually ends, she won't be left empty-handed. However, as the days unfold, her cold husband begins to transform. The notorious playboy finds himself enamored by a woman who turns out to be his hidden housewife—a stunning and multi-talented individual whose mere presence demands attention and respect from the world. Armed with knowledge of the future and cleared misunderstandings of the past, our resilient protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. From an oppressed duckling trapped in a loveless marriage, she blossoms into a liberated phoenix, rising above the ashes of her past. With her newfound strength and determination, she navigates a treacherous path, defying societal norms and expectations, and emerges as a force to be reckoned with. This novel will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, from heartbreak and betrayal to resilience and triumph. Join our heroine as she navigates the complexities of love, loss, and personal transformation, all while defying the odds and rewriting her own destiny. Will she seize the opportunity for a better life, or will the shadows of her past continue to haunt her? Prepare to be captivated by this gripping tale of rebirth, redemption, and the pursuit of true happiness.

Ade_joy · Urban
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8 Chs

Rebirth of a broken heart

"I want a divorce."

The room fell into an eerie silence as she mustered the courage to utter those dreaded words. It had been four days since her rebirth, a chance to rewrite her tragic past, and this was the moment she had been dreading. Her heart ached, memories of her previous life tormenting her with every word.

He barely spared her a glance, murmuring in disbelief, "You are joking," as he made his way upstairs, his indifference cutting through her like a knife. She clutched the napkin tightly, her fingers trembling, as she turned towards the dinner table she had meticulously set for him.

Her eyes welled up with unshed tears, her voice a whisper filled with pain, "You should have at least had a taste."

In her past life, she had given him the best years of her life, bearing him a beautiful set of twins. She had withered away, like a forgotten flower, and in return, he had callously handed her signed divorce papers, heartlessly uttering, "Go and live your life." He had taken full custody of their children and quickly remarried one of his numerous mistresses.

The memory of her son's accident came rushing back, the desperation she had felt to see him one last time. But fate had cruelly snatched her away in a fatal car accident, denying her the chance to bid her son farewell. A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she cleared the table, storing away the uneaten meal in the fridge.

"Twenty years together, isn't that too long for you to divorce me so easily?" she had tearfully asked in her past life, desperately seeking answers. His callous reply still haunted her, "That is exactly why. It has been too long." He had reached for a cigar, his actions reflecting his indifference.

She had mustered the strength to ask the question that weighed heavily on her heart, "Did you...did you never...even for once have feelings for me?" Her voice trembled, her vulnerability laid bare.

He laughed and his laughter pierced her soul, "You must have forgotten that it was a business deal. Your family didn't go bankrupt, and you got the title of Mrs. Lu you wanted so badly. Feelings? That has never been an option."

Her concern for their children, their only bond in a loveless marriage, compelled her to inquire about their fate.

With a chilling tone, he assured her, "I will marry another mother for them when I find someone suitable enough. Don't forget, they are my heirs." Just two months later, he had married her own step-sister, leaving her children at the mercy of a stepmother who mirrored her own past suffering.

Desperate to salvage what little connection she had with her children, she had pleaded for co-parenting, only to be met with a restraining order and false accusations of lunacy. The loneliness she endured each day was a constant reminder of her failure as a mother. All she had left were the pictures of her beautiful children, a bittersweet reminder of what she had lost in the divorce.

Leaving his home with nothing but those cherished photographs, she realized too late that her naive belief in love was not enough to sustain a lifelong marriage. Her dreams of growing old together, watching their children flourish, had been shattered by a divorce that left her with nothing. Depression engulfed her, and she merely existed, waiting for death to ease her suffering.

As she ascended the stairs to her room, a sense of determination filled her. She retrieved the divorce papers she had signed, their weight a painful reminder of her failed marriage, and placed them on the nightstand.

A bag packed with her few belongings sat by her side. In this rebirth, she had no children, no reason to succumb to the despair of a failed love. The time was ripe for her to break free, just perfect enough.

With a resolute gaze, she left everything behind. Calling a taxi, she stepped out of the imposing gates of the mansion that had held her captive for two years. Their marriage was still fresh, yet he had returned home reeking of another woman's perfume. This time, she vowed to truly live, liberated from the pain of an unrequited love that had tormented her for two decades.


Reality seemed unclear she found herself in a hotel room, shaken from the encounter with her ex-husband who had just walked into her room. It had to be a dream, she thought, rubbing her eyes in disbelief. However, the cold gaze that met her eyes when she reopened them shattered any illusions she held.

He stood before her, his expression void of emotion. Panic surged through her veins as she hastily sat up, clutching the blanket to shield herself from his piercing stare.

"You went on a trip without informing me," he stated monotonously, his words cutting through the air as he approached her.

Her voice trembled as she sought to clarify the truth, "I did not go on a trip. I left you, I divorced you." A sliver of hope flickered within her, believing that her rebirth had changed the course of their lives.

"I never heard of that," he retorted sharply, dismissing her declaration. "I will take a shower," he stated matter-of-factly, his words leaving her stunned. As he disappeared behind the bathroom door, she seized the opportunity to gather her belongings, her mind racing.

Swiftly slipping into her blouse, which lay folded on the nearby chaise-lounge, she fought against the rising panic. Her trembling hands found her skirt, and she hastily dressed, all the while aware of the ticking clock and the urgency of her escape.

With her bag slung over her shoulder, she swung the door open, her heart pounding. But to her dismay, two guards stood resolute, blocking her path. Determined not to be hindered, she raised her head and met the gaze of the towering guard before her. Her voice carried a firm resolve as she uttered, "I need to leave."