
Rebirth of Magitechnologist

Alan a genius prodigy who went along with his parents wishes and abandoned the things he liked the most, he lived a mediocre life and when the world faced catastrophe he became nothing but a cannon fodder for the strong and died. Reborn back to the time where everything had gone wrong he decided to change his fate.

Alan_White · Games
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The third floor was solely for shopping and there were a lot of people in this floor. The items sold by the Adventurer's Organisation are very expensive and not many could afford it so most of the people here are rich and influential people of the kingdom. I went straight to public desk and register myself as a member and paid 10 million gold coins to becoming one and opened a private room for myself.

The room was nice and comfy with a lot of facilities i sat on the sofa set and a holographic screen popped up from the table and from its side a smart pen appeared. It contains a list of all items available in the whole Adventurer's Organisation and we can buy them as long as we have money with us.

All the buildings of Adventurer's Organisation are connected by a space network by which all items we ordered are delivered to us on the same day. I picked up the pen and began searching for occupations for spirit emperor race and got hundreds of results.

I don't need to worry about my race as spirit emperor to leak as player's data are treated with strict confidentiality and privacy policy make sure that no one could know about your purchase in the game.

Out of hundreds of results all of them were either common or rare occupations which any spirit race member can took upon and none of them caught my attention scrolling down i finally got an occupation that suited my choice.

[Spirit Royal Mage

Grade: High Epic

Requirements: Spirit Emperor Race

Descendants of First Spirit Emperor, the holder gains ability to use supreme spirit magic and at the same time can use all of the weapons available with spirit energy imbued attacks. The holder gets ability to control and order normal spirits

but holder have to gain 5 times experience than normal requirements.

Cost: 10 Arcana Coins]

The occupations are divided into common, uncommon, rare, noble, legacy, Crown, legendary and Epic grades with three categories of low, medium and high.

There were other Epic grade occupations too but all of them were either completely on the side of mages or other types but none of them were able to take me full advantage of my talents as most of them were not being able to but this one fits perfectly with me.

The occupation was perfect for me and price was quite low for an high epic grade occupation may be due to racial requirements and all, the Arcana coin is strongest currency of the whole world and ratio with gold coins is of

1 Arcana Coin : 3 Billion Gold Coins

Without any hesitation i choose this occupation and added it to my cart.

It costs too much money but i can't complain and earn much, not until I'm in this small kingdom and can't leave till the world merges, the whole kingdom is enclosed by a barrier which restricts players from crossing borders and meet people of other civilizations and will not be removed until the worlds are merged.

Thinking about the things i have to buy i couldn't help but sigh

'Im really poor sigh'

If one has an occupation he/she could level up to further levels but after a certain level it also goes through grade advancement in which we have to go through trials and advance our grades. There are total of 10 grades where at level 10 is the level of True God at which Arcania who was born at and is being for only she knows how many years.

At level 9 there are 7 strongest ones who are struck at because of slavery Arcania has imposed on them.

It's not that there weren't any level 10 and Arcania doesn't want any opponent, before Tyrant Azazel was the last person who reached level 10 but died soon after at the hands of 7 strongest ones.

Arcania just doesn't care about anything and even if someone reaches true God level he/she can't compete with her as she is born at true God level and lived for such a long time do you really think it is possible to defeat her.

I then searched for vice profession and selected Magitechnologist profession like previous life as it was the most profitable profession in the whole world.

Magitechnologist: A profession which consists of all knowledge of alchemy, runesmithing, blacksmithing, engineering, programming, medical and a lot of other knowledge.

Vice profession didn't have any grades and are quite different from occupation. The introduction may make it sound a bit tough but for me who has perfect memory and high intelligence it isn't a big of a deal.

The problems of magitechnologists are they have to study a lot and compromise on their strength but all their hardwork does pay them off as they earn the most.

A magitechnologist can create anything without any restriction and the only thing one requires to become successful is their creativity and knowledge. If a person have these then there is no need for him to worry about money in his life.

In my previous life i was a rogue magitechnologist and in this life too i want to become a rogue magitechnologist, i never liked the idea of working under someone that is why I never joined a proper company and lived as a rogue magitechnologist, the person i was inspired the to be so was someone of this world a late magitechnologist and one of the richest man in the history he was a rogue magitechnologist and first one to use AI and fully automatic robot factories for making making his products and soon rise to become the richest man and finally dying a natural death.

His way of working inspired many other magitechnologist but all of them gone bankrupt because of intervention of rich and influential families who feared that this will bring loss to them and because of this no second man like him was ever born.

I can start a company on my own but i don't want to because of three reasons, first you need talented and trustworthy employees which are hard to find and i don't have any thing to make them attract. Second is that managing a company Is a very tiring work and requires a lot of time to make a company grow. And the third i am just too lazy to work and manage a company.

I want to become richest man of this planet who was ever born and as a rogue magitechnologist i have higher chances of becoming one and i have a perfect plan for this, but for it to work i will require to have strength to protect myself and enough money to invest on my plan, with the knowledge of future it isn't a problem for me to accomplish these two tasks and my biggest challenge is to make connections and increase my influence for it i will have to rank up in my Adventurer's ranking.

Thinking about the future I didn't get any headache but instead I felt excited, a strange feeling arose inside my heart, i didn't feel any feeling of excitement like this before in my life but I knew why I'm feeling it now it is excitement of challenges and i finally have it now, a goal for myself a goal to be at the top of everyone in this world.

I began to buy new platinum grade gears, skill books, equipments and things i will need and ordered all of it, it all cost me more than 47 Billion Gold Coins and i left the private room and booked a room at hotel above for a night, all the things i ordered were all delivered at my room within an hour.

The sky was getting dark already i didn't directly equiped all of things but went on a stroll in the city and bought a house, car and smartphone for myself in the city the furnitures and few other things for my new villa and returned to my hotel room for a sleep.