
Rebirth of Mr Lu's Divorced Housewife: second chance at love and life.

In a cruel twist of fate, a woman finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage with a cold-hearted husband who strips her of everything she holds dear, leaving her with nothing. But when tragedy strikes and she is granted a second chance at life, she is determined to change her destiny and break free from the shackles of her past. Resolute in her pursuit of a divorce, she is met with an unexpected hurdle—the once indifferent husband who suddenly refuses to sign the papers. Puzzled by his sudden change of heart, she decides to make the best of the situation and utilize her time wisely, knowing that when the marriage eventually ends, she won't be left empty-handed. However, as the days unfold, her cold husband begins to transform. The notorious playboy finds himself enamored by a woman who turns out to be his hidden housewife—a stunning and multi-talented individual whose mere presence demands attention and respect from the world. Armed with knowledge of the future and cleared misunderstandings of the past, our resilient protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. From an oppressed duckling trapped in a loveless marriage, she blossoms into a liberated phoenix, rising above the ashes of her past. With her newfound strength and determination, she navigates a treacherous path, defying societal norms and expectations, and emerges as a force to be reckoned with. This novel will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, from heartbreak and betrayal to resilience and triumph. Join our heroine as she navigates the complexities of love, loss, and personal transformation, all while defying the odds and rewriting her own destiny. Will she seize the opportunity for a better life, or will the shadows of her past continue to haunt her? Prepare to be captivated by this gripping tale of rebirth, redemption, and the pursuit of true happiness.

Ade_joy · Urban
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8 Chs

Given no other option

She caused them to laugh harder when her sister claimed she had lost her mind and a professional diagnosis; she spent a couple of months in a mental asylum.

Among his many offers, he did not even remember to grant her the pride of making their relationship public, well, if that would be worthy enough to be a pride to be the wife of an infamous playboy. What Mrs. Lu? Aside from her family members, no one else knew that she had that title. She did not even change her name; she was still known as Miss. Lin Jing.

He was silent as she was lost in her thought. She sighed as she could guess that his silence meant he was not going to respond to what she told him, and she turned to leave.

"What do you mean by that?" he suddenly asked her before she could walk away.

"I meant what I said," she replied without looking back. "This is not healthy; you can have your life without my gloomy existence while I find something... ."

"There is no life for you outside these walls unless I want that," he interrupted her. "I will strengthen the security around the house so don't be too surprised to see a few guards around," he added coldly.

Her life revolved around him in the past but this time, it was different, he was not giving her the chance.

With a quiet sigh, she walked out of his study. She was too tired at this point that all she wanted was the softness of her bed and the warmth of her covers.


Her biological clock woke up early as usual despite the fatigue she still felt from the journey. The warmth wrapped around her was more than the warmth of the covers and the scent that filled her nose was beyond the scent in the covers.

She felt it was too much of an illusion for her to connect them to the only familiar one she knew. Her nose and body felt good around them but her foggy brain felt it was too good to be real but since it was a dream, there was no need to escape.

She snuggled into those strong arms. Her back was rubbed soothingly as a gentle whisper came close to her hair, "Go back to sleep."

Like a spell, she returned to her deep slumber with gentle pats on her shoulders so relaxing, she felt too weak to fight the tiredness that subjected her to the spell.

When she woke up, it was already noon according to the digital clock on the bedside table. Shocked by that, she hurriedly stood up from the bed to get hit by a dizzy spell that pushed her back to the bed.

A scent filled her nose that caused her to look at the other side of the bed and there was no sign that anyone had lain on it or used the pillows. She brushed the thought as she stared at the chandelier hanging down the ceiling in the middle of her room.

When she thought of the fact that she did not want to act as his housewife anymore as she wanted a divorce, she stayed in bed a little longer until she began to feel hungry.

She stood up from the bed and then cleaned up in the bathroom before going downstairs. An aroma filled her nose as she walked got to the ground floor. She hurried into the kitchen to see food on the island.

The kitchen was clean but as someone who has cooked in that kitchen for more than two decades, she was sure someone had used the kitchen. There was meat, vegetable, and a bit of rice, it was a complete meal for her.

She began feeling the warmth spread because, for the first time in two lives as an adult, this was the first time someone was nice enough to have her meal ready aside from her stay in the hospital.

She wondered who it was since she had never seen her husband as someone who could cook or someone who would be willing to go into the kitchen for her but when she could not see anyone else around and they did not have a housekeeper, she concluded it was her husband who made it.

She swallowed as a strange feeling filled her heart. She sat down on a stool and without hesitation, she began to eat. The food was still warm whoever cooked had to still be around or had just left.

She felt ashamed that she was eating without appreciating him first but the meal was so nice as she was hungry, she did not stop eating. She had lost her appetite on the plane and she did not eat properly, this was just what her body needed.

"Good morning Mrs. Lu," a voice came from behind her as she sat with her back facing the kitchen entrance.

She froze and immediately choked on her food. That was a voice she could not recognize and she reached for water first to ease the feeling of discomfort before turning to face the intruder.

Her heart raced as she prayed that her husband had not become brutal enough to bring in his mistress. When she met the woman's gaze, she concluded that she was overthinking as she was sure her husband was not into older women.

The middle-aged woman smiled causing her brown eyes to brighten.

"Who are you?" Lin Jing asked.

"I am the new housekeeper, Mr. Lu was in a hurry, he told me to introduce myself to you when you wake up. My name is Ye Qiao."

Watching the woman, she could not help but feel impressed by her composure and appearance which showed she was a professional. She would not help but wonder how her husband got a trained housekeeper in less than a day and have her prepare lunch for her.

She was lost in words as she had no idea how to react to what the woman just said. She was used to doing the house chores that the few minutes she spent on her bed reluctant to come downstairs was difficult for her.

"My assistant and I will do everything around the house," Ye Qiao said just in time for a fair lady probably in her mid-thirties to walk into the room. The lady made her rethink her conclusion that her husband wasn't into older women.