
Rebirth of Mr Lu's Divorced Housewife: second chance at love and life.

In a cruel twist of fate, a woman finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage with a cold-hearted husband who strips her of everything she holds dear, leaving her with nothing. But when tragedy strikes and she is granted a second chance at life, she is determined to change her destiny and break free from the shackles of her past. Resolute in her pursuit of a divorce, she is met with an unexpected hurdle—the once indifferent husband who suddenly refuses to sign the papers. Puzzled by his sudden change of heart, she decides to make the best of the situation and utilize her time wisely, knowing that when the marriage eventually ends, she won't be left empty-handed. However, as the days unfold, her cold husband begins to transform. The notorious playboy finds himself enamored by a woman who turns out to be his hidden housewife—a stunning and multi-talented individual whose mere presence demands attention and respect from the world. Armed with knowledge of the future and cleared misunderstandings of the past, our resilient protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. From an oppressed duckling trapped in a loveless marriage, she blossoms into a liberated phoenix, rising above the ashes of her past. With her newfound strength and determination, she navigates a treacherous path, defying societal norms and expectations, and emerges as a force to be reckoned with. This novel will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, from heartbreak and betrayal to resilience and triumph. Join our heroine as she navigates the complexities of love, loss, and personal transformation, all while defying the odds and rewriting her own destiny. Will she seize the opportunity for a better life, or will the shadows of her past continue to haunt her? Prepare to be captivated by this gripping tale of rebirth, redemption, and the pursuit of true happiness.

Ade_joy · Urban
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8 Chs

End this!

"Where are you going to?" he asked her as soon as he opened the door of the room.

Her brow furrowed as she turned and lifted her head to look at him. "I have to leave," she told him as firmly as she could.

"If there is a place you need to be in then I can go with you," he told her stretching his hand towards her.

She looked down at the luggage she held before shaking her head firmly. Even if she did not want to do it for herself, she had to do it for her future kids. He was a good father to their kids but her son died too young in his care.

Perhaps the kid did not die since she never made it to the hospital to confirm but she had always felt that her kids would not be safe under her sister's care which had to be the reason why she was diagnosed as schizophrenic. She had every reason to feel that way since she was never treated well by the mother-and-daughter duo.

"Come on," he gestured towards her impatiently when she remained still.

Tears filled her eyes as she shook her head at the horror of the past repeating itself. "No," she murmured when he took a step close to her.

"No, I don't want to," she continued to object. There was no way she would want to accept this fate once more. He made her think of the devil pulling her to join him in hell. Two decades of hell was enough for her.

"Come in," he reached for her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze before she had the chance to pull away from his hold. "We could talk if that is what you want."

His touch was warm, this was the first time he had bothered to touch her so gently. He never even wanted to touch her at all. Looking at the guards, she knew an escape was not an option, perhaps she could talk him out of holding her back.

When she stepped into the room and he closed the door of the room behind her, it occurred to her that she might have made the greatest mistake of her life by agreeing to walk back into the room.

She pulled her hand away from his hold and let her luggage slide down to the floor. She raised her head to look at him but tears blurred her vision. "I don't want to be with you anymore," she looked down and mopped her tears before telling him decisively.

"I will pretend that I did not hear that, you look tired, how about you rest?" he asked walking to the bed.

She felt jetlagged but the rest was far from what she wanted. "Why do you care about what I do? You never did in the past two years. What gives you the right to worry about me?" she asked him meeting his gaze as he sat down on the bed relaxed as though she was not about to lose her mind where stood.

"If you are not tired, I am. I feel so jetlagged I need a couple of hours to rest," he told her as he stood up. He removed the dressing coat he wore and laid down on the bed as though she had not asked a question that needed an answer.

She bit her lips realizing that he would not care about what she had to say and she might be wasting her time. She hated it so much but he was unwilling to let her go meaning those men at the door won't let her go either.

She stood at the entrance watching him slowly fall asleep. His breathing was so steady and calm as though there was nothing in the world that could hurt him.

She did not leave that spot and when he legs felt too tired from standing, she sat on the floor with her back pressed against the cold wall that slowly warmed up from her prolonged touch.

Her eyes were still open as she thought of what went wrong. He never spared her a glance in her past life and she was sure that he would have asked someone to help her pack up if she requested a divorce.

Still lost in her thought, the man finally stood up from his nap and looked around to see her sitting on the floor, he asked, "What are you doing there?"

"Waiting for you to tell those men to let me go," she replied as she stood up. Her legs felt so weak causing her to slump to the floor.

He walked to her and stretched his hand towards her. "I have no intention to tell them that. We leave for the airport in thirty minutes, you should take a bath and change into something else."

She ignored his hands remaining on the floor.

"You are too old to throw childish tantrums like this," he watched her for a few seconds before saying. He pulled his hand back and walked to the door of the bathroom where he stopped and looked at her. "We leave as soon as I walk out of the bathroom whether you are ready or not," he informed her.

She turned away ignoring his words. When he walked out of the bathroom, he dressed and stretched his hand to her and when she did not take his hands, he squatted before her and met her gaze with his cold grey eyes.

He stretched his hand towards her cheeks and she moved away before he could touch her. He pulled his hand seeing her refusal to accept his touch and he stood up. "We should leave now. I do not feel like knocking you out. It would be a little stressful but not impossible," he said as he walked back to the bed to get his phone.

Watching his broad back, she knew he meant every word he said causing her to stand up. "It was just a business transaction," she told him. "Which I wish to terminate. I don't care about what happens to my dad's business. It is up to you to do as you see fit to him and his company but just let me go."

"Don't make it sound like you are of any importance to me," his cold voice corrected as he turned to face.

"Then sign the divorce papers as I did and let's end this stupid relationship," she replied as she fearlessly met his cold gaze.